The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1666: Things are not

When Gu Xiaowan heard that the child was dead, she turned her head and looked at Tan Yushu blankly.


Isn’t Qin Fang and Ye Lan’s brother Yezhi’s brother?

Back then, what kind of suffering did he endure that made everyone mistakenly think he was dead?

Gu Xiaowan was afraid that her emotions would let Tan Yushu see the clues, so she turned her head and quietly listened to Tan Yushu's words: "It's just strange. Madam Qing has passed away for decades. How could her poems appear in Here?"

"Is it built by someone who loved Madam Qing? Therefore, Madam Qing’s poems were also carved on these trees. If it weren’t for the Anping County Lord to ask us to see the maple leaves, I’m afraid it’s the characters on this tree. It's not present now!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't give a glance, she looked at the tree in a daze. The ladies saw her froze, and some of them were really busy covering their mouths and did not speak, but some people who weren't sincere to come to the banquet coldly snorted. A cry, for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"I don't know how this house was rented out"

Speaking of Madam Qing, it was not a lucky thing, and she was still an unknown person. After someone wrote the line, no one dared to speak anymore.

"This person is an unknown person. After General Qin picked her up on the battlefield, he married her, and the whole person was as if he lost his soul. Later, after giving birth to a child, General Qin was even more concerned. When he fell on his wife and children, his official career was ruined a lot! Later, if it were not for that woman, General Qin would not have died early!" Someone said regretfully, and everyone agreed.

Tan Yushu saw that everyone was saying this a little bit off, looked at Gu Xiaowan, and said: "Since everyone appreciates the maple leaves, everyone should go to the front yard to eat something!"

Everyone didn't want to stay anymore, and followed the footsteps of the maids to the front yard.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and watched the ladies leave Shuangfengyuan one by one, with decent smiles on their faces. If someone greeted her, Gu Xiaowan nodded, making people unable to catch the slightest mistake.

After everyone had gone, Gu Xiaowan hadn't left Shuangfeng Academy.

She came under a maple tree, looked up at the inscription on the tree, and was full of emotion in her heart.

That night, after she had a conversation with Qin Mozhi, Gu Xiaowan offered to help Qin Mozhi find the murderer of his parents.

Qin Yizhi disagreed, but couldn't resist Gu Xiaowan's insistence. No, Qin Yizhi only agreed to let Gu Xiaowan do this. When holding a banquet, he chose Shuangfengyuan.

Why did you choose to stay in Shuangfengyuan? That night, Qin Mozhi also explained to her.

After the Qingyuan was built that year, his mother was extremely fond of seeing maple leaves, so his father specially set up this courtyard to plant maple leaves. Mrs. Qing was particularly talented, and "Yue Dan Hua Xian Ye Deep, the Song family chants like a legacy. Rethinking forever, no one appreciates the dew, the fragrance is full of dew, and the poem is especially liked by Mrs. Qing. Therefore, Qin Fang personally took the knife, which was just a small seedling at the time. All the words in this poem were carved on the tree, and he said with a smile, if the two of them had no one to know them for a hundred years, their children and grandchildren would still think of them when they saw the words on the tree. His ancestors carved words on this tree to commemorate their love.

The words have been inscribed, and as time goes by, the small trees of those years have now grown into towering trees, but Qin Fang and Madam Qing have long since disappeared in the tide of time.

And at that time, the elder brother Yizhi was the same age as her when he came across, he was only six or seven years old, no, he was younger than her.

Without his father and mother, even the big fire at home tried to burn him completely.

He didn't have a relative, so how did he come here for so many years?

Gu Xiaowan is alive and well. That's because although her body is eight years old, there is a person who is almost 30 years old in her soul. She is mature in mind, but he is different. At that time, his true mind and spirit They are only six or seven years old.

How did he survive at that time?

"Girl" Zuo saw Gu Xiaowan's sadness, knowing that he was sad when he thought of the master's affairs, and hurriedly said in a low voice, "There are many young ladies here today. I'm afraid there are too many people. The girl should go to the front yard earlier. Doubt!"

Zuo's voice was very soft, and the light ones seemed to be a little deep. Gu Xiaowan glanced back at her, a trace of doubt flashed in her heart, but she nodded immediately: "Let's go!"

When they came to the front yard, everyone gathered in one place according to the sign on the table. Some people took their seats early. Without the permission of the owner, they stretched out their chopsticks to pick up the dishes in front of them. Up.

There are also some people who stand still and do not sit, seem to be waiting for their master to take a seat first.

Gu Xiaowan glanced lightly at the people around her, and saw the attitudes and looks of those people.

"Sisters, please take a seat, as if you are in your own home today, you don't need to be polite!" Gu Xiaowan smiled softly, shouting everyone to sit down.

After the people thanked them sparsely, they sat down in their seats. Some of them had already sat down. They didn't even move their buttocks. Looking at Gu Xiaowan's appearance, they sneered in their hearts and didn't dare to show them on their faces. The dishes in front of you.

Gu Xiaowan sat down as well. On the other end, Kou Dan brought a message: "Miss, Princess Mingdu is here!"

Why is she here?

Gu Xiaowan looked at Kou Dan in a dazed manner, and hurriedly got up and said, "Hurry up!"

After finishing talking, follow Codan all the way out.

Tan Yu beside him was a little displeased with his written expression. This person is really noisy, where to go!

She obviously didn't send a gift to her sister, so her sister naturally did not send an invitation to that person, who really rushed over by herself cheeky.

Fang Peiya was also a little confused. After looking at each other with Tan Yushu, she saw the vigilance in each other's eyes.

This Shu Min came uninvited, just like the weasel giving a New Year's greetings to a rooster, surely not in any good intentions.

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