The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1577: Lijiamenkou

"The princess is smart. I want to come. Master Xiang knows his enemy this time, and he will definitely not let his relatives die in vain!" Caiyue's technique is in place. After a while, he pinched Shu Min's body comfortably. Even the voice became more coquettish: "Go ahead and take a look to see when the son will be back? If you come back, let me know that this princess has something to discuss with the son!"

Caiyue had a lively meal, she was happy on her face, her body was respectful, and her tone was a little cheerful, but she tried her best to hold back the excitement and trembling body: "Yes, the slave and maid will wait for the son of the world!"

After speaking, she walked away in a hurry. Shu Min closed her beautiful eyes. After hearing the sound disappeared, she opened her eyes and looked at the back of the trot all the way beautifully, with a touch of extreme cruelty on her mouth. Smile.

Not long after Gu Xiaowan returned home, Kou Hai hurried in from the outside and ran all the way into the yard until he reached Gu Xiaowan's yard.

Seeing the people's recklessness, Kou Dan stopped Kou Hai and whispered, "Brother, why are you so flustered, the girl is not in a good mood, don't run into the girl!"

Kou Hai nodded and whispered several times in Kou Dan's ear. Hearing this, Kou Dan turned his head to look at him in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Seeing Kou Hai confidently said: "It is true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Kou Dan's face instantly turned pale as if bloodshot had been taken away, and after trying his best to resist the shaking of his body, he turned around and went into the room. went.

Gu Xiaowan had just changed his clothes. Just now, when he was in prison, the smell of blood was bloody. After finally changing the clothes that were stained with blood and musty, Zuozheng poured tea to Gu Xiaowan to drink. When Kou Dan ran in, his face was pale.

Kou Dan has always been very calm. Where is the recklessness as it is today, Gu Xiaowan frowned, and saw Kou Dan's face turn pale, and her heart was stunned, and she hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Miss, the family of the deceased dragged the deceased to Li's house, and knelt down at the Li's house crying and shouting, saying that Boss Li should kill and pay for her life. Mrs. Li passed out on the spot! Life or death is uncertain!"

Kou Hai said that the relatives of the deceased were densely packed with Li’s house. The gate and the back door of Li’s house were so dense that the water could not get through. Even ants could not get in or out. A maid came out of Li’s house and said that he was going out. Looking for the doctor, the family members of the deceased stopped him, but the girl was anxious, and she tore up with those people, and she didn't know who made the move. The girl hit the stone lion and was killed on the spot!

"What?" Gu Xiaowan shook her body invisibly and her face turned pale. A pair of small hands with lush white roots firmly grasped the table, and then did not fall back: "Go to Li's house!"

"Girl, don't worry!" Zuo saw that Gu Xiaowan was going to Li's house regardless, and he hurriedly pulled her and said, "The outside of Li's house has been surrounded by people, and now I am afraid that even a bird can't fly. Go in, let alone fly out! Let's go, there is no way!"

"Now that Mrs. Li's life or death is uncertain, one of the servants of the Li family has already died. If we don't go, there will be more dead people!" Gu Xiaowan said with a bite of white teeth.

In the cell, Uncle Li took his hand and only begged himself one thing: "Xiaowan, if Uncle Li can’t get out, I’m not complaining about anything, I’m not blaming anything, it’s my mother, my wife, and my wife. Children, please Xiaowan, you must protect them!"

Gu Xiaowan agreed at the time, but it didn't take long before he agreed, and something went wrong immediately!

Now, I don’t know how Mrs. Li’s health is!

Gu Xiaowan thought of Li Fan begging for her face when she left. Over the years, the relationship between the two families can be said to be getting closer and more concerned. Now, the Li family is suffering from such a disaster, not to mention that Gu Xiaowan has agreed to Uncle Li. Even if he did not agree to Uncle Li, there is absolutely no reason to ignore it.

"Go first! Everything happens to you!" Gu Xiaowan gritted her teeth and walked out firmly.

Zuo knew that this girl was extremely thoughtful. No matter what she had decided, she couldn't persuade him to come. She could only ask Kou Hai to lead the carriage, and several people followed Gu Xiaowan to the Li Mansion.

The carriage walked quickly on the street, and soon it reached a place several hundred meters away from Li's house, but here, the carriage could no longer move.

On the road ahead, the besieged water can't get through, let alone a horse-drawn carriage, even walking alone has become a problem.

"Girl, there are too many people in front of you, and the Li family is already surrounded!" Ahmad stopped the carriage and said, looking at the road ahead.

