The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1585: Weird Youjia

"You mean, one of the deceased was Wang San. He came to the capital to beg for a few days. I don’t know why I met You Qian? Then You Qian asked him to follow him and brought him to and from the restaurant. Brothel?" I haven't been able to find any information about the deceased. It turns out that this talent has just arrived in Beijing, no wonder no one knows it.

"Yeah, just a few days after I came here, I was so ecstatic that I was envious of it, hey, but now that everyone is dead, I can be regarded as going to another place to enjoy the blessing with Master You!"

"Then when the Five Cities Soldier Masi asked someone to identify the dead, why didn't you identify the dead?" Zuo asked suspiciously.

"Before Wang San died, I asked me to have a good meal. He said that he got Young Master You’s blue eyes, and he will soon become a beggar. Let me stop telling others that he was a beggar before. Let me just pretend to be a beggar. I didn’t know him! He also said that if he becomes prosperous in the future, he will definitely lead me to live a good life! That’s why I didn’t say anything. Wang San only came here a day and left, and I only knew him. It’s just one. Besides, where is the Five City Soldier Ma Si, there is no need to peel off the skin if you die, and Wang San will die if he is dead. What does it have to do with me!"

It seems that this person has a very close relationship with one of the deceased Wang San, although it has only been for one day, but this is enough to prove that Wang San is not a groundless wind.

"What about the other two people? Do you know?"

The beggar thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I don't know, and their deaths were so miserable at the time. I didn't dare to look at it much. I took a look and walked away. Wang San was because he had a huge mole on his neck. , I recognized it all at once! Otherwise, I would not recognize the **** appearance of Qiqiao!"

Ahmad and Zuo asked about some things, and hurried back to Qingyuan. When they returned to Qingyuan, they were already covered with stars and moon.

Gu Xiaowan was still waiting for their news in the room, and the Ye Mingzhu in the room was still on.

"Girl, your guess is really correct. We just heard the group of beggars in the west of the city. Someone has actually seen one of the dead!" Ahmad told Gu Xiaowan about the evening.

After listening to the original story, Gu Xiaowan fell into deep thought again.

Of the four deceased, one of them was Master Dafa, and one of them was a beggar who had fled to the capital a few days ago. The identities were so different that people were stunned. However, the two of them got together.

I don't know what the dead Wang San has. This aristocratic prince Youqian would go in and out of the restaurant and brothel with such a beggar, and became a good friend.

That Wang San even said that in the future, he will become soaring.

From Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan got a general idea of ​​the current situation of your family.

Today, only the Dafang family are in the court.

Taishi You is fifty this year, and he is standing in the court. Several of his sons are now adults and have achieved good results in various positions in the capital. And the daughters, headed by Concubine You, are not To marry into the imperial palace is to marry other aristocratic families. It can be said that the entire You family has an indisputable position in the capital.

The father of the beloved concubine of the current emperor, the teacher of the current emperor, such a status, so many people covet your family.

Under such overwhelmingly powerful You family, the second room of the You family looked particularly useless and unbearable.

The second master of the You Family, the younger brother of Master You Tai, had a mediocre aptitude and mediocre knowledge, and it took half his life to test a person. Later, because of his poor aptitude, he did not enter the court as an official. So relying on the shadow of the ancestors to eat their laurels.

At that time, Master You Tai was above the court, steadily fighting step by step. As soon as he walked through a hole, he walked extremely fast and steady. Logically speaking, such a powerful elder brother and such a useless younger brother should be considered Shameful.

But Master You is not ashamed, and even thinks that his younger brother’s aptitude is mediocre because of his lack of education as a elder brother. He has been taking care of the second room of the You family. Even after the old man of You family has passed away, Master You There is still no separation from his younger brother, and the two families still live together. The two families, including the maidservant and hundreds of people, live in the residence of Master You.

Everyone said that Mr. You Tai valued family affection, and if the Second Room of the You Family hadn't been taken care of by Mr. You Tai, how could you live such a good life.

For so many years, the little brother who has no knowledge and skills, his limbs, his limbs, and all the grains have nothing to do with him. I don’t know how much he is dragging Mr. Yota, but Mr. Yota still doesn’t care. He regards this brother as more important than his career and life. Everyone in the second room of You Family.

In this way, your family's short-term care and family affection, throughout the Qing Dynasty, it is simply a clear stream, people admire and praise!

On the surface, You's Dafang took the second room of You's family and took it to the top. You's Dafang didn't care about the incompetence and cowardice of You's second room. However, if you look into it, you can find that the children of You's second room are not lacking. That kind of talent, full of revenge, but they have nowhere to go, so they can't enter the court.

All the children of the second room are either businessmen, merchants, teachers, or dudes just like You Qian.

Although women have heard of brilliant talents and beautiful appearances, they married women early, and they were married to noble or merchant families, who had nothing to do with power.

Logically speaking, there is no separation between your family’s Dafang and Erfang. With the momentum of the Dafang, the children of Erfang should also have a good future. Why did they fall into such a world?

Tan Yushu didn't understand, and Gu Xiaowan, a newcomer who just arrived, couldn't understand even more.

The strange cause of You Qian's death, the low-key of the second room of the You family, the overwhelming power of the big room of the You family, and the deaths of Wang San and the other two people. What is the connection there?

It was late at night, and Gu Xiaowan still didn't have any sleepiness. As long as he closed his eyes, he could think of Li Shu's earnest prayer, the maid who died at the door of Li's house, and the expectation of Li Miaomiao and the Li family.

Uncle Li was still in the Five Cities Soldiers, Ma Si, and she didn’t know what happened. She also promised the Li family to rescue Uncle Li, but now

How could she fall asleep in this situation!

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