The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1693: Great hero

What you say will change for the better. When she saw herself just now, Gu Xiaowan could clearly see the fierceness and jealousy in her eyes.

"Xiaowan, it’s not easy for me to come to see you. My aunt said just like this. My mother said a few more words. Isn’t this defending me? Xiaowan, we are a family. I am your cousin. Like you, I am a member of the Gu family, and I also have the blood of Gu family in my body. I definitely hope you are good. If you are good, I will be fine. If you are not good, I am not good, right?" Seeing that Gu Xiaowan became angry, Gu Xintao said with a sad expression.

Gu Xintao's question was correct, and she kept staring at Gu Xiaowan, as if waiting for her to answer.

Gu Xiaowan saw that she turned her face faster than a book, her eyes were cold, jealous, bloody, and the sadness and sorrow at the moment, Gu Xintao's change of face was too fast.

How long hasn't it been? When did Gu Xintao learn such a scheming, it seems that the purpose of these two people to clear the garden is not simple!

"If it's a family, I hope everyone is well!" Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Xintao's anxious eyes and opened her mouth lightly.

However, her eyes were always looking at Gu Xintao, wanting to see her reaction.

"Mother, did you hear that? I know that Xiaowan is a kind-hearted person! She is good, so can we be good!" Gu Xintao heard Gu Xiaowan's affirmative answer, and the sadness on her face was swept away with excitement. Exclaimed, his tone full of surprises.

Sun Xi'e also murmured excitedly: "Yeah, yeah, Xiaowan is kind-hearted and kind-hearted!"

Then I heard Gu Xintao taking Gu Xiaowan’s hand and carefully saying: "Xiaowan, we just arrived in Beijing and there is no place to stay. Your house is so big, can you let us live for a while? Don’t worry, wait for me. After my brother has finished the imperial examination and arrived in the capital with my dad, we will definitely move out and will not disturb you again!"

It turned out that it was Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e who came back. It was just strange, how could these two people come to the capital early!

"No!" When Gu Fangxi heard that Gu's big room wanted to live in, he refused without thinking.

When Sun Xi'e heard this, her eyebrows turned, her heart was dying, and she just wanted to continue to linger. Gu Fangxi only cared about her own blessings, not even her elder brother, sister-in-law, niece, or nephew, but she was about to curse. After seeing Gu Xintao's eyes, she immediately silenced her voice and said sadly, "Fangxi, I know that we have done a lot of wrong things and hurt you, but we already know that we are wrong. If we made a mistake, we changed it, so you give us a chance to reform, okay? Don’t worry, we are really just a place to stay. When your eldest brother brings Ziwen to Beijing, we will definitely move. Go out!"

Gu Xintao also preemptively said: "Xiaowan, didn't you say that the family should support each other? I won't do things that I'm sorry for you anymore, so you can do it and take us in for a while, OK? We really have no place. Go! You don't want us to live on the streets. If someone knows that the relatives of the Anping County Lord will live on the streets, I am afraid that it will be bad for your reputation!"


When Gu Fangxi saw that Gu Xintao threatened Gu Xiaowan with her reputation, he couldn't help but feel angry. Her fingers were trembling and pointed at Gu Xintao. As she was about to reprimand, Gu Xiaowan said quietly, "Okay!"

"Really?" Seeing Gu Xiaowan actually agreed, Gu Xintao raised her eyebrows, how could the greed and desire in her eyes be hidden.

But she just wanted to pretend to be innocent and harmless, and several extreme expressions appeared on her face, like a clown.

"Naturally!" Gu Xiaowan pretended not to see her expression, and replied faintly: "It's just that I don't care for idlers in the garden. Everyone has his own things to do. If you come in, you have to make your own food and clothes. You have to wash yourself, we don’t have any extra servants and servants for you to call! Are you still here?"

"What? What's the difference between letting us live outside?" Sun Xi'e called out immediately.

When Gu Xintao heard this, she quickly turned her head and glared at Sun Xi'e. When Sun Xi'e saw this, she stopped talking immediately.

"Live, live, of course." Gu Xintao saw that Sun Xi'e almost broke her own good deeds, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Xiao Wan is now the lord of Anping County, this gesture is enviable, and she follows her sister. I can follow these etiquettes too! Of course I have to live in. Also, I haven't been with my aunt and Xiao Yi for a long time, so naturally I have to follow you to cultivate and cultivate relationships!"

Gu Xintao said with a smile, as if flowers were blooming between her eyebrows.

Gu Xiaowan also chuckled, not reaching the bottom of his eyes.

Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e lived in Qingyuan.

On the day Gu Xintao just moved in, Tan Yushu also returned from the palace and told Gu Xiaowan good news.

It turned out that the princess Lihua had supported Gu Xiaowan on the table that day, she actually supported 300,000 taels of silver back to the palace. She was overjoyed and told the empress dowager. Upon hearing this, she happily shouted three bodhisattva blessings. I want to know what the empress dowager was like at that time.

A princess suddenly had three hundred thousand taels of silver. From the founding of the country to the present, I am afraid that no princess has become so rich.

King Ming’s family has money, but no one in the entire capital knows or anyone knows. He took three hundred thousand taels of silver from the Ming prince’s mansion, which weakened the Ming mansion’s financial resources and enriched the private house of the eldest princess. After blessing, I babbled three times that Xiaowan is a good kid!

The Ming Palace’s money is an iron cock. Although I don’t know how much the Ming Palace has earned over the years, it is not a small sum to let them spit out three hundred thousand taels of silver at once!

Thinking of this, the empress mother hurriedly invited the emperor, and the mother and son discussed the matter together.

When the emperor heard that the Anping Princess had earned 300,000 taels of silver for the emperor sister, and that it was from the unshakable Ming Palace, he was also happy to pat his thigh straight, saying that he would give Gu Xiaowan a great reward.

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