The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1703: Stunning

Su Qianyue's surprised singing voice became lower and lower, and finally, it was so low that she couldn't even hear her.

But at this moment Gu Xiaowan was completely unaware of the changes happening around her, even without the accompaniment of the piano, she could still dance ethereal.

After she came to another world, she never danced again, and finally had this opportunity. The light figure and the dripping pleasure made her want to stop, lightly chuckled, and the whole world, as if she was the only one left, a dance .

The lotus-colored clothes bloomed quietly like lotus flowers, and I saw the last tick of the cloud yarn, the last touch of ink appeared on the rice paper, and the lotus finally bloomed, and there was no sound in the hall.

This stunning, is destined to be a permanent shock!

After Gu Xiaowan finished the dance, her light posture instantly turned and bowed her knees, her voice was as crisp as lush green: "Xiaowan wishes the empress dowager good health and good fortune in the East China Sea, and a longevity!"

Everyone was still immersed in the magnificent dance. Gu Xiaowan’s crisp voice finally broke the tranquility above the hall. Everyone looked at the scroll and saw a longevity green pine proudly standing on it. On the cliff, a goshawk flies into the sky, shocking like a splash of ink.

The eight dragons and phoenix dancing on the side are even more amazing.

Fortune is like the East China Sea, and longevity is equal to the sky.

Such a beautiful picture scroll is actually painted with cloud yarn?

Everyone's eyes were staring at the magnificent picture and the graceful figure in the middle of the main hall. No one said a word, and no one noticed when Shu Min stopped the sound of the piano, Su Qian When is the month not singing.

At this time, Shu Tianci also hurriedly got off the seat, and the empress dowager was also helped by the princess Lihua to the face of Gu Xiaowan, all looking at Gu Xiaowan with an incredulous expression.

"What kind of dance is this?" The empress dowager looked at Gu Xiaowan curiously, and then asked excitedly: "The Aijia has never seen this kind of dance. What is its name?"

"If you go back to the empress dowager, this is the ink dance." Gu Xiaowan saw that the empress dowager was interested, she explained.

Originally, the ink dance was performed by two women dancing folk dances and four of them played Tai Chi. Gu Xiaowan learned qin, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy since she was a child. Folk dance has also been danced for more than ten or twenty years. This ink dance has been danced hundreds of times. It is so familiar.

In order to create a place that is different from other dances, Gu Xiaowan wanted to come to the Four Treasures of the Study to paint while dancing. I am afraid that no one can do this.

The key point is that Gu Xiaowan is exquisite in dance and painting skills. The two-phase advantage is superimposed, can you not surprise people!

Shu Tianci slapped his palms happily, and said with a smile: "Yes, good, good jumping!"

The empress dowager also nodded approvingly at this moment: "This child, Neng Wen Neng Dance, was born in the countryside, but he does not lose to any lady in the capital. It's not bad, not bad! The emperor, you should reward Anping well! "

Shu Tianci nodded and helped the empress dowager to walk towards the hall: "Mother, rest assured, of course there is a generous reward. She has two wishes left, I will give her one more!"

When everyone heard it, they were all stunned. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's eyes filled with surprise and envy.

The emperor actually gave Gu Xiaowan three promises?

And Gu Xiaowan was the most dazed. After listening to her, she hurriedly looked at Princess Lihua and Princess Lihua happily blinked at her, seeming to tell her that the matter had succeeded.

Gu Xiaowan was so excited, she knelt down hurriedly: "Xiaowan, thank you Sheng Shang Longen!"

Everyone knows that the promise of the emperor is a gold medal without death, splendid glory and wealth! It’s great to get one promise, but Gu Xiaowan got three?

The eyes of the people above the main hall looked at Gu Xiaowan changed.

Congratulations, cheers one after another, such a dance that has never been seen before, who can dance? A girl from the countryside has so many amazing things, did she still say that she came from the countryside?

I don't know where that country is. I'm afraid that many famous ladies will go to live for a while!

Shu Min was awakened by the sound of everyone cheering, and then she came to her senses. Even she was dumbfounded by the wonderful and graceful dance just now. After playing a few broken sounds, she stopped playing. , From the initial surprise to the envy and jealousy now, even harshly, Shu Min tilted her head, looking somewhere, her brows suddenly tightened.

But at this moment, Su Ziyue watched Gu Xiaowan's amazing dance just now, and he hasn't recovered until now.

That bright and charming face, that graceful and graceful dance, that full of poems and songs, such a woman

"Xiaowan, what kind of woman are you?" She sighed slightly, and was just heard by Su Qianyue who was sitting over. She raised her eyes to see the obsessive look in her brother's eyes, and then looked aside, she saw Mingdu County. The Lord's face was almost as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Brother" Su Qianyue hurriedly grabbed Su Ziyue, and then pulled his thoughts back: "What's the matter?"

"Brother, you lose your attitude in front of the Mingdu Princess, aren't you afraid that the Mingdu Princess will be unfavorable to our Su family?" Su Qianyue lowered her voice, and said in Su Ziyue's ear: "You know it clearly. The county lord admires you, so you still look at other women in front of her!"

Only then did Su Ziyue come back to his senses and looked at his nervous and angry younger sister. Only then did he realize that he had lost his way in the hall, but, looking at Su Qianyue’s questioning eyes, he frowned, but He kept his head down, no more words.

Su Qianyue saw that he no longer looked after Gu Xiaowan, and thought he had listened to her words, and it was a little better.

"The old man has always wanted to see this girl, the writings of the girl in the Qing Dynasty. The old man wanted to narrate with the girl, discuss the poems and songs, and I saw it today. I wonder if the old man has this blessing to learn from the girl?" A Bai The bearded old man sat on the seat, looked at Gu Xiaowan, and said humbly.

"This is Lin Jingru's grandfather, Academician Lin Haitianlin. He doesn't like fame and fortune. He only loves to read and compile. The emperor treats him with great respect. He was obsessed with poetry and poetry throughout his life. Few people in the entire Qing Dynasty can see him." See Tan Yushu Lin Haitian even talked to Gu Xiaowan and hurriedly explained to Gu Xiaowan.

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