The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1687: You can't stay

After listening to the empress dowager, she immediately thought of all the reasons.

After a while, there was a hysterical roar from the empress dowager from the room: "Kill this group of minions with sticks. The sinner, You He, hit thirty boards and was sent to the Department of Surgery!"

When You He heard these words, he just woke up faintly, and fainted again with a scream.

Immediately afterwards, wailing, yelling, and clubbing sounded incessantly. The entire imperial concubine palace was like **** on earth, with blood flowing in a river in no time.

When Qin Yizhi rushed to the palace, he saw that the entire palace of the imperial concubine had been cleaned.

He stayed outside the hall, father-in-law Qi went in first, and saw the empress dowager and empress sitting there, looking anxiously and worriedly at the emperor who is still unconscious.

Concubine Wang has been crying, and now she is silently wiping her tears.

Seeing the father-in-law Qi came back, the empress mother said: "Queen, you go back first, here is the palace to watch!"

When the queen heard this, she said hurriedly: "Mother, go back and rest. Just have me and Concubine Wang here!"

"No, this palace will let you go back, and you will go back, the province is crying here, disturbing the emperor to rest!" The empress dowager stared at the choking concubine Wang Guifei with displeased expression, and said displeasedly.

The queen couldn't hear it, but after bowing down, she took Wang Guifei away.

After they left, the empress mother said: "Let Midnight come in!"

After a while, Qin Yizhi came in and stepped forward to salute: "The minister pays homage to the empress dowager."

The Queen Mother waved her hand to flatten him, and said directly: "Midnight, You He gave the emperor the medicine of tiger and wolf, it is daring!"

You Jia is really impatient to live.

The murder that had just settled not long ago was full of riots, but in the end it was the Yu family who shouted the thief.

"The empress dowager, now there is a noble concubine in the You family, and Master You is also a first-class member. The emperor now only has the queen and two noble concubines, and has no children yet. This Concubine You wants to come, because she wants to conceive a dragon before the election. Yu!" Qin Mozhi said with a frown.

When the empress mother heard this, she threw the tea cup in her hand heavily on the huanghuali wood table: "This is the same thing in this palace, this Yuhe, is it that you want to give birth to the dragon son and take the queen instead? Is You Liang crazy? Is it possible that he still wants to be the head of the country?"

When You He entered the palace, the emperor didn't even think about it at all, until Master You Tai spoke up personally. At that time, the emperor's foundation was unstable and naturally needed the support and love of courtiers, so the emperor was helpless.

The status of glory, wealth, and respect was given to You He, who was not satisfied yet, and wanted to covet the position of Queen! is simply terrible!

Queen Leng Zixu and Concubine Wang, who had already left, came to the gate of the palace and saw that Concubine Wang said with a smile: "Queen Empress, you have such a vicious hand to deal with the emperor, I am afraid there is another plan! "

Seeing Leng Zixu smiled and said, "Oh, what's the intention?"

Seeing the queen, Guifei Wang was not curious at all, and said hurriedly: "Manny, aren't you curious? This Youshi is simply daring to treat the emperor like this. Is it possible that she wants to monopolize the emperor? Grace?"

"Exclusive of the emperor's grace?" The empress's mouth was smiling, and she couldn't see the slightest emotion: "It's cold outside here, my sister should go back soon. The emperor is the emperor of the people, and does not belong to anyone! He belongs only to heaven. , Belong to the earth, belong to all people! Even this palace and you, and anyone in this harem, cannot monopolize the emperor! If my sister has this mind, the trouble will be wiped out as soon as possible. If it kills the emperor, let alone the queen mother If you do it, this palace will never spare anyone! Concubine Wang, I hope you abide by your duty!"

Leng Zixu said coldly. The concubine Wang Gui was shocked when she heard it, and she helped her to the ceremonial ceremonial ceremony: "Queen Empress, what are you talking about? The concubine wholeheartedly follows the empress to take care of the emperor. This is The duty of a concubine!"

The empress was in a ceremonial service. Seeing her saying this, she couldn’t see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on her face: “My sister is very good to think like this. Why don’t you go back to the palace and rest soon. Come and serve the emperor!"

When Concubine Wang heard this, she was naturally unwilling to show her weakness: "Don't worry, your concubine will go back. Tomorrow, she will be waiting for her at the gate of the palace, and she will serve the emperor with her!"

In the palace, the emperor is still unconscious, but this breath is much more stable than before.

At the moment in the bedroom, only Huang Shang, the empress dowager and Qin Yizhi were unconscious. Outside the bedroom, Helian and Meng had been guarding at the door.

"In the middle of the night, the You family committed a heinous crime. Whether you know it or not, you can't stay here anymore. Passing down the clothes of the palace, capture the You family, and immediately go to prison!" The empress mother said solemnly, and Qin Yizhi said. Nodding should be.

Youjia, it is indeed impossible to stay.

And the empress dowager made a decree, and immediately someone went to formulate the decree.

Suddenly, the entire You Mansion was wailing and panicking.

The officers and soldiers were well-trained, and they caught people when they saw them, and they caught dogs when they saw them. Within an hour, they had already put the people in the You's house into prison.

When the news reached Qin Mozhi's ears, he was sitting behind his desk reading a book. Father Qi was standing aside with Fuchen in his arms. He had already squinted his eyes, apparently sleeping in a fake sleep.

"Cough cough water" Suddenly, Shu Tianci faintly woke up, only feeling that his throat was weak, and his body was very sore.

"Emperor, you are awake!" Hearing the movement, Father Qi hurriedly came forward to pour water, exclaimed with great joy.

Shu Tianci took a sip of tea, only to feel that the heat on his body had gone down a bit at this moment. He frowned, looked at this familiar bed, and suddenly felt a little surprised: "I am still in Youshi Palace?"

Familiar palaces, familiar mattresses, he has been resting here for seven or eight days, and everything here is familiar to him.

He looked around questioningly, and saw a young master Pian Pianjia walking slowly: "Midnight, why are you here?"

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