The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1560: Sleep in bed

Gu Xiaowan was completely unprepared, coupled with the attack of the sleepworm, she insisted on wanting to see the couple underwear of the two, but

Zhou Gong's charm still prevailed at this moment.

His head was supported by his hands like a chicken pecking rice, and he kept nodding.

After Qin Yizhi put on his clothes, when he came out, he saw this picture.

A woman with black hair and white clothes who wears similar clothes to herself, with her hands propped on her face, her eyes have been narrowed into a slit, and she is still working hard.

Just now someone was excited and said that he must see what he looks like in these clothes. He went in but changed his clothes and loosened his hair. Someone fell asleep like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qin Yizhi shook his head with a bitter smile, looking at the little cat who had slept for a long time this night, and his heart was soft and messed up.

This is his lover.

This will be his relatives in the future.

It is the most important part of his body in his life.

No matter the past, present or future, it will belong to him.

He stared at the woman in front of him obsessively, one after another, his gaze never left a corner, he wanted to imprint this woman deeply in his mind, and in the future, he will also imprint deeply in his body.

Unswervingly until death.

His eyes were focused and eager, and he could see every movement of Gu Xiaowan clearly.

"Careful" Qin Yizhi hurried forward in shock, and reached out to support Gu Xiaowan's head that was about to knock on the table.

He had always supported his forehead with his hands. Just now Xu fell asleep, his hands slid, and his head lost support, so he just clicked. If he knocked on the table, he would have to knock out a red envelope.

Although Qin Yizhi dragged her down and didn't hurt her, he still felt distressed. I blamed myself for being too fascinated just now, if he really hurt her, then he would really hate himself in his heart.

The person in his arms is still asleep, Qin Yizhi lowered his head and carefully and softly whispered to the person in his arms: "Little cat, let's go to bed to sleep! My dear, go to sleep!"

Gu Xiaowan still has the last point of consciousness, she heard the last three words, go to sleep!

She chuckled softly, opened her hands, and hugged Qin Yizhi directly, her eyes were still closed, but she leaned in Qin Yizhi's arms with confidence and hugged him back tightly.

When you are asleep, as long as you hear that person's voice and lean against that person's arms, it is the safest harbor.

As long as he is there, she is not afraid of anything.

She smelled the familiar smell and fell asleep deeply.

Qin Yizhi put her on the bed, pinched the quilt for her, and then sat down by the bed.

Looking at the sleeping face, he turned his eyes to the hands that the two were holding tightly.

She fell asleep, but still holding his hand, tightly.

Qin Yizhi didn't dare to move, for fear that his movements would wake her up too much, but now, like this, he didn't know how to break free.

After thinking for a while, a sly smile appeared on the handsome face of the banished immortal. When he raised his hand, the Ye Mingzhu in the room was covered with a thick black cloth, and the bright interior fell into darkness in the blink of an eye, leaving the window alone. The moon's brilliance sprinkled on the edge, illuminating a corner of the room.

The soft and neatly laid bedding in the room was still neatly laid there, but there was an extra person on the bed.

Qin Yizhi lay on Gu Xiaowan's side, but was lying directly on the quilt. He did not cover the quilt with Gu Xiaowan. He took another quilt from the inside and covered it on himself.

Xu is feeling that there are people next to her. Gu Xiaowan, who has never been used to having people next to her, is rarely awakened. Xu is really tired. She rubs against the familiar smell and gets closer. A little bit, you can feel each other's breath.

Qin Mozhi didn't close his eyes, just staring at the sleeping face in front of him through the moonlight outside the window.

She has a beautiful little face, white and rosy, and her waist-length hair is as black as silk. It is spread on the bedding, covering her side face, except for the small, white nose, and that The looming cherry red lips

Qin Yizhi only felt that his lower abdomen was tight, and he swallowed involuntarily in his throat. The restlessness in his body made him a little furious.

He looked at this "culprit" who didn't know he was asleep and could tease others, and shook his head with a bitter smile. He clasped each other's hands tightly, stretched out the other hand, and brushed off Gu Xiaowan's face. Black hair, white face, like jade porcelain, smooth like an egg just peeled, tender and white.

Suddenly, another warm current passed by, making him stiff. This little cat is like a poppy flower. Just looking at it, it will make people want it. If it grows open and eats it

Qin Feizhi's heart was very excited. Just thinking about it, this woman was her own, and her heart was filled with small luck.

I was secretly rejoicing that he failed the trial and was stabbed by the opponent and jumped down the waterfall. He thought he was bound to die, but he didn't expect that he would survive such suffering and was lucky enough to be saved by the person in front of him. Up.

Maybe this is his fate!

In the past, he always felt that his father had killed too much, that's why he and his mother died.

Later, I felt that I had killed too much. I was in a high position, and there was no one else besides a few close guards.

He originally thought that he would die alone all his life, but he didn't expect that he would still meet someone he wanted to cherish for a lifetime, like a heart that kept beating, with a steady flow of blood.

And she is her own heart.

Qin Mozhi stared at her deeply, then took a long breath, closed his eyes, and worked hard to adjust his breathing.

Then, with the probe, a deep kiss was stamped on the smooth forehead: "Good night, my little cat! I love you!"

May every morning in the future, once you open your eyes, you can see the familiar face, kiss the pink lips, and hear the charming tone saying good morning.

I hope that every night in the future, you will be by your side. Once you close your eyes and raise your hand, you can touch the familiar you, and the good night of deep kiss.

And, I love you forever.

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