The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1605: Find the dead

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's fatigue, Zuo said distressedly: "Girl, why don't you go and rest first?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Go to sleep, I'm afraid this tomorrow will change!"

Zuo and Ah Mo looked at each other, not understanding what Gu Xiaowan said.

Gu Xiaowan walked into the inner room and didn't care about them. Her heartbeat was so fast, she always felt that something bad would happen soon.

In the second half of the night, she stayed up all night, tossing and turning, until the sky was faintly bright, she dared to sleep for a while with a pillow. As soon as she fell asleep, Codan's voice came from the door: "Miss, the princess is here!"

Jade book is here?

Gu Xiaowan slept very shallowly. Hearing Kou Dan's voice, she immediately got up. Regardless of the dizziness of her head, she shouted: "Come in and serve me to change clothes!"

Kou Dan was already standing at the door with the washing water. Hearing the sound, he pushed the door and came in immediately, lowered the basin, and opened the curtain. When he first saw Gu Xiaowan's appearance, he was shocked: "Miss , Did you stay up all night last night?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and said that there was nothing wrong. She got up and came to the dressing table. The bags under her eyes in the bronze mirror were swollen and the dark circles under her eyes were heavy, which shocked her, no wonder Kou Dan was so surprised.

After making Codan covered it with a heavy layer of powder, it felt better. After she was dressed and dressed, Tan Yushu's voice rang outside: "Sister"

After coming in, seeing Gu Xiaowan, Tan Yushu hurriedly took her hand and walked out: "Sister, go quickly, don't stay in Beijing!"

Gu Xiaowan grabbed her hand and asked calmly, "Yushu, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Xiang Yuanlin has tortured the people in Jinfulou. Some people can't resist the torture and will take you to you" Tan Yushu stammered, and Gu Xiaowan coldly took the next half sentence before he said it: "I made all the new dishes for Jinfulou, right?"

"Yes, someone said, every time before you go back to Jinfu Tower, you and Shopkeeper Li are the ones who secretly play in the small kitchen. Before you go to Jinfu Tower, Jinfu Tower is new There are not so many dishes on offer. Since you went there, there have been more and more dishes, so you can say that you came up with it!"

With the words of Tan Yushu just now, Gu Xiaowan realized why the broken Yu Gu Zhai had taken Wu Tian away. It turned out that they had always thought that the endless new dishes on the Jinfu floor were invented by Wu Tian.

This is not the point. Although Wu Tian has good craftsmanship, he just stays at the level of cooking, and it is really embarrassing for him to let him go to hollow out his ideas and make new dishes.

Now, someone confessed that she was the chef, then

She is the next one that Suiyu Guzhai will not let go of! "Sister, you are very dangerous now, do you know? The people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Masi will arrest all the affiliates of Jinfulou, and now they confess you As soon as the day breaks, they will arrest people immediately! You go quickly, go as far as possible, and come back when this matter is over!" Tan Yushu said in horror, holding Gu Xiaowan’s hand. He said hurriedly: "As soon as I got the news, I ordered people to clean up the soft, sister, the carriage is ready, you go quickly!"

Tan Yushu’s tears flowed down her cheeks. Although she said she was the princess protector of the country, but now the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si settled the case on behalf of the emperor, and no suspect would let it go. If Ni Bing had been inside before Fortunately, something happened to Ni Bing, and Xiang Yuanlin was a treacherous person who wanted to climb up. He would never let his sister go after receiving such news.

"Yu Shu, don't be afraid, I did nothing wrong. Why did I run? If I run away, don't you just hit these people in the arms and convict me of a crime of absconding after killing someone?" Gu Xiaowan said firmly, without moving. .

But after Tan Yushu heard it, he was a little anxious: "Sister, the Five Cities Soldier Mars is a place that cannibalize people without spitting out bones. Sister, I believe you are innocent, but when you entered there, the method of torture, sister, I don't want you to go in!"

"Don't worry, that Xiang Yuanlin wouldn't just arrest me like this. I'm the fifth-rank Anping county head. Even if he wants to arrest me, his speed won't be so fast. He still has to ask the sage!" Gu Xiaowan According to the analysis, tomorrow is the fastest.

Then she must do something before dawn!

"Sister, I'm afraid!" Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan's hand and cried: "I can't help you, I'm really useless!"

"Fool, who said you can't help me, now, I have one thing here, I want you to help! The bigger the momentum, the better, and I have to inform the Li family! Let's do it together!" Gu Xiaowan's eyes are clear , At this moment, it seems like there are stars.

Just after dawn, the entire capital was boiling.

In the name of Jinfulou, the Li family posted a missing person notice all over the capital. They wanted to find the three dead, saying that they wanted to do their filial piety for the three dead. Their parents, wives and children, Jinfulou would have to find them all their lives. These three people then support their parents and take care of orphans and widows.

This move caused an uproar in the entire capital.

It has everything.

It is said that Jin Fulou had admitted in disguise that he had murdered, and then used this method to alleviate his sins.

There are also people who fight the injustice for Jinfu Tower. The treasurer Li has a kind heart, and the whole family is bodhisattva-hearted. People who are clear are self-cleaning and turbid.

In short, this news was spread, and the one attached to the back caused countless people to boil, put aside the things in their hands, and went looking for it.

As long as you find the family of the deceased, you will receive two thousand taels of silver if you find one, and six thousand taels if you find three.

Don't say that you have found three, and you can find two thousand taels when you find one. How many people can't make so much money in their lives, just find someone to get so much money, why not do it.

As a result, people in the capital were looking for people with portraits of the three dead.

The capital cannot be found. The portraits of the three deceased have been posted in eye-catching places in the capital for several days. No one has yet to claim the corpse, so the families of these three people will definitely not belong to the capital.

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