The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1562: Read the letter

The two sisters looked at the two letters, and they were a little gloomy with excitement. With such excitement and joy, I thought they had waited for these two letters for a long time.

Zuo hurriedly stepped back and closed the door, leaving the two sisters in the room to read the letters.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly opened one of the letters and read it from beginning to end. The more I looked at it, the bigger the smile on her face.

Gu Xiaoyi also watched from the side, but she was not fast at reading the words, and her sister had finished reading one, and she was still looking at the first paragraph.

The first paragraph is just saying hello, please, etc. There is no substantive content. Gu Xiaoyi hurriedly asked: "Sister, what did the big brother say?"

Gu Xiaowan has read the entire letter from beginning to end with this effort. She was very happy, looked at Gu Xiaoyi, and said excitedly: "I will try soon, your brother has signed up!"

"Really? Is my brother able to test Juren?" Gu Xiaoyi repeated incredulously, and then danced excitedly: "My brother can test Juren, and my brother can test Juren!"

Seeing Gu Xiaoyi's happy gesture of dancing, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "You stupid boy, your brother hasn't taken the exam yet, you are so happy!"

"Sister, my brother studies so **** weekdays, and he was taught by Mr. Fang, and he will definitely be admitted to Juren!" Gu Xiaoyi said categorically.

Gu Xiaowan also nodded, full of confidence in Gu Ningan.

She looked at the letter in her hand, her hands trembled a little, tears dripped from her eye sockets uncontrollably, and fell on the letter, fainting a few words.

When Gu Xiaowan saw it, she hurriedly wiped it with her veil, even if she wiped her snow-white veil black, it didn't matter.

I still remember when Gu Ning'an took the first exam, because of Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen's dirty tricks, Gu Ning'an's examination paper was taken away by Gu Ziwen, and his position as a talent was also taken away by Gu Ziwen.

However, as long as there is real talent to learn, it will be bad luck once, how can bad luck again and again!

No, I was admitted as a talent for the second time.

In addition, this time, studying under Mr. Fang's door, is even more blessed by Mr. Fang. Who would dare to do things on the test paper? It should be Gu Ning'an and Gu Ning'an.

Gu Xiaowan was very excited. The two sisters looked at the letter and laughed and cried for a while.

The letter said that Gu Ziwen had not been admitted to Juren many times. This time he had to sign up again and take the exam with him, but Gu Ningan was not afraid that Gu Ziwen would do that kind of nasty thing.

Gu Zi’s literary questioning was not precise, and he pushed the responsibility of not being admitted to Juren for years to the school. Gu Chuanlu felt that his son was a good seed, and it was definitely the teacher’s fault that his son was not admitted to Juren.

So, I secretly found someone to beat up the teacher. Later, the person who beat him was caught and confessed to Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu was locked up in the cell for several days. failed to be admitted to Juren and blamed the husband on the responsibility, and found someone to beat the husband, such a family, such a character-educated student, which school dare to accept it.

Later, there was no other way. Gu Chuanlu spent a lot of money to settle the matter, and Gu Ziwen returned to school.

When Gu Xiaowan saw this passage, she smiled and said: "The Gu family's big house seems to be quite rich, it is simply a big issue in the world."

His own son is useless, and he blames him. Gu Chuanlu really has high hopes for this elder son!

"Sister, they stole the exam papers of their brother that year, and they have already had such results. Even a talented talent didn't really take the exam by himself. How could this luck be so good, and they have taken advantage of them everywhere! "When Gu Xiaoyi saw this place, he also sneered.

The brother who was murdered was depressed for several days and felt that he had read the book seriously, but in the end he failed to pass the exam. He still had sufficient doubts about his abilities. If it weren’t for the sister’s persuasion, the elder brother would have To be depressed for a long time!

Now it's alright, my brother is now going to be a candidate, and he is also a student under Mr. Fang. I am afraid that no one would dare to use his mind on his brother!

Gu Xiaowan doesn't care what's wrong with the Gu family's big house, anyway, she knows that her brother is finally in his early days.

If the younger brother is promising, it means that the Gu family has hope.

"Sister, when will my brother come to the capital?" Gu Xiaoyi hadn't seen her elder brother for a long time, and she had already lost her mind.

"It's not that fast. You have to wait until the Chinese New Year at the earliest. You will start preparing for the exam next month. After the exam, your brother will definitely take care of Mr. Fang for some time. Maybe he will come to Beijing to celebrate the New Year this year. !" Gu Xiaowan guessed according to the letter.

Gu Ning'an said in the letter that Mr. Fang devoted what he had learned and taught him with all his heart. He was grateful and wanted to do his filial piety by his side. Gu Ning'an could do this, and Gu Xiaowan certainly agreed.

A man must be self-motivated and more grateful.

After reading Gu Ning'an's letter, Gu Xiaowan went to open the letter from Gu Ningping.

The letter from Gu Ningping was very thick. Gu Xiaowan guessed that Gu Ningping would have so much to say a few months ago, but after opening it, another letter fell out of the envelope.

"Huh? Why are there two letters still sandwiched inside!" Gu Xiaoyi picked it up curiously, and when he saw the words on it, he covered his mouth and laughed: "Sister, look at it, look at it, this letter is To whom! Hehe!"

Gu Xiaowan took it and saw that Tan Yushu's name was written on the envelope. This was obviously a letter to Tan Yushu, and the envelope was sealed with wax.

Gu Xiaowan squeezed, and after comparing the thickness of the two letters, she scolded angrily: "This monkey boy, if you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your sister. The letter to your daughter-in-law is thicker than my sister's!"

Smile back to smile, back to back, it was a letter from Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan still wanted to give her, let the people in the mansion go to the general's mansion to invite someone over.

While waiting for others, Gu Xiaowan looked at the letter Gu Ningping had written to her. It was nothing more than what happened in the barracks.

From being uncomfortable at the beginning to falling in love with the life there later, I followed a good master, learned how to fight and lead soldiers, and read and calligraphy, so I had a fulfilling life every day.

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