The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1621: Father Qi's mind

Compared to Fang Peiya, this towering and towering house of the deep palace is comparable to the horror of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses. It is a place where people eat people without spitting out bones and drink blood in pots.

Seeing her worry, Tan Yushu hurriedly comforted: "Peya, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with my sister, and the emperor's brother is irreconcilable!"

This is the first time someone said in Fang Peiya’s ear that the emperor was a very good person. After many years, Fang Peiya still remembered this sentence, and then he thought of the noble and graceful pride of heaven. Standing on the city gate, looking at the distant scene alone and lonely.

The emperor's life is destined to be high above the sky, and it is destined to be alone.

He is the superior, and no one is destined to accompany him until he grows old.

Tan Yushu comforted Fang Peiya, and then followed Gu Xiaowan into the house.

After Gu Fangxi heard the voice, he and Gu Xiaoyi immediately found several sets of clothes and took them out and let Gu Xiaowan choose them.

Gu Xiaowan decided to wear the sky blue palace costume. After Zuo and Kou Dan waited on her to put on the clothes, they dressed her up.

When everything was done, I saw a graceful and graceful woman standing in the mirror, but there was no smile on her face, she looked like an ice queen walking out from the top of a snow mountain.

Noble and elegant, people refuse to profanity.

"Let's go!" Gu Xiaowan saw that it was done, but it didn't matter what she was dressed up like, but after checking her body for nothing wrong, she walked outside.

She wants to enter the palace, so she must not let the emperor wait for her.

Gu Xiaowan hurried to the door and saw Qi Gongzheng standing there, closing his eyes and resting.

And the people who had been on the street in Mandeng were gone without a trace.

The guards Xiang Yuanlin had brought with him had already left.

At this moment, the sedan chair sent from the imperial palace also stopped at the gate of Qingyuan. Father Qi saw Gu Xiaowan coming out and was very surprised. He just walked to Xiang Yuanlin. He thought he would have to wait for a while. Where did he know her? The action was so fast, and the impression was improved by three points first.

Looking at her dress at the moment, the dress on her face is the same as before, just changing her clothes and putting on a bun. She didn't dress too much because she was going to enter the palace.

Take a closer look, the sky blue clothes, there is no powder but still white and clean face, even more graceful in the beauty, noble in the holiness, a thin waist with a full grip, tied with the same sky blue belt At the same time, it seems that the whole person is pure and graceful and graceful, and between that smile and smile, it seems that the whole person is looking forward to brilliance. In those large and round eyes, it seems that there is radiance flowing, making it even more human. vivid.

Father Qi calmly looked around for a few moments, and added a three-point favor to her in his heart.

Beautiful but not charming, graceful but not feminine, dignified and noble, noble temperament, rare, rare!

With such a look, the emperor had personally ordered the emperor to summon her. If she were an ordinary girl, she would have been dressed up and coquettish and grand.

But she is too dignified, she is cold and precise, so she can't pick out the unpleasantness and mistakes.

"The county owner is so fast, the miscellaneous family thought it would take a while!" Qi Gonggong said with a calm eyebrow and smiled.

"The father-in-law is the elder, and Xiaowan is the junior. There is absolutely no reason for the elder to wait for the junior!" Gu Xiaowan said respectfully, helping her body.

The education of father and mother Gu is very strict. They value Gu Xiaowan's study, and also care about Gu Xiaowan's life.

Learning and being a human being are equally important, even more important than learning.

To be a human being is nothing more than a few small things. Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue. Gu Xiaowan was taught to respect the elders since she was a child. Unless there are special circumstances, she can’t let her elders wait for her!

This father-in-law Qi looks a little over thirty, and it is okay for Gu Xiaowan to honor him as an elder at his current age.

Besides, he respects himself and saves others by himself, and she can't be domineering.

Moreover, even though he is a father-in-law, she will never take the other side's status as a disabled person and look down upon herself.

Father Qi hung his head, and when he heard Gu Xiaowan’s words, he suddenly raised his head and took a deep look at her, but saw that there was respect in her eyes, not at all like those two-faced people in the palace, he said. With compliments, but the contempt in the eyes can't hide!

The county head of Anping made a call to his elders in a down-to-earth manner!

There is no scheming, no flattery.

In the palace, I have seen too many things that are illegal and deceitful. When Qi Gonggong saw this scene at first, there was a warm current and heartfelt touch in his heart.

Looking at Gu Xiaowan, the idea that he must take good care of this girl suddenly appeared.

In the heart of Grandpa Qi, he felt respected for the first time in more than ten years in the palace. Looking at Gu Xiaowan's eyes, he became more and more respected, and seemed to have a little care: "The county lord, please take the sedan chair! "

After finishing speaking, she didn't need the help of the court lady on the side. She opened the car curtain and waited for Gu Xiaowan to enter.

Seeing the court ladies and eunuchs who acted like this on the side, they were a little shocked when they saw this scene. The **** next to the emperor actually showed such kindness to a fifth-grade Anping county lord. What is this Anping county lord? Did he see it with his own eyes?

Thinking of this, the people brought from the palace became more respectful and did not dare to slacken their efforts.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan getting on the sedan chair, Tan Yushu was outside the sedan chair and asked father-in-law Qi anxiously: "Gong-in Qi, I don't know what the emperor has done with my sister?"

sister? Father Qi looked at the worried Princess Protector, and then at the worried young lady on the side. Although he had never seen her outfit, she was definitely the daughter of everyone in the capital.

The two distinguished women were so worried about the Anping County Master, as well as the servant servant who had been so loyal to protect the Lord before he came. This Anping County Master is definitely capable!

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