Gu Xiaowan picked up the curtain and looked in front of her. Loud crying and crying came from time to time. It was nothing more than the family members of the deceased who were crying, accusing Jin Fulou of crimes and Li Fan's crimes loudly.

The door of Li's house was closed tightly, and the scarlet door was invisible.

Except for the 10-year-old Li Siyuan, everyone else in the Li family was a woman. When they encountered such a **** scene, they didn’t know what they were afraid of. Uncle Li was locked up in a cell. The things here are even more horrible and urgent. Fear and worry, Mrs. Li, it is no wonder that she passed out all at once.

"Girl, what shall we do now?"

"Get off the car and walk over!" Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

"But girl, so many people, if you hurt you" Zuo hesitated, her purpose is to protect the girl.

Gu Xiaowan frowned: "Squeeze over!"

I touched the life-saving heart-saving pills I brought before I left, and I felt a little worried. If the doctor can't invite them, it would be great to be able to send the pills in!

Mrs. Li’s heart is not good. Whenever she encounters something urgent and worrying, it will cause heart disease. If she doesn’t take medicine in time,

Gu Xiaowan looked at the closed door worriedly and squeezed into it.

Zuo, Ahmad, Kou Dan, and Kou Hai surrounded Gu Xiaowan and guarded her tightly, for fear that someone would accidentally hurt her.

The crowd onlookers were displeased when they saw that there were people squeezing in so crowded, and the swear words came in smoothly: "What are you squeezing? Hurry and die!"

When they saw Ahmad and the others glaring at him, the cold face looked like a **** who had climbed up from hell, and the sight was infiltrating. The man shut his mouth instantly and squeezed away.

A girl was guarded among the four people, and they just squeezed in. Moreover, the four people were expressionless, like debt-collecting ghosts. Where did the onlookers dare to complain, some were scared, and spontaneously moved to the side. Moved, let Gu Xiaowan pass.

After finally getting to the front, those crying voices became more and more stern.

Dozens of people wearing linen and filial piety, kneeling or sitting or standing, crying or crying or howling, blocked the water around the door of Li's house. From the gate to the stone steps, they were all people.

There was also a wooden board, covered with a corpse, thinking it was the deceased, some people kneeled and sat around the deceased, howling and crying.

There was a mess at the scene, the family of the deceased crying inside, and the people watching the excitement on the outside, all surrounded, with schadenfreude on their faces and watching the show.

"This Li family is unlucky. It's not good to poison anyone, but the people of You family are poisoned. Tsk, this time the Li family will be ruined too!" Someone craned his neck and asked gleefully.

"What? You are the one who died?"

"Nuo, look, isn't the older woman next to the deceased the second aunt of the second room of the You family? Isn't the long charming one next to the deceased's compatriot sister? The deceased is a concubine of the second room of the You family! "Someone who knows the inside story hurriedly showed off: "I have relatives in your family who work in the second room of You's house. I heard that Master You heard that his nephew was poisoned to death. He was so angry that he lifted the desk and said that he would definitely do it. Get justice for the dead nephew! Just a Master Yu is enough to scare you, there is a bigger figure in the You family! Do you know who it is?"

"Who is it? Stop selling it, tell us quickly!" The people onlookers listened to the gossip with a smile. Those who are dead have nothing to do with them. Anyway, the days of wealth are gone. If you die, you will die. chant!

"It's You Yuyan, the concubine of your family's grandfather's concubine, you Guifei now! She is now being favored, and the emperor is very spoiled. Think about it, this deceased has an uncle who is today's Taishi, and a My sister is the current imperial concubine, and according to You Jia's short-term temperament, this time, can You Family let Li's go!"

"Tsk tusk" someone tusked, looked at the Li family, and shook his head with a sigh: "It's over, it's over for the Li family this time! It's not good to offend anyone, but I want to offend the short-protecting You family! Who doesn't know this Yutai Teacher, the most important thing is family affection. The children in the family, even the concubines and concubines, are his treasures! Tsk tsk, just wait and see this time, Li family, hey"

Gu Xiaowan's clasped hands tightened again, and the worry between her eyebrows deepened. If something happens to the Li family this time

She didn't dare to think about it, and it was hard to breathe.

There must be nothing wrong with the Li family, even if all the family wealth is spent, the Li family must be kept!

The "girl" saw Gu Xiaowan standing there without speaking for a long time, and her coldness became even more chilled. When she wanted to hear what the person next to her said just now, her heart became more worried. Zuo hurriedly pulled Gu Xiaowan's sleeve. Whispered softly beside her.

Gu Xiaowan nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly, the door of Li's house was opened, and a petite person in small clothes popped out from the inside. He didn't look at the people who were kneeling around and started to run.

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