The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1651: Thought dreaming

Ah Zuo and Ah Zuo guarded outside the gate until the shadowy figure by the window finally disappeared. Ah Zuo and Ah Zuo both hugged their swords and fell asleep against the pillar.

Wan Lai was quiet, and could only hear the knocking sound from the caller.

A sound of footsteps came from far and near, their steps calm and brisk, like

"Here is the master?" The two woke up at the same time, hearing the sound of footsteps, they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"It's almost ugly! The time to go up is almost here!" Ahmad looked up at the sky and estimated the next time.

At this moment, a tall figure walked in from the outside, a black cloak hunting in the early morning wind, while Qin Yizhi came in a bright light.

"Master, you are finally here!" Ah Mo took the cloak, only to feel that the cloak was on top of it, the dust servant, and when he looked closely at Qin Yizhi's body, he was exhausted, as if he had just returned.

It seemed that the master had just arrived in the capital without even returning to his mansion, so he came directly to Qingyuan.

On closer inspection, the eye sockets were sunken, and the whole person was reduced a lot.

It seems that this trip to the south has suffered a lot.

Both felt a pain in their hearts, but they dared not speak.

Qin Yizhi stood still for a moment, and asked, "How is she doing?"

"Some time ago, about Jinfulou, the girl didn't eat well and didn't sleep well. Then the case was solved and it was better! The girl is in a good mood today, knowing that you are coming today, I have prepared it for you. A bowl of bird's nest with rock sugar, but I am afraid it is also cold at the moment! Do you want to reheat it again?" Zuo asked softly.

Qin Yizhi waved his hand, did not speak, strode across the corridor and walked towards Gu Xiaowan's room.

And Zuo and Ahmad looked at each other and sat down again leaning on the pillar.

The master didn't say anything, just told them to do nothing, then rest!

Qin Yizhi softly pushed the door in. He missed the little cat after a long time.

He opened the door gently, and the Ye Mingzhu in the room was still lit. He looked along the light and saw a small head lying on the back of the desk, just asleep.

"Damn" it's such a cold day, she is still sleeping here, what can I do if it is freezing!

If he doesn't come tonight, will she be here all night!

Qin Yizhi was angry and anxious, and came forward to hug her gently, not daring to use too much force for fear of waking her.

People who are thinking about everything, like a kitten nestled in the arms here, Qin Mozhi really didn't want to let go at this moment.

Feeling her body was a little cold, Qin Yizhi couldn't, so she had to put her in the bed. Fearing that she would be cold, she was still sitting on the side of the bed, putting her small feet into the palms of her hands, and using the temperature in her palms to warm her feet.

Her feet are so cold, Qin Yizhi's brows are frowned, and her eyes are unwilling to move away.

This trip to the south, he had to go, otherwise, he would not let her be very anxious here, and go to investigate other cases.

Fortunately, he took care of both. It's just that he was not by her side to comfort her, support her, she must be very tired by herself!

Looking at her little face again, it seemed that it was a little smaller at the moment, and Qin Mozhi felt more distressed.

Since I saw her last time, I was still at the door of the Hall of Nourishment.

She looked at the people in the guard clothes under the steps in a daze, and she didn't even notice the father-in-law Qi called three times beside her.

Qin Mozhi felt angry and sweet at the thought of her misty appearance at the time.

It was annoying that this little girl was able to stare at other men in a trance, but he knew he was jealous.

Those imperial forest soldiers were fully armed, wearing helmets and armor, and had covered half of their faces. How could she see the looks of those people clearly.

But she was obsessed, he guessed she was looking for herself at that time.

Thinking of this, Qin Mozhi's heart was sweet, as if he had eaten a hundred bowls of bird's nest with rock sugar, and the sweet water came out.

In this area, the little jade foot is held in the palm of the hand, and the little face is full of the little palm, the heart is melted.

"Little cat, thin again!" Qin Mozhi whispered, with a faint worry and sigh in his voice.

He whispered and looked at the person on the bed and opened his eyes. The dazzling galaxy seemed to be flickering. She blinked, maybe not awake, blinked again, the warmth from the soles of her feet It made her confused as if she was dreaming.

"You are here" she opened her eyes, looked at the person in front of her, and whispered softly.

"Well, here I am!" He replied, his eyes passing by with a hundred miles of gentle spring breeze from the south of the Yangtze River.

She chuckled softly, but closed her eyes and muttered: "Why did you run into my dream? But that's good, it's good to see you in the dream!"

She finished speaking in a daze, and fell asleep again, Xu Shi really thought that what she saw was just a dream.

Qin Yizhi looked at her without making any sound, just looking at her all the time.

The softness of my heart was hurt by her words just now.

How long has she not seen herself?

Qin Yizhi frowned, thinking that she had never been by her side, she must be very sad!

When such a big thing happened, but she couldn't share her worries for her by her side, make ideas for her, and couldn't comfort her by her side, she must be angry with herself in her heart?

Qin Yizhi felt very uncomfortable. He lay on the bed, but did not dare to lift Gu Xiaowan’s bedding. Instead, he lay directly on the bedding, reached out and hugged Gu Xiaowan, and whispered in her ear: "Wan'er, Sorry, I will always be with you in the future, and will not leave you for a moment, okay?"

"it is good!"

The little man next to him murmured, but still did not open his eyes, and made a low snoring sound.

Qin Yizhi held the person in his arms, but couldn't sleep anymore.

On the second day, after three poles of the sun, Gu Xiaowan woke up quietly.

She clutched her head and turned her neck, only to feel that she had a good dream last night, dreaming of the return of Huizhi's brother.

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