The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1638: Smooth out of palace

"It's still hello, quiet, people are as pale as a chrysanthemum, like an empty valley orchid, exuding a temperament that makes people want to be close, no wonder the mother and queen like you so much!" The princess suddenly looked at you. Gu Xiaowan smiled meaningfully.

Gu Xiaowan was shocked, and a thought flashed through her heart.

Princess Lihua doesn't think she is going to enter the palace, right?

That is really

She hurriedly lowered her head and replied politely: "In response to the princess, it is the empress dowager's kindness, the emperor's kindness, Xiaowan this talent"

Before she could finish her words, she heard the eldest princess wave her hand and said: "Don’t stop the eldest princess and the princess’s cry, it’s not funny, let me call me Lihua along with Yushu. I am the same age as Yushu, and said When I get up, I should be two years younger than you! I have heard Yushu talk about you many times, and also said that you are a fun person. I always wanted to meet you, but because of your previous identity, It is not easy to enter the palace, and it is not easy for me to leave the palace. Now, you are the princess now. I want to see you in the future, so I can call you into the palace at any time!"

Seeing that the two masters said they were happy, Father Qi was also full of joy, and he kept following behind him not far away.

"How did you tame Yushu's playful temperament?" The two have a mutual friend, and the relationship is getting closer.

Gu Xiaowan listened to the eldest princess talking about Tan Yushu, but she was talking like a monkey, and said with a smile: "She is a good boy, very obedient!"

"Obile?" When the princess heard this, she almost pulled off a chrysanthemum she was looking at in disbelief: "You don't know, if the monkey is angry with me, he can ignore me for ten and a half months. Also smashed things in my palace!"

It seems that the relationship between the two is quite good.

Seeing the princess talk about the embarrassment of Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan also laughed.

"However, that was the same thing as before. Later, she changed a lot, and then I learned that she recognized you as a sister." The princess laughed a little sadly: "I really envy her. I didn't have a father or a mother before. , I have been following my grandfather who can only use knives and guns to kill people on the battlefield. Later, when the queen saw her being pitiful, she hugged her and raised her under her lap. But she was not born with a peaceful temper. She was quiet in the palace for several years. Later, when her grandfather came back from the battlefield, she went out of the palace. From time to time, she came to see me and the mother queen, and then told me the strange things she saw outside the palace. She told me about the outside affairs. When I listened, the look on her face was so enviable! She could see the great world outside, but I could only be imprisoned in this high-walled courtyard forever, and what I saw was always such a big sky! "

She looked up at the sky, her eyes full of expectation and yearning for the outside.

Gu Xiaowan followed her gaze and looked up, without speaking.

This high-walled courtyard is rich and glorious, and how many people want to be extravagant!

This is human selfishness and greed!

We want freedom with wealth, but freedom but power.

People are greedy, just like her, she wants to live a good life in fine clothes and jade books, and she also wants the freedom to go as she says she says!

Before leaving, the eldest princess rewarded a bunch of jewels and jade, begging Gu Xiaowan to talk to her about the outside world next time she entered the palace, Gu Xiaowan agreed, and then under the leadership of Grandpa Qi, she left the palace.

This line is also full of rewards.

When he returned to Qingyuan, Tan Yushu waited at home. Seeing Gu Xiaowan came back with so many rewards, he said happily: "How is it? Is it very smooth to enter the palace to thank you today?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, the emperor has rewarded it, the queen mother has rewarded it, and the eldest princess has also rewarded it!"

Gu Fangxi on the side hurriedly said a few words about Amitabha. This day’s heart, just follow the ups and downs, and go to the gate from time to time to see, why is it still not coming? Now it’s okay, people are back safely. He also brought so many rewards, Gu Fang happily said that he would burn a few more incense sticks for the Bodhisattva.

Gu Xiaoyi also followed excitedly.

Gu Xiaowan didn't stop. Gu Xiaoyi had been with her aunt for a long time, and she was also very happy about this worship of Buddha. This is the spiritual sustenance of life, and Gu Xiaowan followed her.

"Hmph, this little Nizi is really interesting, I also plan to say, if she doesn't have a reward, I won't ask her to play next time in the palace!" Tan Yushu said excitedly.

Seeing Tan Yushu shouting that the eldest princess is Xiao Nizi, and then thinking that the eldest princess said Tan Yushu is a little monkey, the relationship between the two is not difficult to see, it is very harmonious and intimate.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan drinking tea and not talking, Tan Yushu seemed to have thought of something, and said embarrassingly: "Sister, I didn't tell you about the eldest princess. Are you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Gu Xiaowan put down her tea cup and looked at the embarrassed Tan Yushu.

"I didn't tell you my relationship with the eldest princess!" Tan Yushu explained: "I wanted to tell you that I had a good relationship with the eldest princess, but I felt that it didn't help much. On the contrary, I felt a little bad. So, I was planning to go to the palace together next time to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday. Unexpectedly, you saw it today!"

She did find it useless, her sister's position was not high. If she told her about the relationship with the eldest princess, Tan Yushu was afraid to say such a relationship, as if showing off her identity, so she didn't say it.

Gu Xiaowan naturally knew what she was worried about, and hurriedly comforted: "I am not angry at all, on the contrary, I am grateful for everything you have done for me!"

"Really?" Tan Yushu's eyes were bright.

"Naturally it is true, do I still dare to bully my younger siblings? Ning Ping came back and don't tear down my bones? He wrote back and said many times, asking me to take care of you!" Gu Xiaowan moved out of Gu Ningping and said.

Sure enough, Tan Yushu's skin turned red all at once. Speaking of letters, she naturally thought of the letter from Ning Ping's brother to her last time.

He wrote the first time in the letter, I love you.

When I saw these words at the time, I immediately closed the letter with shame, my face turned red all of a sudden, my heart was like a deer bumping, excitement and joy filled my heart.

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