The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1564: Streamer like hibiscus

Tan Yushu started to froze. She thought Ning Ping had only written this letter, and another?

When I saw the letter with my name in my hand, I realized that my sister didn't lie to me.

Gu Ningping really wrote to himself.

Tan Yushu took a deep breath and held the letter in his arms excitedly, as if he was holding a baby, smiled with tears, and then began to comfort Gu Xiaowan: "Sister, I will show you this letter too!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she waved her hand hurriedly: "This is a love letter from Ning Ping, show me it, OK!"

Although she didn't know what Gu Ningping wrote in her letter, she would write it separately to Tan Yushu and sealed it again. It must be for Tan Yushu alone. Gu Xiaowan had no curiosity and went to read love letters of men and women in love.

love letter?

Tan Yushu's face turned red when she heard these two words. She hurriedly hid the letter in her arms, smiled shyly, and planned to wait until there was no one to read it.

Seeing that she was put away and not opened, Gu Xiaowan guessed that she planned to read it when there was no one, but when this lover came to the letter, how could she not open it all at once?

Gu Xiaowan chuckled and didn't want to let her wait anymore, so she pulled Gu Xiaoyi and said, "Have you finished the skirt you made for me last time?"

Gu Xiaoyi nodded: "It's almost there!"

"Go, let's go and see!" Gu Xiaowan took Gu Xiaoyi's hand and walked out. Tan Yushu saw it and followed him. Gu Xiaowan smiled and pushed her: "Ning Ping has received a letter. You are still here to see Ning. What did Ping tell you!"

Only then did Tan Yushu understand that her sister was going to leave on purpose, leaving herself here to read the letter, and she was very moved.

After they left, Tan Yushu carefully opened the envelope, took out the letter inside cherishedly, and opened it. The font she was familiar with suddenly appeared on the paper, as clear as she saw the person.

Tan Yushu's heart beat quickly, with a crimson blush on his face, he read word by word.

The first few paragraphs of the letter also mentioned his situation in the barracks. It was not very detailed. It seemed that he knew that his sister would show her letters to her, so he only mentioned some briefly.

To the back, after Tan Yushu read a few words, he shyly reddened to the roots of his ears, and his face became hot.

In the letter, Gu Ningping said in his heart for the first time his love and longing for Tan Yushu.

I haven't seen it for a few months, my thoughts are like tides, and she keeps slapping Tan Yushu's heart. She stares at every word and every sentence, and really feels Gu Ningping's miss for her.

Missing like him, like her.

He missed her, so why didn't she miss him!

After finally paying attention to love, they are separated by two places, one is afraid and the other is exhausted, just to find a reason to be together.

Tan Yushu looked more and more distressed, and he could feel the relaxed life in the barracks that Gu Ningping said in his letter, but the actual but not easy life in the barracks.

Day and night training, day and night patrols and guards, spying on the enemy's situation day and night, and preventing the enemy's sneak attacks, and even the possibility of losing his life at any time.

Tan Yushu has never experienced all of this, but he has seen it and feels the same.

She hid her face and cried with a "wow".

Distressed, moved, and missed, all kinds of thoughts gathered in her heart, making her sad, sad, and finally lying on the table and crying.

Ayu stood outside and heard the crying from inside. She wanted to go in and see the lady. After thinking about it, she put her hand down.

The young lady has missed the son of Gu like that for days, and when I saw the letter from the son today, I was afraid that it was because of seeing things and thinking about people, so let me cry.

Gu Xiaowan followed Xiao Yi to her room, and when she entered the room, she saw neatly arranged embroidery stretches, baskets, needles, and so on.

In order to be afraid of hurting Gu Xiaoyi’s eyes, Gu Xiaowan took several Ye Mingzhu and put them here, because she was afraid that she would have to do it at night and hurt her eyes. However, she often told Gu Xiaoyi not to do embroidery work at night. It hurts the eyes extremely, especially at night.

"Sister, come, the clothes are inside!"

This place outside is where Gu Xiaoyi embroidered the Baifu map. In order to avoid confusion, she put the clothes made for Gu Xiaowan in the back room.

"Sister, look!" Pulling out a piece of cloth, Gu Xiaowan suddenly saw the gray clothes, her eyes lit up.

The gray material looked dull and dull, but now that it was made by Gu Xiaoyi's skillful hands, he immediately felt that it was ingenious, quite surprising and unexpected.

The red hibiscus flower is embroidered on the skirt of the gray dress, and the big bright red hibiscus flower forms a sharp contrast with the base fabric, just like the beautiful hibiscus blooming in the dry lake. Breathtaking.

This gray material originally had a faint brilliance. Outside the window rim, the sun shining on the clothes, the luster of the material was like ripples of water ripples in circles. Sparkling, glowing with a cold luster.

Coupled with the red, **** and delicate hibiscus, it is like a beauty walking on the sparkling tide, the water waves sway in the hibiscus flower circle and circle, between the sparkling, the sun is just right, sprinkling The next piece of brilliance is like a neon clothes feathers left in the world.

Gu Xiaowan has seen a lot of good materials and good clothes, such as the fragrance of Liuxiang brocade that people in Beijing admired last time. After seeing the clothes this time, they all sighed sincerely: "It looks really good! "

Gu Xiaoyi loves to delve into research. For so many years, apart from learning the embroidery of fur with Fusao, everything else is basically self-study.

Gu Xiaowan bought a lot of books for her. She is eager to learn and has been studying embroidery by herself.

Although her embroidery skills are not as good as those of the top masters, it is really not easy to be able to do something like this with self-consciousness!

"Sister, look good?" Gu Xiaoyi said triumphantly: "I looked at this material that day and felt that with this bright red hibiscus flower, it is definitely a sister's temperament! The void is like a orchid, and the streamer is like a hibiscus!"

"Puff chirp" Gu Xiaowan looked at the serious Gu Xiaoyi who said something like this, and laughed with joy: "You girl, now you are more and more boastful, and I don't know who you are learning from!"

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