The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1588: Someone invited

"Why do you have such a question?" Qin Yizhi didn't know that Gu Xiaowan would ask like this. He hesitated and heard Gu Xiaowan explain: "The second room has been suppressed by the big room for more than ten years, and the emperor has gradually grown up again. In view of his own opinions and opinions, if you still don’t make your heads right now, you’re probably going to have no chance in the second room of your family. Moreover, the children of the two literary and martial arts in the second room are also very young. If you wait any longer, I'm afraid I will have to wait until the day lilies are cold!"

When Qin Yi heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

What did the little cat suddenly catch?

"Wan'er, I will deal with Uncle Li's affairs. You are in the Qingyuan. Don't go anywhere. If there is anything, you can let Mo Ge and Bai Xuefeige pass the book to me!" Qin Yizhi Said seriously.

Mo Ge and Bai Xue are two carrier pigeons used to fly pigeons between the two. When they discussed these two pigeons, Gu Xiaowan married them.

The black one is called Mo Ge, and the white Baixue is named Yangchun Baixue, which is very beautiful.

After naming the two pigeons, Ah You next to Qin Mozhi and Ah Zuo Ah Mo next to Gu Xiaowan all rolled their eyes when they found out. Look at their names after taking this name. In the end, the name the master chose was really old-fashioned, where it was like a girl, and the names given to the two pigeons were so beautiful and beautiful that people wanted to own it.

However, lamenting and lamenting, their names cannot be changed, they can only carry the word A for a lifetime.

With Qin Yizhi's company, this ups and downs of a day, Gu Xiaowan arrived in the latter half of the night, anyhow she couldn't survive, and fell asleep deeply, while Qin Yizhi saw that the person in her arms was asleep and closed her eyes. Followed to sleep together.

When Gu Xiaowan got up early the next morning, as usual, the people beside her had already left. This time it hadn't been half a month before, he came back, afraid that it was because he heard about Jinfulou in the palace, and was afraid that he was sad, and then he came out of the palace.

Gu Xiaowan was grateful, and thought that Li Shu still didn't know what the situation was in the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division.

When I ran out of breakfast nervously and was about to think about what to do next, Ahmad came over with a greeting note.

"Girl, this is the greeting message that the concierge just received, the post from Su Mansion."

"Su Qianyue again?" Gu Kan said with a sneer without looking at the post.

"No, it's the eldest son of Su Mansion, Su Ziyue!" Ahmad handed the greeting note to Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan didn't expect it to be Su Ziyue, frowning, and after accepting the post, the signature was really inscribed. It is the name of the eldest son of the Su family.

"He came to visit me?" Gu Xiaowan looked at the post with an inexplicable expression on her face.

After the poem and song meeting came back, something happened at Jinfulou. Gu Xiaowan hadn’t thought so much about it. At the last gathering, Su’s attitude and Shu Min’s attitude, Gu Xiaowan thought about Su Zi Yue this time. Come to invite yourself, there must be something else!

"Girl, do you want to go to the appointment?" Zuo also stared at the invitation in Gu Xiaowan's hand and asked nervously.

Last time in the Su Mansion, the eldest son of the Su family was very kind to the girl, the person looked at the girl’s eyes Zuo only feels that the eldest son of the Su family, this invitation is definitely not easy.

Gu Xiaowan's brows had not been stretched since the beginning, and this time when he received the invitation, his brows became even tighter.

She is not a fool. She has been in love with Qin Yizhi for many years. She is also experienced in the interaction and affection between the two. When Qin Yizhi looked at her, the affection in the eyes was deep, and she looked at her again and again. Back, I've already experienced the deep feeling in the eyes. When Su Zi looked at himself, although he was shy, but the meaning inside.

Gu Xiaowan intuitively wanted to reject this greeting note: "After I answered him, I said that I have a lot of things, so I won't go!"

Gu Xiaowan threw the post aside, thinking of Shu Min's eyes like a poisonous snake, Gu Xiaowan felt uncomfortable.

When Shu Min looks at herself, she looks like a little white rabbit, like she wants to swallow herself at any time.

Gu Xiaowan rejected anyone who had close contact with her.

When Zuo heard the girl could not go, she breathed a sigh of relief. She had already understood the look in Su Ziyue's eyes. Why didn't she know what the person thought about the girl? He came to ask for a girl. What did she think in her heart? , No need to guess, you can guess an idea.

Zuo took the invitation and was about to go down. He heard Gu Xiaowan's faint voice behind him: "Clean up, go to the appointment!"

"Girl?" Zuo was a little surprised. Wasn't the girl incapable of saying just now?

Gu Xiaowan frowned, did not answer Zuo's words, but guessed what Su Ziyue would say to herself this time.

When the girl was about to go, Ah Zuo had to obey her orders, so she went down and ordered people to set up the carriage and went to Tianming Pavilion with Gu Xiaowan.

Listening to the name is like a place to drink tea.

When we arrived at the place, Gu Xiaowan went up the stairs under the leadership of her partner. There were many small compartments on the first floor. Each compartment was not separated by a door, but with curtains and pearls. Therefore, inside the compartments from time to time There was laughter and scolding, but I heard clearly.

As we walked upstairs in the corridor, the noisy noise became smaller and quieter.

Turning to the corridor, one doorway, there stood Su Ziyue's close friend-Lai Qing.

When Laiqing saw the visitor, his face suddenly joy, seemed surprised, and nervous, knocked on the door, and walked in. When Gu Xiaowan arrived at the door of the wing, Su Ziyue was dressed in white and stood at the door of the wing, waiting for her. There is a smile on his face, the smile is as gentle as jade.

"The Lord of Anping County" Su Zi read his hands, and Gu Xiaowan gave it back: "Su Gongzi"

Su Ziyue's face was always smiling. Gu Xiaowan had been smiling since she saw the door, but she didn't speak, her hands and feet looked a little embarrassed, and seemed very nervous.

Gu Xiaowan looked around calmly. There are two rows of bogu racks in this room. There are either rare antiques or old tea cakes on them. There is also a small one inside. In the compartment, there is a small collapse in the compartment, like a place for guests to rest on weekdays.

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