The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1556: Mother and daughter talk

Fang Peiya was so sad that she really had tears falling from her eyes.

Reluctantly bid farewell to them, Fang Peiya waited to return to the yard, without so many eyes, the tears in the eye sockets immediately disappeared.

How could she not understand the movements of sister and Yushu, for fear that she would still have eyes to stare at them!

Fortunately, my grandparents had the foresight, so I emptied this place early. The maternal and maidservants who served in it were all from my grandparents, and there was a mother's confidant, and then I was myself.

All the food, clothing, and drinking were taken by the mothers themselves. After the medicine was grabbed from the pharmacy, they were locked in the cabinet, and there were two keys inside, one of which was placed in Gui Mother's body, the other one was placed on Nianping's body, it wouldn't work without one.

This can be a good guard against someone doing bad things.

The medicine was also cooked by the mother herself and brought in by herself, and she never left anyone's sight. They do all the clothes they don’t wash, dry, and incense. Although they are a little bit tiring, they pay off.

Under such airtight protection, Mrs. Fang's health quickly recovered. From the beginning of vomiting blood, she couldn't get out of bed, and now she has a slightly ruddy complexion, and she can get out of bed for some distance. This is all the credit of their hard work.

Fang Peiya came to Madam Fang’s room. The curtains had been put down inside the inner room to block the sunlight outside. The room was quiet, and the conversation between Fang Peiya and Madam Gui could be heard.

"My mother slept?"

"Well, I just fell asleep, and it's been a long time since I saw my lady so happy. I have been sitting for so long this time!" Madam Gui said contentedly.

"Yes, my mother will definitely get better and better in the future!" Fang Peiya muttered.

Suddenly a voice came from inside: "Peya, come in!"

It was Mrs. Fang's voice.

Fang Peiya gave a hum and walked inside.

Madam Gui saw it. She knew that the mother and daughter had something to say, and she didn't bother. She lowered the curtain, went out of the inner room, closed the door, and stayed outside.

The mother and daughter were locked in the room and talked. No one went in. No one knew what the mother and daughter said in the room, but Fang Peiya looked relaxed when she came out. It seemed to be relieved of the burden.

It’s already twilight. In the late autumn, the clouds on the horizon have not yet disappeared. The red clouds and the blue sky and white clouds of Phnom Penh are mixed together by the sunset. The twilight is dim and the setting sun is bloody. Extraordinarily magnificent, the piercing eye mask is like a dream and illusion, as if half the sky has been burned by fire, and the golden light is bright.

Fang Peiya has always been standing under the eaves, watching the sunset that has no dazzling light, and the surrounding clouds are glowing red and drunk, overflowing with a beautiful scene.

This sunset is really beautiful!

"Little lady, the old lady passed dinner over there. Just now you and the lady were talking in it, so I didn't disturb you!" Nianping came over and said respectfully with her eyes down, although Lu Wenxin had already married out. After returning to Lu's house, the family still called her the young lady.

Fang Peiya nodded, with a faint smile on her face: "Well, I will pass now!"

After speaking, he walked towards the gate of the courtyard, behind which was Nianping who stayed to serve Lu Wenxin.

Looking at the lady who was a bit dull before, now that brisk back and relaxed face seemed to have seen something away.

Is the afterglow of the sunset really so beautiful?

Nianping raised her head and looked at the red clouds in half of the sky, but as soon as she raised her head, the sunset finally sank, and the red red clouds disappeared.

The night is finally here!

At night, after Gu Xiaowan had a meal, she walked around the Qingyuan quickly. When she returned to the yard, she was already sweating, but Kou Dan had long ordered people to prepare hot water for the bath. When Gu Xiaowan came back, she went directly to the bathroom.

Gu Xiaowan took off her clothes, walked into the tub, and sat down, leaving only her shoulders above.

Surrounded by rigorous stone walls, there is nowhere for people to come in except for the door and the window that came in.

Gu Xiaowan felt relieved and lay down in the bathtub comfortably. The warm water covered her white as creamy skin, and her dark and smooth hair covered most of her fragrant shoulders and beautiful back. She lay on the edge of the bucket. , Zuo Zuo helped her wash her hair.

This soaking wiped away all her anxiety and boredom that had been in the past few days.

"Brother Yizhi will come tonight. You are ready for some supper to warm up. When he comes back I am afraid he will be hungry!" Gu Xiaowan closed her beautiful eyes, her long and narrow eyelashes swept light and shadow under the candlelight, and her pink lips were light. Kai, exhorted softly.

Since I knew that Qin Yizhi was on duty in the palace, he only had one night's vacation every half month. I heard that he was visiting the palace at night and entered the Imperial Forest Army to protect the safety of the palace.

Qin Yizhi also thought that Gu Xiaowan would feel aggrieved when he talked about joining the Yulin Army as a small guard. She did not feel aggrieved and worried about his safety in the palace. After all, she was wearing a sword. The guards are going to take their lives to be safe.

Therefore, every time I see Qin Yizhi, Gu Xiaowan's endless words are to make him pay attention to safety, be careful, etc. Although I listen to her every time, every time I hear her talk, I feel like eating honey in my heart. general.

Although he doesn't like sweets!

After dealing with the last memorial, Qin Yizhi only felt exhausted, and there had been more incidents in Chaozhong recently.

Not only the Qing dynasty, but even the small neighboring countries are beginning to feel uneasy. It seems that they have not fought for a long time, and these small countries have become more and more innocent.

Qin Yizhi sighed and looked at the sky outside. Seeing that it was so late, he guessed that the kitten was about to rest. He went to the inner room, changed into ordinary clothes, opened the secret passage, and walked in. .

When I saw Gu Xiaowan, the light was still on in the house. She was still waiting when she wanted to come.

"Master Qin, you are here, the girl has been waiting for you!" Ah Zuo said when he saw that Qin Yizhi was finally here, and hurriedly stepped forward to give a respectful salute.

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