The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1594: Talk to him

Wu Tian chose Gao Zhi and flew first.

Then there was an accident in Jinfu Tower. Wu Tian escaped the disaster because he was not working in Jinfu Tower.

"Since I was the cook who used to work in Jinfulou, it is the same where I eat. Xiao Er, you will have all the signature dishes in your restaurant. I will also have a delicious meal. Long-time greedy!" Gu Xiaowan laughed.

The guy nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, girl, as long as you eat once, you will never want to go to other places again next time! Our Broken Jade Ancient House will be the first one in the whole capital from now on!"

The guy smiled flatteringly, and the wing fell into silence in an instant.

Gu Xiaowan rubbed the tea cup in her hand, without speaking for a long time.

After looking at each other, Zuo and Ahmad looked at Gu Xiaowan one after another, waiting for her to decide what to do next!

Wu Tian left before the accident at Jinfulou, so the accident at Jinfulou did not affect him.

This broken jade ancient studio is a good abacus.

The chef who dug away Jinfu Tower and destroyed Jinfu Tower. Who else can compete with Suiyu Guzhai in the capital?

It turned out that all of this was most likely made by Suiyu Guzhai.

"Amad, you follow Wu Tian at night to see what benefits that Wu Tian has gained from Broken Yu Gu Zhai, and let him betray Jin Fulou!"

"A Zuo, you go to the General's Mansion and ask Yu Shu if you can enter the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses again. I'll ask Uncle Li for clarity!"

The two responded in turn, and then stood aside without speaking.

There was a tea cup in front of Gu Xiaowan, one hand supporting her chin, and the other hand on the tabletop. From time to time, she gently tapped the tabletop, and her mind was running fast.

Wu Tian left Jinfulou. Before that, did he ever betray Jinfulou, Uncle Li, do you know?

"Amad, look at the back kitchen here, can you get in there, go and see if Wu Tian is here, be careful not to be discovered!" Gu Xiaowan said suddenly.

Ahmad agreed and went out.

With the excuse of wanting to go to the latrine, Ahmad went directly into the back kitchen.

The decoration of the broken jade ancient studio is very luxurious, and the feeling of luxury is revealed everywhere.

The white marble floor is paved with a wide pavement from the restaurant at the front to the kitchen at the back. There are also corridors with carved columns and paintings on both sides, on which are carved rare birds and beasts, strange flowers and plants, which are lifelike. Living in general.

At the intersections and exits on both sides, like Jinfu Building, there is a small cart placed there, which is divided into upper and lower three floors. After the cooks have prepared the food, they directly put the paper notes on which table to order. Pressed under the bowls and plates, then a dedicated person pushed the car from the back kitchen to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, there is a glamorous, long and handsome guy in hi who is responsible for putting the dishes on the table according to the order on the note. The work is streamlined and the division of labor is clear.

Jin Fu Lou is also in this model.

This happened to Yuqian. There were many people who had handled those bowls of poisonous vegetables. From the cook to the food delivery man to the food man, there are at least three or more people. Everyone is suspected, and who is the poison?

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how long she had waited, she just felt that it was as long as half an hour later that Ahmad finally came back, with the boy who had just ordered.

As I walked, I heard Ahmad ask the guy: "You are really luxurious and rich in the decoration of the broken jade ancient house. The ground behind the courtyard is all white marble paved, so bright, I can't bear to step on it. Hey, why haven’t I found such a good restaurant before? Next time we must come to eat with you again! Such a luxurious place and the food is so delicious. If you invite guests to eat in the future, then it’s available. Face! You broken jade ancient house, from now on it must be the best restaurant in the entire Qing Dynasty!"

The guy that Ahmad said was very energetic: "Yes, if the restaurant is good, it would be good for those of us who are lads. We are exhausted every day, and it turned out to be inferior to Jinfulou, but now it’s better. Jinfu Tower has fallen, and the business of the broken jade ancient studio is getting better! We are getting better too!"

The guy brought two dishes, put them on the table, nodded and bowed to Gu Xiaowan: "This girl, you can taste them, these two are the new dishes from our Sui Yu Gu Zhai in the past few days, please try! "

When the guy went down, Gu Xiaowan tasted it. After tasting it, she was shocked.

As expected, the taste of this meal was exactly the same as Wu Tian's technique.

The man in the kitchen must be Wu Tian.

"Girl, I didn't find that person. I looked around in the big kitchen, but I didn't even see Wu Tian. However, there was a small window in the big kitchen, and I saw that there seemed to be vegetables handed out from inside! Ahmad replied, "When I wanted to see more, I was found out! That man, obviously has martial arts!"

Everyone in the back kitchen has kung fu?

This broken jade ancient studio is really willing to pay for it.

This Wu Tian actually hid in Suiyu Guzhai and cooked so many dishes for Suiyu Guzhai, treating her and Li Fan's trust at that time as bullshit!

In vain, she also taught Wu Tian so many ways to cook dishes, huh, in the end, it was just a white-eyed wolf that was unfamiliar, but it was cheaper for others.

This Wu Tian, ​​she must ask face to face why she betrayed Jin Fulou and Uncle Li!

While thinking like this, the guy brought some dishes and came in again. Seeing that the dishes on the table hadn't moved at all, he was a little confused: "Girl, isn't this dish delicious?"

Gu Xiaowan came back to her senses and hurriedly replied with a smile: "It's delicious, but I'm used to eating while eating. I'm waiting for dinner!"

"Oh, wait, girl, I'll put down these dishes and serve the girl! Girl, my rice here is all top-quality white corn, it's fragrant and soft, and it's so delicious. Let me take care of you once. I can eat two big bowls of rice!" The guy's mouth was just like honey, and he smashed the things from Yuguzhai and praised it as a good one!

Gu Xiaowan just smiled: "You can really talk, Suiyu Guzhai has a guy like you who thinks about the restaurant. It's getting bigger and bigger, but it's just a matter of time!"

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