The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1614: Concubine father and daughter

Shu Lin said firmly, seeing that Shu Min was still hesitant, Shu Lin spoke again, with a little impatience in his voice: "I will tell my father about this matter, and my father will definitely agree to leave this person temporarily. To maintain the prosperity of Suiyu Guzhai, don't play with other ideas, and don't do anything to this person recently! Otherwise, the father will be angry!"

Now that Shu Lin had already spoken about this, Shu Min had to bow his head and agree: "Brother, I promise you that! I won't move her!"

"That's good!" Seeing that his sister was a little bit disappointed, Shu Lin hurriedly started to provoke her, where there is still the positive color just now, at this moment, he has restored the appearance of the **** brother in the ordinary day: "I heard that this Anping County Chief It’s not bad, your brother still lacks a nice warming bed who knows piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy! I don’t know what it's like to be a maidservant in the fifth-tier county!"

After listening to Shu Lin's words, the unhappiness on Shu Min's face disappeared immediately. She pushed Shu Lin, her belly full of lumps and smoke disappeared, her eyes were proud and mad: "Brother, that woman is up to you. I agree, but you have to help my sister!"

"Don't worry, Su Ziyue will be yours sooner or later. I said earlier that if he can't figure it out, I will tie him to your bed! As for the county lord of Anping, then she will be the elder brother's room. Maid, you can insult her as you want, and it is enough to keep one life!" Shu Lin smiled coldly.

The two brothers and sisters were discussing the next plan, thinking that Gu Xiaowan's flowery face was not like a human or a ghost. She felt more comfortable.

Su Ziyue belongs to her. Whoever dared to covet it, she would dig someone's eyeballs and cut someone's hand.

Shu Min's gaze turned slightly, and his gaze seemed to fall casually on Caiyue, who had been hanging eyebrows beside him.

Caiyue has a nice figure and a silver-colored lake-green palace dress that only a first-class maid can wear. She is really graceful and graceful when worn on her body. She has a beautiful face, and she is really long. pity.

Caiyue was drooping her eyebrows, thinking fascinatingly about her heart. The man in white clothes who was standing with her hand in the courtyard just now, the wind blew his ink hair and descended like a fairy, the more she thought about it, the deeper the love in her heart. .

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong, as if her eyes were staring at her fiercely, and the feeling of being stared at her made her feel like sitting on pins and needles.

Caiyue looked up and met Shu Min’s viper-like eyes. Although Shu Min quickly looked away, it seemed that her gaze was just accidentally falling on her, but Caiyue was still scared. A cold spine, like the upper body of a poisonous snake, shuddered all over.

However, Qin Yizhi did not show the slightest surprise when You Fangqin suddenly appeared.

It seemed that You's second room couldn't bear it anymore, just as the little cat said, if you wait any longer, the day lily will be cold.

However, through this port, I am afraid that there are other bigger conspiracies.

The fame that Master You has finally accumulated in his first life is afraid that it will be ruined by this second brother.

In recent days, Taishi You really felt that his eyelids were jumping fiercely. He was in the court, and the emperor always listened to what he said to him, but why this time, what the emperor said to him not only ignored it, but also simply ignored it. Don't give face?

What does it mean?

Master You has thought about it for a long time and didn't come up with any reason.

Could it be because Holly was not favored in the palace?

Impossible. The emperor and He'er were childhood sweethearts since childhood. After the emperor became the throne, he just mentioned to the emperor that He'er had admired him since he was a child. The emperor also said at the time that I had this intention too!

So just like that, Yoho entered the palace!

For so many years, the emperor and the imperial concubine have always loved each other.

The journey of Master You was a bit difficult. The second brother died of his son. Although he was a bastard, it was a life.

According to his temperament, whoever hurts his family, he must break the other's body into pieces.

Because of his short temper, the emperor trusts him very much, but why did the emperor say that the five-city soldier Ma Si would be willing to punish the murderer when he mentioned the cause of the death of the **** in the family?

Master You was a little annoyed, and she became even more unhappy about the crying faces of her second brother and his aunt when they came to him to make trouble.

Before she left the palace gate, she was stopped by a maid dressed as a grand palace lady: "Master You"

Master You knew this court lady, and she was one of the four maids of He'er who was married into the palace with He'er at that time-Zhi Shu.


"Master You, Niang Niang is home-sick, please come over!" Zhi Shu pointed out the way out of the palace, and said to Master You.

Taishi You understood that this was a woman looking for something to do with her, so without thinking, she walked directly to the palace of Concubine You.

Walking to the gate of the palace, you can still vaguely hear the muffled sound of the whip slamming the flesh.

Master You looked around. Fortunately, no one walked by here. She couldn't help being shocked: "Have you been like this lately?"

"Master You, Niang Niang wanted to see the emperor recently. The emperor avoided seeing the emperor. The Niang Niang felt sad, so she vented the anger in her heart by hitting others. The Zhishu bowed her head, but the words were not finished yet, Master You Throwing off his sleeves: "This He'er, confused!"

After speaking, Taishi You walked towards the inner courtyard in great strides, and the sound of the announcement was heard in the concierge. The sound inside immediately disappeared. Concubine You Gui ran out first, and when she saw Taishi You, the fierce face disappeared Exhausted, replaced by the affectionate appearance of a girl's mother and father in the family.

"Niang Niang" Master You Tai bowed her head and bowed her head in salute. Concubine You Gui raised her hand gently: "Teacher, please get up."

The two of them arrived in the house, and after holding back the people, Concubine You Gui finally collapsed with a holding face: "Father, the emperor has not even seen me in these days. I will go to his palace every day. I saw him, but since the accident, he has never seen him again except for the first day when he met me. I am afraid that the emperor would never agree to the short-lived ghost thing!"

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