The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1660: Qin Yizhi

"Aunt" Gu Xiaowan had never seen Gu Fangxi's stern words, and she was a little confused: "I'm just cooking a few dishes!"

She hadn't done it before, and her aunt had never been so nervous.

"That's not okay. Just have me and Kou Dan here. You are the princess. How can you come in here, go out quickly, and go back to your house to rest!" Gu Fangxi pushed Gu Xiaowan and went out, insisting. The look made Gu Xiaowan feel that something was wrong.

"Aunt, what's the matter with you? Don't I usually cook some food? You are today" Gu Xiaowan felt that something was wrong with Gu Fangxi, and said hurriedly, "Aunt, is there anything wrong with you?"

Gu Fangxi really had something in her heart. Seeing Gu Xiaowan worrying about herself, she immediately grinned and said, "What can I do, isn't it because I feel sorry that you are too tired during this time? Just now you went to Lanyue Pavilion again. There are so many things in the house that you are taking care of by yourself, and your aunt can’t help much. For such a small thing, having an aunt is enough, so don’t worry about it! Ah? Good, obedient. !"

Gu Fangxi pushed Gu Xiaowan away, but Gu Xiaowan didn't want to go back.

"Aunt" Gu Xiaowan knew that Gu Fangxi loved herself, but she always felt that after hearing that Qin Yizhi was coming back today, Gu Fangxi's attitude was a little wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Gu Xiaowan was pushed out of the kitchen by Gu Fangxi. Seeing her persistence, Gu Xiaowan knew that she couldn't do anything today, so she gave up the idea of ​​cooking by herself today.

The more Gu Fangxi thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, even when he thought of cutting vegetables, he quietly wiped tears.

Kou Dan saw it and knew that something was definitely going on in his aunt's heart, so he ran out secretly and told Zuo.

After Gu Xiaowan learned about it, she went to the kitchen and asked Gu Fangxi what was wrong.

When Gu Fangxi started, he refused to say why. Seeing Gu Xiaowan kept asking, Gu Fangxi's tears fell like broken beads, and said chokedly: "Xiaowan, let's go home! "

"Go home?" Gu Xiaowan asked back.

"Well, back to Liujia Town, back to our Gu Garden. We don’t need anything here. We can’t afford it. Let’s review the garden, plant land, and do small business. This capital does not belong to us at all. Stay here, God knows who will frame you next time? Today is Jinfulou, maybe next time it will be Lanyue Pavilion, but in this family, you are the only one running around and you can talk. , There is no one who can shelter you from the wind and rain! The aunt doesn’t know anything about things in the capital. Aunt only asks for the Bodhisattva, but if we go home, maybe aunt can help! You won’t be so troubled! "Gu Fangxi choked up and said something, and Gu Xiaowan immediately understood.

"Aunt" Gu Xiaowan knew that Gu Fangxi was thinking for her own sake, and her heart was moved with tears in her eyes.

"We don't need to be rich and wealthy, as long as we have our own life. New Year's Eve is almost in the blink of an eye, and you are about to be seventeen. Even after you come to the capital, Xiao Qin rarely appears. This time, you are running around by yourself. Auntie sometimes thinks, at that time, she agreed to his courtship so readily. Did her aunt do something wrong?" Gu Fangxi cried. And this sentence shocked Gu Xiaowan: "Aunt, you"

"To love someone is not to give away some gold and silver mountains, but to have someone standing in front of you and sheltering you from the wind and rain!" Gu Fangxi can be regarded as returning to the unhappy family of the first half of his life. And marriage made her not the woman who would only hold her head and wait to be beaten.

She also thinks now.

And her words made Gu Xiaowan smile after she was shocked: "Auntie, are you saying that Brother Yizhi is not by my side?"

"Huh, that bastard, you've been in the capital for so long, how many times has he appeared? Every day it gets dark, and I can't see it. The next day I left before dawn. Even the time to speak. Not at all! Before I asked for a kiss, I was in front of you day after day, but after I asked for a kiss? But in a blink of an eye, no one was seen. Is this capital too prosperous and fascinated him!" Gu Fang was pleased to see Gu Xiaowan’s laughter in his heart. grief.

She knew that Gu Xiaowan had never experienced love between men and women, but she had experienced it, and she knew men.

She used to think that Qin Mozhi was different from other men, but after such a long period of observation, Qin Mozhi also became an ordinary man in her eyes.

When you don't get it, work harder, but after you get it, you don't know how to cherish it.

She is very, very dissatisfied with Qin Mozhi's performance during this period.

"I've never seen it before. Such a big thing happened to my wife who hasn't passed the door. He doesn't know where it is. That day you were almost taken away by the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si. I have been thinking about it for a long time. This princess doesn’t need anything, we don’t need anything. We will all go back to Liujia Town. As long as there are so many fields and houses, we are enough. Let’s go home. That Qin Yizhi misses the prosperity of the capital, so let him Stay in the capital. If he likes it, let him stay. That vow to ask for relatives is beyond count!"

Gu Fangxi's words caused Zuo and Kou Dan on the side to take a breath.

They understand now.

Gu Fangxi is blaming Qin Yizhi!

And this blame, people have no reason to refute.

Because they don't know how to persuade Gu Fangxi.

Seeing Gu Fangxi's excitement, Gu Xiaowan's steadfast gaze seemed to be iron-hearted, and she couldn't help but ask: "Auntie, it's not what you think, brother Xizhi."

Hearing Gu Xiaowan wanting to explain, Gu Fangxi interrupted him hurriedly: "Xiaowan, you don't need to explain for him. Auntie is here, this man, when he didn't get it, everything is good, but if he gets it. , But I don’t even know how to cherish it! He is nowhere to be seen after such a big incident. When the matter is resolved, he will appear. Is he afraid that he will get into trouble?"

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