The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1477: The battle in front of the palace gate

Suddenly, a sudden loud shout awakened all the people outside the house.

Seeing that someone has responded, and some people have opened their dim eyes, looking at the sky above their heads.

The moon is high, the stars are dotted

It's still early in the morning, why does the master take a bath in the middle of the night?

Didn’t you just turn off the lights and go to sleep after washing?

However, I guessed in my heart, but no one dared to ask one more word.

Those who don't need to use their hands, holding a spear or a long sword at this moment, their body is upright, watching everything in the courtyard vigilantly.

That night, Qin Yizhi soaked in the tub and stayed up all night.

The warm water was already cold, and the cold water enveloped him, but it could not extinguish the strong desire in his heart. He dared not close his eyes at all. When he closed his eyes, the cute little cat broke into him. Lingering on his mind, it messed up his mind again.

I had no choice but to lie there for one night, drenched black hair scattered under his body, faintly sketching his slender and tall figure.

The long, narrow and charming phoenix eyes, long and thick eyelashes, under the shadow of Ye Mingzhu, shed bursts of light and shadow.

Staring at the dark roof above his head without blinking, he stayed up all night.

When he finally fell asleep in a daze, Ah You's knock on the door came from outside: "Master, Mao Shi is almost here!"

Qin Yizhi opened his eyes suddenly, stood out from the bathtub, wiped off the water on his body, put on sleazy clothes and trousers, and then shouted, "Come in!"

The people outside the room immediately walked in, one carrying water, one carrying towel, and the other going straight to Qin Yizhi's side, taking off the clothes hanging on the elevated shelf and serving him to put them on.

After washing, the door slowly opened, and Qin Yizhi strode out, where there was still such a frustration as just now, and the grievance of a child who wants candy.

He was dressed in dark black court clothes, embroidered with eight-claw gold dragon patterns on the hem, and complicated cloud and thunder patterns woven with gold silk embroidery threads on the left and right cuffs. Stepping on the dark gold tiger step boots, with his right hand behind him, he stalked his head and walked out of the house proudly.

Seeing him walking by, the guards outside bowed their heads, not daring to take another look.

That cold face like an immortal, like thousands of years of ice, makes people afraid to approach, and the narrow and narrow phoenix eyes that are not angry and prestigious are even more terrifying wherever they go. Dare to blaspheme.

This is the myth of the Qing Dynasty, the yearning of many aspiring men.

Jade-faced Shura's general, the wind and rain of the regent, looked at the world, and looked down upon the situation.

During the walk, there is wind, and the eight-claw gold dragon pattern embroidered on the dark black dress, flying with the clothes, the teeth and claws are flaring, making people fearful.

After passing by, the courageous person slightly raised his head to look at Qin Mozhi's departed back, only to feel that the departed back like an immortal, like an immortal in the sky, so elegant, noble, and noble. .

No matter how many years they have been with the master, few people dare to look directly at the prince. The master's long and narrow phoenix eyes are like ice, which can instantly sink those who look at him.

When the palace gate was reached, all the courtiers who needed to go up were waiting outside the palace gate. As a sedan chair appeared in sight, those two huge night pearls hung on both sides of the sedan chair to illuminate the road forward. .

The familiar light appeared in front of his eyes, and someone said loudly: "Here is the Regent!"

Immediately afterwards, a sedan chair came on another street, and someone said: "Here, Lord Ming!"

All the courtiers heard the sound and immediately gave up a passage spontaneously. They saw two sedan chairs on the left and the right arrived at the palace gate at the same time, and the sedan chair on the left wanted to compete for the first place, so he took a few steps quickly and grabbed it. In front of the sedan on the right.

Qin Yizhi in the sedan chair was closing his eyes and rested. He hadn't slept all night, so he would take this opportunity to take a good nap.

Suddenly, as King Ming's sedan chair jumped into the line quickly, Qin Yizhi's sedan chair evaded aside in order to avoid it, and it shook slightly.

Qin Mozhi felt the strangeness of the sedan chair, his closed phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and his cold eyes said, "What's the matter?"

Ah You hurriedly leaned over the sedan curtain and whispered, "Master, the sedan chair of King Ming just fought over!"

When Qin Mozhi heard this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't speak, and said nothing, and closed his eyes again.

Ah You waited for a long time and didn't hear the master's reply, and he took a long sigh of relief, then drove the carriage again and walked towards the gate of the palace.

The soldiers guarding the gate of the palace saw two carriages coming one after another, and then looked at the front one that turned out to be King Ming's carriage. A guard was about to open the door, but was stopped by the chief guard at the side and shouted in a low voice: "Don't you have eyes? Didn't see the regent's carriage behind!"

"But, this King Ming's carriage has arrived!" The guard said nervously.

This King Ming is also the prince, or the uncle of the current emperor, and he is a character that is not easy to mess with!

The chief guard slapped him and yelled: "I don't know what is good or bad, but the regent is following the prince behind the emperor. Can you tell which one is more important? You are not allowed to open the palace gate and wait for the regent. When the carriage arrives, it opens the gates of both palaces together!"

King Ming's carriage had rushed to stop at the gate of the palace and stood in a good position.

Ah You drove the carriage, in the worship and curiosity of the ministers, all wanted to stretch their heads to see the honor in the car curtain, but the heavy car curtain, even if there was a breeze, remained still. The scene inside can't be seen at all.

I had no choice but to give up. Then, I saw a guard yelling: "Open the gate!"

Obviously, the regent's carriage had arrived at the gate of the palace, and although the carriage of King Ming had arrived at the gate of the palace a long time ago, he waited for a while at the gate of the palace, still waiting for Qin Yizhi's carriage to arrive before the palace gate opened.

The two sedan chairs entered the gate of the palace at the same time, and the two teams of important court officials behind them followed behind the sedan chair and trot all the way.

King Ming, sitting in the sedan chair, angrily pulled Bai Yu into two halves. He looked at the carriage beside the carriage through the sedan curtain, a face that was amiable and amiable. He was angry at the moment and his eyes were angry. , I can't wait for a fire to burn the carriage.

Although Qin Mozhi closed his eyes, his keen sense of martial arts for many years had already felt the fierce light from the sedan chair next door.

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