The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1649: hatred

"Xiaowan, what are you talking about?" When Gu Xiaowan uttered such an outlandish statement, Li Fan said grotesquely: "If it wasn't for you this time, let alone Jinfu Tower could be reopened. The homicide case is at the feet of the emperor. The emperor is lucky if he did not blame him. He personally gifted the plaque of Jinfulou, and won the eyes of the holy. I am afraid that no one will dare to do this to our Jinfulou. It's a nasty thing!"

After listening, Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Yes, although You Fangqin died, he was not wronged at all. He killed all four of them. The murder is justified. He suffered from his own evil consequences. A dead end can go! But why did he choose Jinfulou? As people die, he can’t ask questions anymore! It’s just that we must act more carefully in the future! Someone, the frame will not be successful once, I am afraid it will be even more This is the second time!"

Li Fan nodded: "Yes, Jinfu Loushu is very popular!"

At this moment, in Broken Yuguzhai, after watching the hot business for a while, he returned to the quiet restaurant. Even the little servant and the accountant were weak, so Shu Lin didn't make a fight. He smashed the railing, and said angrily: "Damn it, something such a big thing would let that dead girl escape, and even took a sign from the emperor. It's a deception!"

"Brother, I said that the girl is not easy to deal with, right?" Seeing Shu Lin's angry look, Shu Min continued: "The girl is from the countryside, but she has a lot of bad water. Our youngest. Now the emperor has given her as the lord of Anping County and has given shelter to Jinfulou. We want to do it again, and we have to live a while!"

Shu Min said with a pity that she had already known that she had been sent to kill her at that time, so she said she was involved in the murder, and said that she was killed first. When the dust settled, the people were already dead, and the death was dead. , Where will it get so many things behind.

"I guess, she has found out that we are in collusion with You Fangqin, otherwise, she won't find the small yard, and there will be a ghost show for him to confess!" Shu Lin said angrily. A fierceness flashed inside: "I still think this woman can stay. It seems that this woman is really too smart!"

"She is now an imperial Anping princess, and here is the capital again. There are two personal guards with high martial arts beside her, brother, don't mess around!" Shu Min was happy when she heard that Shu Lin was going to kill Gu Xiaowan. , But here is at the feet of the emperor, and there was another homicide case of that size some time ago. During this time, the security in the capital must be very careful, but you must not act rashly.

"The two personal guards by her side are really strange, how can martial arts be so good! A girl from the countryside, where did she find such a powerful master!" Shu Lin asked suspiciously.

"The martial arts is high above the guards given to me by the emperor brother!"

"I have one more thing I can't figure out!"


"The mother Bai is thousands of miles away, who on earth found her? Could it be that she really got the favor of You Fangqin and came here to find the murderer for You family? That thousands of miles away, this news How did you pass it over!" Shu Lin thought that it was the mother Bai who had ruined her good deeds, so she was so angry that she didn't fight it out. It was just a mother who had ruined all her good deeds!

"Brother, don’t you think it’s weird? Gu Xiaowan, it seems that someone is helping her! We didn’t even think of things, but she thought of it, and, moreover, one step ahead of us, Jin Fulou’s case, it seems Someone helped her find the murderer!"

Shu Min also said strangely, frowning tightly in one place, as if thinking about something puzzled.

"If you don't tell me, I don't think it's true!" Shu Lin nodded and said, "Who is behind this wild girl? Someone will help her." ?"

"Could it be Tan Yexing? Tan Yushu has a very good relationship with her!"

"It's possible! The old man is still holding on to the case ten years ago. That old bone is going to be buried in the loess. The bones of his son and wife are rotten, and they are still holding on. !" Shu Lin sipped, and said: "I don't care who helped her, and if I dare to offend our Ming Palace, I must make her go about without eating, Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan"

Shu Lin spit out the three words Gu Xiaowan softly, as if he was entangled in the evil spirits in purgatory, with a cold smile on his lips.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage, watching the beginning of the Hua Deng, the prosperity of the capital was like a beautiful piece of cloth, glowing with a moving luster, but no one knew that behind the Hua Deng, there was a large area of ​​invisible fingers. The black shadow, like the mouth of a huge monster, swallowed everything.

The beautiful, the ugly, the good, the bad, the next step is the cliff, the beautiful scenery, no one knows.

This kind of prosperity, one more step, is to walk in front of the ghost gate.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the red lanterns that lit up and illuminated the entire long street. Gu Xiaowan only felt that her eyes could not stand such a strong light. After knocking down the curtain, she no longer wanted to appreciate the prosperity outside. .

Zuo was also in the carriage. Seeing the girl's mind, he lost his mind and hurriedly comforted: "Girl, the Jinfulou problem has been solved, and you can rest well. During this time, you are all tired and thin. !"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "What we did, we couldn't find the murderer at all. We can only fight for a period of time to find the murderer for Uncle Li and us. The real thing is that the mother Bai, she came out to find the murderer. This is a crucial step! It’s just that, I don’t want to understand, how did the news of Yu Qian’s death reach his ears as the mother Bai is thousands of miles away?"

Gu Xiaowan was also puzzled.

"Or" Seeing Gu Xiaowan's doubts, Zuo quickly flashed a smile on his face, and then said solemnly: "Maybe God has eyes and knows that Jinfu Tower has been wronged, and then he opened his eyes and let Mother Bai know this. Things, and then come to the capital!"

Zuo’s words were a bit mysterious. Gu Xiaowan looked at her, swept away the gloom, and said with a smile: "It seems to be a god-man helping!"

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