The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1635: Brother and sister fighting for food

The eldest princess gobbled up a string, and the other hand grabbed another string. The look of the wolf swallowed, where is the dignity and majesty of Princess Daqing.

When the queen mother met, she said angrily: "You eat slowly, slowly, and more!"

The eldest princess ate another bunch and said excitedly: "Mother, the emperor told me yesterday that he had the best delicacy in the world. He also described the taste to me. You don’t know it. I thought about the emperor last night. The food my brother ate, but drooling all night, even the pillow towels got wet! I finally got it today, I want to eat it and enjoy it!"

This princess Lihua has a lively temper, Gu Xiaowan said inwardly.

Father Qi also roasted yesterday, and naturally joined the barbecue team, otherwise, at this slow roasting speed, how could Gu Xiaowan be busy alone.

With two people, the speed of the barbecue is fast. There are no ingredients. Naturally, the maid and the maid are ready to serve it. Gu Xiaowan only needs to be in charge of the barbecue, and there is a fan next to him. The queen mother and daughter are two. He also kept a mouth to eat, but didn't ask anything.

Gu Xiaowan was also at ease.

When Gu Xiaowan was grilling and concentrating, the waiter sang loudly: "The emperor is here!"

The emperor said that he was going to have a barbecue, so he came in a hurry.

When the eldest princess heard that the emperor was coming, she hurriedly put all the barbecue in front of her into one plate, and then she was like a chicken that protects her food, so she refused to give it to Shu Tianci.

"Good emperor sister, let the emperor brother eat one!" Shu Tianci pleaded sadly.

"No, you bullied me so much yesterday and caused me to slobber all night. If you don't give it or give it, you won't give it!" Princess Lihua cursed charmingly.

The two brothers and sisters are also in a harmonious relationship. The interaction between the two of them naturally made the empress dowager happy.

She was pregnant when she was very old. Later, within a year, she had Lihua. Now, her son is the ninth-fifth elder, and her daughter is the eldest princess. She is the most noble queen mother of the Qing Dynasty. , There is pain and happiness. Now this school of mothers and children is filial and powerful, and all the hardships are worth all of them.

"Emperor, don't argue with your emperor sister. Xiaowan's place is almost ready to be baked, so you can eat it warm! No, this is the soaked Mengding nectar. You can also drink a few mouthfuls and lose Fire!" The queen mother pointed to the nectar of the palace maid's soaked mound and said.

Shu Tianci happened to be a little thirsty, so he drank a few sips with tea. Over there, the barbecue in the hands of Father Qi and Gu Xiaowan was also grilled, put them on a plate and sent them up: "Your Majesty, please use!"

The grilled golden yellow fish is sprinkled with various seasonings on the surface, and paired with the dripping green chives, just smelling the taste makes people want to stop.

Shu Tianci took it, and did not go to eat immediately. Instead, he took out a bunch of them and handed it to the Queen Mother, and said respectfully: "Mother, you taste first!"

The queen mother kindly looked at her proud son, and her heart became more and more kind and serene: "Aie's family just ate a lot with Lihua, Ae's family is getting older, and Ae's family does not dare to eat more of such spicy food. The emperor eat it yourself!" Shu Tianci's hand was about to be retracted, but someone vigorously snatched it away.

Let me ask, who would dare to grab something in the hands of today’s son? Besides Lihua, who else can? Sure enough, I heard the princess’s pretty voice: "Mother, you don’t want to eat, you can give it to your son! It’s so delicious! You must not waste it!"

Shu Tianci grinned and cursed: "Little greedy cat!"

In a word, the provoked empress mother also laughed, and pointed to Princess Lihua and shouted: "Little greedy cat!"

There is a happy scene in the pavilion. This harmonious family of three is really a bit like the simplest family among the common people, with a mother, kind, filial piety and a daughter.

In such an environment, Gu Xiaowan's heart that had always been hanging, now let go a little bit.

However, immediately afterwards, another person came, but Gu Xiaowan's heart was raised again.

"Queen dowager, Concubine You, please come!" Aunt Jinyi whispered in front of the queen mother after hearing the report from the court lady.

And upon hearing this news, the smiling Shu Tianci and Princess Lihua both changed their faces at the same time, and the faces that were still laughing just now contained an inexplicable smell.

The relaxed pavilion immediately became cold because of the intervention of another person. Gu Xiaowan secretly raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the person coming.

The person in between is wearing a goose-yellow cloud-smoke shirt, embroidered with elegant orchids, a double-butterfly cloud-shaped dress with ancient patterns on the ground, and a Bixialuo peony mist gauze in his hand.

Yunji E'e, black hair and blue silk, diagonally inserted a hollow golden step, her face is as charming as the moon, her eyes are shining, sultry, and she saw her walking up to the pavilion with three shakes, standing and supporting her body with a soft voice The ground resembles that lark: "He'er please greet the queen mother and the emperor!"

"Flat body!" Shu Tianci patted the crumbs in his heart, and said in a cold voice.

"This person is You Taishi's daughter-in-law-You He, the current Concubine You Gui!" Grandpa Qi, knowing that Gu Xiaowan didn't know this person, hurriedly introduced her in a low voice.

Gu Xiaowan nodded. It turned out that this person was the concubine of Yu's family who married into the palace and became a concubine.

I don't know why, seeing this bright and charming You's eldest daughter, Gu Xiaowan's heart can always think of Youshuang, the second-family daughter of Youshuang who was crying in the Li Mansion at that time.

A bright and colorful peony, and a colorless tree like the bare tree after the autumn sunset leaves people unable to pay attention to it.

However, these Youhe and Nayoushuang are both children of the You family, and their eyebrows are three-point similar, except that one is proud as the cloud in the sky, and the other is humble and humble as the mud on the ground.

Entering the same door, drinking a scoop of water, and being in the same family, their sons and daughters have different identities and statuses. In such a situation, can you bear it?

Concubine You Gui didn't even notice the emperor's coldness towards her. She only knew that she saw the emperor in the empress dowager's palace today. She was very happy, thinking that she would be fascinated by the emperor's visit to her palace tonight.

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