The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1625: Negotiate terms with you

Gu Xiaowan did not conceal his relationship with Jin Fulou. The emperor already knew so much. He wanted to come, he would definitely not know less than he expected!

"The shopkeeper of Jinfulou cherishes the restaurant the most. He often sleeps and forgets food, and he does not forget to research new recipes and introduce new dishes with the people's daughters. If he has grievances with the dead, he can teach in other places. A meal or a kill, why bother, ruining himself in Jinfulou, the place he cherishes most, ruining the inheritance that he has saved for a lifetime?"

No one would be that stupid, would kill on his own territory, and be seen in full view.

Shu Tianci knows, everyone in the world knows.

However, everyone only believes what his eyes see, and no one will say.

"Do you know that one of the four deceased was the nephew of the imperial master? The imperial master was extremely short-sighted, and he would surely cut the murderer thousands of times when he hurt his family!"

"Minnv knows that if you change to Minnv, Minnv will do the same, but it is a murderer! It will not be to an innocent person!" Gu Xiaowan raised her head, her round eyes seemed to have brilliance and faintness. Flowing, pure, like the clear lake water without a trace.

Shu Tianci was a little moved. Although he is a ninth-five-year-old man, he never kills innocent people. Everyone is raised by his parents. If he is innocent, why kill people and worry his parents?

Everyone in this world is his own. If he treats the servant servants around him as if he wants to fight or kill if he wants to kill, how will he treat the people of the world?

If you are not kind enough to the people around you, how can you help the world?

He did not continue Gu Xiaowan’s words, but suddenly said: "I heard that you are good at cooking, and there are always some weird recipes in your mind. Otherwise, I will negotiate with you. If you can make a recipe If I eat satisfactorily, I will grant you a wish. No matter what the wish is, I will allow you, how about?"

Answer a wish?

Whatever the wish?

Gu Xiaowan's heart moved, and she hurriedly said to thank Tianen, "Thank you, the emperor!"

Soon, father-in-law Qi took her to the back kitchen of the Hall of Yangxin. In addition to the imperial dining room, the emperor also had his own small kitchen. On weekdays, he cooked some soup and made supper, usually in the small kitchen. Yes, the master chef in this small kitchen is naturally the best chef in the imperial kitchen.

The emperor's food in Su Ri is exquisite and delicate. If she wants to make something that satisfies the emperor, she can't work **** exquisiteness. After all, she is not a serious cook, nor can she make so beautiful. Beautiful decoration.

Father Qi emptied the people in the kitchen, and he came to Gu Xiaowan's face, watching her frowning and wanting to eat, looking extremely serious, he couldn't help but feel helpful, and said, "Your Majesty has a strong taste and loves spicy food. food!" Upon hearing this, Gu Xiaowan had an idea in her heart. Her eyes lit up, like stars in the sky: "Daddy Qi, can you send someone to help me find A barbed wire frame, and do you find dozens of thin bamboo strips?"

There are many of these things. After Qi Gonggong sent people to find them, they sent them to the kitchen. Gu Xiaowan was busy cutting beef, mutton and pork into small pieces, sweet potatoes, lotus root, etc. There were also some bottles and cans, and the stuff in them was also familiar to Father Qi. They were nothing more than the spices used in the imperial dining room on weekdays.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan's hands were covered with blood, but she looked like a okay person, holding a knife, carefully cutting the meat into the same size, and then looking at the sweet potato lotus root slices, they were all uniform in thickness. , I can see that it is also like a person who often cooks on weekdays.

She was dressed in sky blue, with her sleeves rolled up. On her white jade-like wrists, the white jade bracelets that were like gelatin lightly touched the chopping board, making a pleasant ding-dong sound or two. She was serious at this moment. Holding the knife, I carefully prepared the materials to be used later.

I don’t know why, Qi Gonggong suddenly felt a little sad. At one time, when he was a child, he once stood by a stove taller than him, watching his mother cooking and cooking, lightly kissing him on the cheek from time to time. , Secretly took out a piece of the cooked dish, put it in his mouth after blowing it cold, and asked him with a smile, is it delicious!

However, afterwards, his mother died and his family was gone. He became an orphan without a father and no mother, wandering in the world alone.

Unclothed, the wind blows and sleeps, where do you know the taste of food?

Later, he entered the palace and became an eunuch. He followed his majesty who was still the prince. He followed his majesty, one became the most noble one in the world, the other became the **** in the world. The most coveted person.

Now, he has eaten all the world’s delicacies, but he can no longer find the taste of the dishes that he stuffed into his mouth when his mother held his arms around him.

"Grandpa Qi" Gu Xiaowan cut a plate of diced meat and skewered all the meat and vegetarian food with bamboo sticks. Then she turned around and saw Grandpa Qi standing behind her, a little awkward.

"Grandpa Qi" Gu Xiaowan shouted again.

Father Qi finally came back to his senses. Knowing that he had lost his temper, he said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry Anping County Lord, Zajia just now."

"Seeing how the county chief cuts vegetables so cooked, don't you often cook before?" Father Qi smiled and asked, "Your parents are really happy, and you can still eat meals cooked by the county owner!"

Father Qi didn't explore Gu Xiaowan's life experience. He had always known that she had lived in the countryside since she was a child, and was given the title of Anping County Lord after she received a great gift.

Later, I heard that the county owner of Anping was proficient in all his poems and songs. To this day, I can see the true face of the county owner. Qi Gonggong believes that the county owner used to live in the countryside and the conditions of his family It is certainly not bad.

Otherwise, how can we raise such a daughter who has a poem and a poem and a splendid temperament?

The temperament of the county lord of Anping is probably one of the best in the entire capital. If you don't know her true identity, you will really mistakenly think that she comes from a high family.

After Gu Xiaowan listened to her father-in-law Qi, there was a trace of sentimentality in her eyes: "My father and mother passed away when I was six years old!"

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