The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1579: I won't let you do something

Ah Mo and the others stood in front of Gu Xiaowan, staring defensively at the fierce Xi family. After waiting for a long time, the Xi family didn’t see anyone coming. He immediately jumped up: "Where are the people? Where are these people? Grab me!"

"Aunt Xi, our people have been beaten. Look at this." The butler-like man walked humbly in front of Xi's and pointed aside. Those guards who had been beaten were lying on the ground, even if some of them got up. , Either it hurts here or it hurts there, and it loses a bit of combat effectiveness.

How did Xi's people who didn't guard him suddenly become like this? First, he was a little frightened. After reacting, he said angrily: "Who is so bold? How dare to make trouble with Youfu! Even the housekeeper, who is so bold? People who dare to move us in Youfu, hurry up and report to the official!"

Even the housekeeper was very grateful: "Aunt Xi, don’t worry, the person who beat him is still here. I have sent someone to inform the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si. I believe they will be here soon! It will definitely be given to the people in our house. A fair!"

Xi nodded, glanced at the injured guards, and said pityingly: "After going back, find the doctor to show them and see if there is any damage. If the injury is serious, let them rest for a while. , But don’t leave the root cause of the disease!"

"Aunt Xi, don't worry, the master is so kind to us, and those of us who are slaves are to be cows and horses and we must repay the masters!" Even the butler said moved.

Gu Xiaowan watched coldly at the pair of masters and servants where the master and servant were performing, and the few words of Aunt Xi had already revived the quiet scene.

"Is it true? It’s really good to be a person in the You family. The master cares about your pain and your life and life. There is such a master, so you don’t have to worry about being scolded by the master. But it’s a great thing, think about it, you don’t have to worry about doing things with such a master, tsk tsk, no wonder, so many people are willing to go to your home to do things! If my family has a daughter, I will also give it away My daughter is going to work in You’s house! I heard that not only the master treats the subordinates well, but also the money for that month!"

"Yeah, yeah, I have heard it too, and I can listen to other people's words. This is your family. The treatment of the subordinates is very good. The master will not punish the people, even if the subordinates do it carelessly. If something is wrong, as long as it is not a major matter, the master will not blame it! And, look, you see, the guards were injured just now, this aunt Xi felt so sorry, and when she returned, she asked the doctor to give them. Not to mention the injury, and that the injured can stay in bed for several days. Tsk tsk, such a good master, but the blessing they have cultivated for eight lifetimes!"

"It’s also thanks to Master You’s good management of the family. Haven’t you heard of that? Although Master You is the head of the family, he treats everyone in the You family equally, regardless of whether he is a concubine or a concubine. It's all his heart and soul. Now, You family has died a bastard, and Master You will not let the Li family go so easily!"

The people around him sighed and sighed. Gu Xiaowan kept listening with her ears pricked up. Her eyes were always on the two loving masters and servants. Their words really aroused Gu Xiaowan's curiosity.

I have always heard that the You family is particularly rigorous in governing the family. Under the leadership of Master You, the You family is a family of virtue, courtesy, benevolence and filial piety in the Qing Dynasty. The master and son love each other and live together in harmony. So far, the children have been in love with each other regardless of whether they are ancestors or generals. , In Youjia, there is no difference between concubines and concubines.

Even the subordinates of the You family have received high-level treatment that is not available in other residences. All of these are the perfect benevolence of Master You, and the filial and righteous blind date. In the Qing Dynasty, everyone praised each other. .

If it was just now, Gu Xiaowan might have no doubt about the You family, whom the world praised so much. But just now, the words that You Shuang blurted out made Gu Xiaowan doubt that this good, benevolent and filial You family, those people Do you really live in heaven?

The one who died is just a bitch. It is conceivable that Li Youshuang is not as kind as the legendary person who brought some people with him on weekdays!

Is the legendary Youjia really as beautiful as everyone said?

Gu Xiaowan didn't believe it, and she couldn't help but believe that You Jia is now targeting the Li Family, she must find You Jia's fault!

In any case, even if your family is a copper wall and iron wall, she must find a breakthrough!

Xi's tears were wiped, and then he looked at Gu Xiaowan and others who were in Lian Erzhi, with a resentful light in his eyes: "You said you are a relative of the Li family?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Yes"

"No, she is not, she is just a friend of our family, she is not a relative of my family!" Gu Xiaowan just nodded and said yes, she was stopped by Li Miaomiao, retorted loudly, and then kept turning towards Gu Xiaowan. Winked and told her to stop talking.

"Is it right?" Seeing these two people say yes and the other said no, Xi cried loudly: "If it is not, your family will not involve innocent people. If it is, we will bury my son together!"

Xi's words were fierce. Li Miaomiao hurriedly took Gu Xiaowan's hand and said categorically: "She is not, she is not, she is just a frequent visitor to the restaurant, she often comes to eat!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little moved when Li Miaomiao said, "Miaomiao"

"Sister Gu, my dad is still in prison. It is still unclear whether my dad is alive or dead, but I believe my dad will definitely not do such damaging things. Our family is already like this. I can't bring you in again. At the very least, you are free. You can find a way to save my dad. If you are also involved, no one really can save my dad!" Li Miaomiao said with only two voices, expecting Looking at Gu Xiaowan, waiting for her answer.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the little girl with tears still on her face, but with such determination, she looked at Gu Xiaowan with such expectation.

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and said movingly: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you do anything!"

After that, he carefully took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve and secretly handed it to Li Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, this is for you! Hurry up and take it to the old lady!"

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