The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1553: Madam Fang

"Yu Shu, you're making fun of me again!" Fang Peiya's face turned red when she heard it, she stood up, and was about to chase Tan Yushu, and the two of them went to the next room in a chase. went.

Seeing this happy look, Madam Fang's face was even more satisfied.

How simple is the happiness that such a woman wants, but there are still people who do not give her such simple happiness!

"Anping County Lord" Mrs. Fang said.

"Madam just calls me Xiaowan!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Madam Fang nodded and looked at her gratefully: "If it wasn't for you this time, Peiya, this child could not lose weight, all this is your credit! I am here to thank Anping County Lord, Anping County will mainly be useful in the future. Wherever you go, please ask the Anping County Lord to speak up, and she will do everything she can!"

If Mrs. Fang and Gu Xiaowan were not familiar with Tan Yushu, the words of gratitude they gave became more respectful.

However, Gu Xiaowan is not the kind that can help you if someone gives you a favor.

There was always a faint smile on her face: "Mrs. Fang doesn’t have to be like this. Xiao Wan is just predestined with Peiya. Moreover, the credit does not belong to Xiao Wan, it belongs to Peiya. This child can eat what ordinary people can’t. The hardships you endure and the perseverance that ordinary girls don’t have. Just such courage and perseverance has proven that Peiya is definitely not a simple girl!"

The road to weight loss is long and hard, and only those who have tasted it know how difficult this road is!

"Xiaowan, you are indeed a rare good girl! It seems that the county lord of Anping is not as what the outside world said. Moreover, Peiya also told me about the last time he was in the Ming Palace. The princess is really knowledgeable. Very knowledgeable!" Madam Fang sighed. When she first heard about it before, she felt a bit abrupt under the emperor’s canonization. After all, no one could figure out what such a girl was like, and never figured out. Before, I canonized a rural girl as the head of Anping County. Isn't this a joke of royal honor?

Everyone is waiting to see the jokes of this Anping county host. How do you know that such people have become the legends in the mouths of these jokes.

What happened at the poems and songs meeting yesterday has been spread throughout the Qing Dynasty. I am afraid that now, no one knows Gu Xiaowan, and no one knows the county lord of Anping.

"Madam is absurdly praised. These reputations are nothing but things outside of the body. If one day, I shouldn't deserve such praise, but it is like waving my hand, whether I will bring it or die, it will be like passing away!" Gu Xiaowan didn't care. Said.

But these words meant something, Madam Fang was very moved after hearing it. "Xiaowan, what you said is a bit Zen, do you know how to participate in Zen?" Mrs. Fang asked suspiciously.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "I don't understand, all I understand is that life is sometimes necessary, and there is no time to force it. Moreover, on the road of forcefulness, I must give more than I get, and it may not be. Return, a chase without return, no one will be a fool, no one will do harmful things!"

"Sometimes in fate is necessary, and there is no time in fate." Madam Fang read the passage that Gu Xiaowan said just now, thinking sadly: "Yes, everyone knows that it is their own, not their own. , I can’t ask for it, but it’s been so long, struggled for so long, read for so long, if you want to give up, who can give up!"

Madam Fang sighed and pointed out something. Gu Xiaowan didn't point it, but continued to enlighten, pointing to the hot tea in front of him and said: "Madam, this life is like this pot, and the fire below is like the torment of life. And punishment. Every one of us is roasting and simmering on this fire. From the cold water at the beginning, it turns to warm water and boiling water, and finally reaches the peak. At this time, we add the fragrant tea leaves, which is like our Adding fresh and interesting things to your life, whether it is good tea or bad tea, is a gift to our life. The fire is still simmering, the tea in the teapot is rolling, and the aroma is getting stronger and stronger. This At that time, the taste of tea has reached its peak. If the fire continues to burn, what would you say to this tea?"

After Gu Xiaowan said it, she didn't say everything, but threw a question to Mrs. Fang.

"The water will boil. The water will either put out the fire, or the fire will dry the water and burst the pot!" Madam Fang thought for a while before repliing.

Her answer was very pertinent, she said not only the possibility of the pot, but also the possibility of the fire, not an extreme person.

Gu Xiaowan nodded secretly in her heart. It would be easier for such a wise Madam Fang to persuade her.

"What the madam said is very reasonable, these kinds of situations are possible!" Gu Xiaowan held the teapot, poured hot tea into the cup, and the yellow tea soup exuded a faint aroma, which made people feel refreshed.

"Madam, if the fire and the pot compete against each other, they will only lose out in the end. It is better to jump out of this fire pit as soon as possible, leave the tea with a delicate fragrance, and enjoy it slowly! Otherwise, it will be consumed by the fire. Even the pot can’t be kept, and in the end it can only be a loss for both sides. However, the teapot is so beautiful and the tea is so fragrant, why can't you follow the fire!" Gu Xiaowan picked up the cup and blew the heat gently, which also meant something. Said referring to.

Madam Fang was soaked in the back house, and after listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, she instantly understood what she meant.

The host of Anping County meant to leave the Fang Mansion as soon as possible!

Madam Fang had been persuaded a few times, especially after her body got better, Madam Lu persuaded the desperate daughter to make a decision.

Mrs. Lu is also for her good, and only she knows what life she has lived in such a long time in Fang Mansion.

During those silent years, she was the only one who knew what life she was living.

Madam Fang's face was sullen, and she didn't go on with Gu Xiaowan's words. Instead, she looked at the teapot and fire in front of her, dazed, and stunned.

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