The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1705: Return to the other body

Just when Shu Tianci was thinking about giving a bigger reward, he heard Shu Min with a smile on his face and a plump and slim figure. He stood up quietly and lightly opened his lips: "The emperor, Min'er thinks, Now there is a big gift here, which can be given to the Anping County Lord, and it is well deserved!"

Everyone glanced at Shu Min and saw that Shu Min triumphantly said: "Miss Lin is now the number one talented woman in the world. Nowadays, even Academician Lin does not praise Princess Anping. Absolutely, saying she is amazing"

Shu Min looked at Lin Jingru and Gu Xiaowan, with a smile on his face, and he stopped talking: "Then the name of the most talented woman in the world?"

Gu Xiaowan stared at her closely and heard Shu Min continue to say: "Miss Lin's title of the world's most talented woman should also change ownership?"

As soon as Shu Min's voice fell, she could only hear the silence in the whole hall, and even the needle could fall.

Everyone looked at Shu Min in surprise.

Because of the charcoal fire in the main hall, the main hall was warm like spring, and she was wearing a low-cut long dress of rosy rosy shade, covered with a white plum veil, and a rosy waist. Her belt, her jet-black hair, holding a flowing cloud bun, a jasper hairpin slanted between the buns, a jasper and exquisite hairpin, decorated with fine gold wire beaded tassels, and a round pearl hanging on the forehead, the skin is as smooth as jade With crimson, a faint smile hung on the glamorous vermilion lips, it was truly unparalleled.

Princess Mingdu is so beautiful!

But beauty is beautiful, but it makes people feel a sense of fear, just like a peacock. After the first glance, people feel that when they look at the second, they feel too gorgeous. Moreover, the arrogant aura emanating from his body made people feel a little disgusted.

If you hate beauty, you have scruples about beauty.

On the other hand, the Anping princess, who is dressed in lotus-colored clothes, has black hair like lacquer, skin like jade, moonbrows and star eyes, and there is an indescribable charm between his frowns and smiles. If it means that the princess is a peony The flowers are beautiful and unparalleled, and Princess Anping is like a budding hibiscus flower in a lotus pond, beautiful but not delicate, gorgeous but not vulgar, charming and incomparable.

If it is said that the peony flower of Princess Du is too graceful and noble, I dare not take a second look, while the hibiscus flower of Anping Princess is too beautiful and refined, which makes people unbearable.

People often explain the appearance of the capital princess, no one in the Qing Dynasty can match, and today

After everyone's eyes swept through Shu Min and Gu Xiaowan, they were surprised to find that this little-known Anping princess had a vague meaning to compare Mingdu princess.

And Shu Min was holding a sneer at the moment, looking straight at Gu Xiaowan, as if he had a good intention, but Gu Xiaowan knew that Shu Min was instigating the relationship between herself and Lin Jingru.

The status of the world's number one talented woman belongs to Lin Jingru, but Shu Min said that she deserves her name.

Does she mean that Lin Jingru is not worthy of this name?

Thinking of Shu Min's intentions, Gu Xiaowan sneered in her heart. If she wanted to provoke the relationship between herself and Lin Jingru, she would definitely not be allowed to succeed.

At this moment, after listening to the words of Princess Mingdu, the people in the hall wiped their sweat and looked at Lin Jingru and Gu Xiaowan.

Yes, one is the number one talented woman in the world, and the other is someone who even Lin Haitian praises. Is the name of the number one talented woman in the world really going to change hands? Some people who watched the excitement craned their necks and looked around between Gu Xiaowan and Lin's family. The words of Princess Mingdu made Gu Xiaowan offend the Lin family. Up.

No matter how she answered, it was wrong.

"Princess Mingdu meant that Xiaowan was better than the world's number one talented woman?" Gu Xiaowan asked, looking at Shu Min's gloating face, somewhat confused.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole hall took a breath.

Is this Anping princess a fool?

The emperor personally canonized Lin Jingru the title of the world's number one talented woman, and now she actually said that she is even more powerful than the world's number one talented woman?

It is true, but what she said like this

Isn't it embarrassing the emperor, the name of the world's most talented woman, but the emperor's golden words!

And when Shu Min saw Gu Xiaowan speaking out by herself, she was already happily lost sight of her teeth: "Anping princess is knowledgeable and talented, isn't she?"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Xiaowan spoke coldly: "Princess Mingdu, are you questioning the emperor's canonization? Or do you think the name of the world's most talented woman canonized by the emperor is not true? Decision-making, Mingdu county lord, monarch and ministers, the emperor is the emperor, and the minister is the minister. How can the emperor’s decision-making be ignored by the female generation?

Gu Xiaowan's voice was cold, but there was a loud noise. Above the hall, it was like a huge boulder hurled on the surface of a calm lake.

With a "wow", the entire lake rolled over.

Gu Xiaowan completely ignored the problems that Shu Min had just thrown at her, and raised this matter to the height of questioning the emperor's decision!

Yes, this world's number one talented woman was appointed by the emperor, and it was the emperor's decision. A small Mingdu princess came to suspect the emperor's decision-making mistakes, disrespectful and disrespectful!

Everyone was completely stunned, staring at Gu Xiaowan blankly, and then all looked at Shu Min with sullen eyes.

Seeing that the smile of Shu Min just now was still on his face, it was just a momentary effort, his face turned pale, and the whole person shook involuntarily.

The complacency in the eyes just now disappeared, looking at Gu Xiaowan, her gloomy eyes were full of cold light.

She just instigated the divorce, it only instigated the relationship between Gu Xiaowan and the Lin family, but this Gu Xiaowan was so ruthless, she actually came to instigate the relationship between herself and the emperor!

Good you Gu Xiaowan!

Shu Min frowned and her eyes seemed to be bloodshot. She stared at Gu Xiaowan fiercely, completely forgetting the moment. She was standing above the hall at this moment. The killing intent on that bright face made the whole hall. The people saw it all.

"Mingdu, don't kneel down yet!" Suddenly, above the silent hall, there was a majestic voice. It was King Ming beside Shu Min. At this moment, he was staring at Shu Min with an angry face, heartbroken.

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