The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1657: Masked girl

Shen Wenjun’s curiosity began after hearing what the man said. Li Yuan listened calmly, feeling that there was something hidden in his mind, but it was all other people’s business. He doesn't need to manage.

It didn't take long before Changsheng came back, holding a bag of white jade cotton: "My son, there are only six catties of white jade cotton left in our shop, look."

The white cotton is soft and fluffy, and it looks like a first-class product.

Shen Wenjun nodded, and followed Si Xi and said: "You took the white jade cotton to the guests, and you said it was a little too close. When the collection is completed next time, you will deliver it yourself!"

Sixi answered and went out with things.

Kou Hai heard this and hurriedly got up and said, "No, if everything is done, I will go out and run!"

"That's too much trouble, brother, give me an address, and then I will send it to you according to the address!" Seeing that he still insisted on not saying, Si Xi said hurriedly: "This white jade cotton is extremely precious and extremely precious. The land is hard to find, and I don’t know when you can find it. If you don’t find it, let your eldest brother take a trip. Isn’t it a waste of your time?"

Sixi almost dried up, but Kou Hai still didn't let go: "No, it's just a carriage ride, it's not a problem!"

Then, after checking the items on the order, after looking at the goods, shipping them, and checking out, Sixi helped Kou Hai put the things on the carriage.

That Sixi was entrusted by Shen Wenjun, and he carefully checked whether there were any marks on the carriage. But after looking at it for a long time, it was just an ordinary cyan linoleum carriage. It can be seen everywhere in the capital, and there is nothing special about it. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Seeing Kou Hai beat his horse away, he rushed in.

At this moment, Shen Wenjun had also come out. Seeing Sixi's helpless expression, he knew that he had not found any news.

No wonder, if Sixi could ask what to say, then he would not have been searching for such a long time, nor would he have found a Ding Mao.

Seeing the back of the carriage leaving quietly, Shen Wenjun shouted: "Lead the horse!"

Changsheng was going right away, and Shen Wenjun was still looking forward to it, looking eagerly, as if he wished to keep up with the carriage right away.

Li Yuan stroked his beard, saw Shen Wenjun looking so eagerly, and asked: "The son is looking for someone?"

Last time, he had seen Shen Wenjun's desperate look, the same as now.

The family in the carriage, but the one he is looking for?

Li Yuan looked at Shen Wenjun's face flushed slightly, shook his head, and said embarrassedly: "I'm not sure yet!"

The horse came over, and Shen Wenjun bid farewell to Li Yuan and beat the horse to keep up with the slow carriage ahead. The Changsheng beside him followed Shen Wenjun and followed quickly.

Seeing the backs of the master and servant eagerly leaving, Li Yuan never looked away for a long time. Some people spend some time and can still find the person they want to find, or they can see the person standing behind, waiting for themselves.

But what about him? He was afraid that after spending his entire life, he would not find the person he was looking for.

And she would not wait for him!

Li Yuan's face suddenly turned pale, and his body staggered, and he was about to fall to the ground. Fortunately, there was a door behind him, which blocked his backward posture.

But the face was as white as paper in an instant, and the whole figure seemed to be emptied of energy. His eyes were not full of energy, and his eyes condensed in one direction without focus. For a long time, his lips were tightly closed, and he never spoke a word.

For a long time, the strong wind in the autumn faintly blew away his grief.

Qing, when your subordinates avenge you, they will find you!

Qing, do you remember me?

Are you going to wait for me?

Looking again, I saw that Li Yuan closed his eyes in pain, leaning against the door house, hanging weakly.

Kou Hai came out of Lanqing Cloth. Because of the large number of people on the road, he didn't notice at all. The carriage was walking slowly, and he didn't even find Shen Wenjun behind him.

I saw Kou Hai driving a horse-drawn carriage through the crowded street, and then he drove again on the bustling Guanglong Street.

Guanglong Street is wide. Although there are few people here, there are a lot of carriages parked in front of the luxuriously decorated shops. Kouhai's carriage is not fast at all. When it approaches the entrance of Lanyue Pavilion, the carriage slows down. , I saw Kou Hai screaming for his horse, and the horse stopped at the door of Lanyue Pavilion.

Upon seeing this, Shen Wenjun got off his horse immediately, as if going to the snack shop beside him to eat, but his eyes didn't leave the door of Lanyue Pavilion at all.

That person stopped at the door of Lanyue Pavilion, but why? Looks like that, it seems to be waiting for someone!

Shen Wenjun thought that all the things he bought were like materials for making dolls that are now popular in Beijing, and he couldn't help but look at it more curiously.

After waiting a short while, I saw a group of people walking out of the Moon Tower.

The head of a woman is slender and thin, wearing a white jade embroidered shirt, a pearl white lake crepe skirt of the same color, and a cedar fluffy cloak on the outer head. The white fluff is the lining of the delicate face like white jade. general. Her face was covered with a layer of white gauze, and she couldn't see her appearance at all, but the smooth and full forehead made people guess that this person's face was beautiful.

Just looking at the slender willow eyebrows, they are not like paintings, and the round and gleaming eyes underneath are black and white, and they exude dazzling brilliance when they smile. The hair was curled up high with a white pearl ribbon of the same color on his body, and a carved wooden hairpin was inserted diagonally. The originally black and flowing hair exuded a fairy-like temperament. Wearing a creamy white jade bracelet on the wrist, the warm mutton white jade exudes a kind of unspoken brilliance, which complements the plain dress.

At the same time, following her, there was also a slightly shorter girl. This girl was dressed in a pink dress with butterflies and a thin brocade coat with flowers and clouds, and the same embroidered butterfly dress on her lower body. His face was also covered with a pink veil, and he couldn't see the real face, but his eyes looked like jade inlaid on his face, flashing as if he could speak. The eyebrows were bent just right, although the face was not clear, but the curved eyebrows seemed to be smiling, and the whole person exuded a fascinating smell.

It seems familiar and unforgettable at first sight.

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