The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1558: you are mine

A curse, but no anger, full of tenderness.

It seemed to be flirting and cursing, her waist was soft and boneless, and even weaker, she was limp in someone's arms.

And she couldn't help narrowing her blurred eyes with Qin Yizhi's sucking, seeming to enjoy and struggle.

This invigorating moon is bright and breezy, beautiful and beautiful, sinking for you.

"Miss, supper is here!" Suddenly, an untimely voice rang outside the door, and the shocked two quickly separated.

Kou Dan came over with a midnight snack and knocked on the door. Gu Xiaowan remembered that Qin Yizhi had prepared a midnight snack for Qin Yizhi tonight, because he was afraid that he would be hungry when he came late.

The gentleness of the moment just now made her forget all this.

She secretly raised her eyes to look at Qin Yizhi, and saw that he was just like herself at the moment, his face flushed, and his eyes were affectionate, looking at him tenderly and affectionately.

Gu Xiaowan felt hot on her body, and in her heart she felt as if she had no desire to be satisfied, and the gully was difficult to settle.

"Kou Dan is here" Gu Xiaowan swallowed, trying to hold back her inner emotions, but her voice was still a little squishy, ​​and it sounded even more tickling in her heart, like a cat's paws scratching him. Like heart.

Qin Yizhi's eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan's heart, only knowing that if she was sitting down, she wouldn't even want to open this door.

"I'm going to open the door" Gu Xiaowan adjusted her clothes and stood up. The tenderness, charming, pink face and cheeks made the people beside her feel moved.

Gu Xiaowan just stood up and stretched out her feet, stepping on the soft carpet with jade feet stained with red Dancome, wanting to take a step forward.

However, a sudden gust of wind blew beside him, and he saw that Qin Yizhi, who was supposed to be sitting on the couch, had stood in front of him, and the road in front of Gu Xiaowan was blocked by her tall and straight body.

Gu Xiaowan raised her head when her nose touched her solid chest with a faint fragrance

The hair scattered behind his head, a pair of slender fingers with distinct knots, slowly gathered the hair of the person in front of him, Qin Yizhi lowered his head, gently pressed his forehead against Gu Xiaowan’s forehead, and spit it out gently. The breath contains a faint fragrance of cast snow buds

Let Gu Xiaowan get drunk again.

She forgot what she had to do when she got up, and only felt that the familiar smell made her fascinated.

She raised her hands, the white jade bracelet slid down her wrists, revealing the white jade arms, and gently pressed her forehead against his forehead, the nose touching the nose, and each other's warm breathing could be felt clearly. .

"Wan'er" Qin Yizhi's voice was drunk and blurred. He opened his eyes and looked at Gu Xiaowan in front of him. At this moment, she was not much better than him.

The white face was full of charming blush, like a ripe apple, and its beautiful luster also exudes a charming fragrance.

"Brother Yizhi" Gu Xiaowan's voice was hoarse and faintly fascinated, and her voice was soft like a jar of fine wines that had been treasured for a long time, waiting for the people in front to open and taste it.


What Gu Xiaowan wanted to say had been swallowed by her warm lips before she could say it.

He cupped her face, kissed on the charming lips, greedily sucking the taste of love.

No one can describe how wonderful the taste is.

Qin Yizhi licked the delicate lips, sometimes lightly pecked between the lips, and sometimes bit the lilac uvula, the body fluid between the lips and teeth, like the fragrant wine, went back and forth between the two people's lips and teeth.

Gu Xiaowan was fascinated by the vague kiss just now. Now, she is holding her head high and on her toes. Qin Yizhi is holding her arms tightly in her arms, like a part of her body, and her lips. Sometimes light peck and sometimes deep kiss, that feeling made her feel dizzy and tinnitus, as if there is electric current, wave after wave spread all over the body, and gathered at a certain point in her body, directly hitting her heart. The tail vertebrae numb for a while, making her lose half of her strength, she can only let her hands wrap his neck and put all her weight on his body.

I don't know how long it took, the lips were divided, the two people's lips seemed to be faintly attached to the body fluid between the two people's teeth, which seemed transparent under the dangling night pearl.

"Wan'er, you are mine! It will always be mine!" After Qin Yizhi finished speaking, he took Gu Xiaowan into his arms fiercely. He was no less than her in the impulse just now.

Such beauty and fragrance made him completely lost himself, lost consciousness, and there is only one thought in his heart, with her, she is mine!

Thinking of this somewhat irresponsible idea, Qin Yizhi was a little upset.

When he heard Ahmad's report these few days, Qin Yizhi lost his mind. He was both happy and a little bit sad.

His little cat is unique in the world, with a beautiful appearance and full of talents. Who can compare.

No matter when and where, the kitten will surprise people!

Qin Yizhi kept calming down his thoughts, and stretched out a hand to stroke her ink-like hair, again and again, with great tenderness.

In the past few days, the palace has been rumored that the legendary county lord of Anping, even the queen has the desire to meet. Although there is no explanation, Qin Yizhi knows that the kitten is going to enter the palace. Don't wait until the birthday of the empress dowager.

The intrigues in the palace, the scheming and the methods, the red powder turns into skeletons, and the red face turns white hair.

Such a palace is majestic and noble under the red walls and gray tiles, but it can't cover up the dirty and dirty behavior underneath.

He didn't want his little cat to enter the palace, just like him, as long as he found the murderer of his parents and calmed down the rebel who wanted to subvert this Qing Shengrong, he wanted to put aside all this. Follow the kitten back to the place where the green mountains and green waters are, and eat and drink for a lifetime.

"Wan'er, don't have any contact with the Su family recently, and don't go to have any contact with the Mingdu Princess!" Qin Yizhi lowered his head and whispered, with **** hidden in his voice. His hoarseness makes his voice sound more charming.

Gu Xiaowan guessed that Qin Yizhi must have known everything, so she nodded and buried her in his chest: "Don't worry, brother Yizhi, I won't be going anywhere during this period of time, and wait until the empress dowager's birthday is over. Say it again!"

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