The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1607: Take the initiative to go to Ming Palace

Tan Yushu was very angry, and said indignantly, making Su Ziyue tremble all over his body by saying every word. He sat tight on the chair, stretched like an arrow from the string: "Princess Huguo, here is down."

"Master Su, I am very grateful for the information you gave me last time. After the Li family’s matter is resolved, I will definitely go to the house to thank you, but now, the life-threatening event, please forgive me for not accepting it. !" Gu Xiaowan refused stiffly, causing Su Ziyue's face to turn white, and the blood on his lips seemed to have been emptied suddenly, and his face was indifferent.

"The county lord, the lord, I" Su Zi did not know what to say, and could only call the words "the lord of the county". He didn't know where to put his hands and feet. The whole person seemed to be seriously affected. The blows are not half-confident, and there is no half-point Zhuo Ran Tianzi, who is admired by everyone in the capital.

"Master Su, please come back if you are okay, my sister, if you are okay, don't come here. If you are seen by the county lord of Mingdu, I am afraid that you don't know what tricks to come up with to frame my sister!" Tan Yushu coldly An order to chase off guests: "Come here, send Young Master Su out!"

After hearing this, Kou Dan glanced at Gu Xiaowan. Seeing Gu Xiaowan nodded in agreement, Kou Dan stepped forward and stretched out his hand and said, "Master Su, please!"

Su Ziyue didn't know how he left the Qingyuan, he looked as if he had been convulsed, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know what the night was.

He sat in the carriage dumbly, and Lai Qing had never seen the son in despair like he is now, and asked nervously, "My son, my son, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ziyue didn't answer, all he thought was Tan Yushu's words.

Please come back if you are okay, my sister, if you are okay or don't come, if you are seen by the county lord of Mingdu, I am afraid that you don't know what tricks to think of to frame my sister!

Su Ziyue only felt a pain in his heart, and when he stretched out his hand, he pushed Qing aside.

Lai Qing was shocked. He had never seen his son so gaffe before. He hurriedly asked: "My son, I am Lai Qing, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ziyue raised her head, her voice weakly frustrated: "Go to Ming Palace!"

"My son, what's wrong with you?" Lai Qing has never seen him look like this, so he continued to ask.

He didn't enter Qingyuan, and he didn't know what happened to the son just now!

However, the son happily went in, and came out desperately. Laiqing guessed and guessed that something unpleasant must have happened to the son just now.

"Go to Ming Dynasty Mansion!" Su Ziyue said slowly, closing his eyes tightly, and then opening it again. He was still the young man who indulged in landscapes with fresh clothes and angry horses.

When Laiqing saw that the master didn't say anything, his eyes had returned to the usual way, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and the worry in his heart was finally let go.

Su Ziyue looked ahead, his voice was a little cold, and there was a hint of emotion in his tone that he couldn't explain: "You can't let the third person know about the Qingyuan today. Do you understand?"

Lai Qing nodded hurriedly: "You can rest assured, Lai Qing will be tight-lipped, no one will say!"

The master wanted to come because something unhappy had happened in Qingyuan, and never wanted to see that Anping county master again. Lai Qing sighed. The county lord of Anping has a graceful appearance, a knowledgeable, gentle heart, and if he can really make a good relationship with the son of the Qin and Jin Dynasties, he is really a match made in heaven.

Lai Qing sighed in his heart, flicked the whip in his hand and yelled "drive," and the carriage galloped away and disappeared at the gate of Qingyuan.

Su Ziyue in the carriage leaned back on the mat, his face pale.

The words of Princess Huguo made him instantly return to reality.

The county lord of Mingdu is still there, and he still has love for himself, how can he go to Xiaoxiang the county lord of Anping?

If you angered the Princess Mingdu, wouldn't you push her into the fire pit and send her to the mountain of swords?

When Tan Yushu said that sentence, Su Ziyue's back was frightened for a while, and even now, he was a little pale with fear.

The princess of Mingdu is ruthless, he has seen it!

On the day of the poetry and song meeting, the maid, the maid just ordered someone to beat her, but later, the maid’s hand was cut off and his eyes were gouged.

Just because her hand pulled his clothes at that time, her eyes had seen him!

When he heard the Laiqing report, Su Ziyue was so frightened that he retched uncontrollably. This is the person who keeps saying that he likes to marry himself!

No other woman could take a step closer to her, and no other woman could look at her.

Su Ziyue has never felt fear and despair like he does now.

He can't let Xiaowan have something, absolutely not!

Su Ziyue's face was still a little pale just now, and he slowly recovered at this moment. Lai Qing said outside: "Young Master, Ming Palace is here!"

Su Ziyue nodded, and suddenly squeezed his hand tightly: "Go knock on the door and say that I'll come to see Princess Mingdu!"

Laiqing nodded, and after a while, the concierge had a small servant, nodded and bowed to invite: "Master Su, you are here! Please come inside!"

The concierge arrived very quickly. It seems that it had not been passed to the Mingdu Princess. Su Ziyue didn't know. In the Ming Dynasty, Shu Min had already explained to the people, as long as it was the son of the Su family. , No one is allowed to stop, please come in.

Su Ziyue had never been to Ming Palace on the initiative, so he didn't understand these rules, and besides, he didn't want to know.

The servant of the concierge knew that this person was on the cusp of the princess' heart, so he naturally took to the pole.

"Master Su, please!" After finishing speaking, he nodded and bowed to usher Su Ziyue into the Ming Palace.

The white marble is carved with lotus flowers, every step you walk through, it is like a lotus blooming behind you, beautiful and luxurious. Each of the houses in the corridors of carved columns and paintings is vivid. The flowers and trees planted in the palace are also luxuriant and well-maintained.

Su Zi did not squint when he read, turned a deaf ear to everything, and turned a blind eye. He followed the young man and took a big step.

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