The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1738: Gu Hai lied

Ahmad took the lead to ask for directions, and after a while, he came over with a calm face: "Girl, I asked, that Gu Hai's home is here!"

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, and as soon as she walked out, Ah Mo said again: "Girl, the old housekeeper's mother is here."

After speaking, with a finger, Gu Xiaowan looked along, and saw five or six women gathered around the alley basking in the sun, sitting alone with a chair and talking loudly.

Among them was a woman, about fifty years old, with a slightly fat figure and wearing a thick jacket. She was full of breath and had a sharp voice. Her voice was heard all over the alley.

"That loud voice is the old housekeeper's mother!" Ahmad said.

Didn't Gu Hai mean that his mother was lingering and sick and couldn't get up? Gu Xiaowan gave him such a long vacation and came back to take care of his mother?

But his mother looked ruddy, not like someone who was sick or had a disease!

It was only a day or two since Gu Hai left Lanyue Pavilion last time. Is this elderly woman getting better faster than a strong man?

what the **** is it?

Zuo frowned and asked, "Girl, the ancient housekeeper's mother didn't get sick at first sight!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Ama, go and see!"

Ahmad took his things and went into the alley again. This time I saw someone coming with something in his hand. The person who was asked for directions just yelled, "Fucking Gu Hai, someone came to see you. Up!"

The high-pitched voice stopped, and shouted, "Who? Who came to see me?"

When I waited to look at the alley, I saw someone carrying something mentioned, and my face was suddenly happy.

I didn't even care to speak, so I ran directly to Ahmad and asked flatly: "Are you here to find me?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't come, and Ahmad said with a smile, "Yes, ancient mother, hello, I am the guard of the treasurer of Lanyue Pavilion, my master asked me to come see you, by the way, give you a new year !"

The ancient mother glanced up and down at what Ahmad was holding, her face brightened immediately, and she went to her body to touch the key: "Hey, go for a walk, go home and say, go home!"

Then he led Ahmad home, surrounded by many people watching the excitement, and hugged him.

Kou Hai parked the carriage at the other end of the alley, hiding it at the intersection, and the people onlookers did not see it.

Gu Xiaowan opened the curtain and looked at the crowd. The first one was the ancient mother leading Ahmad to her home, the way she walked like a tiger, and her ruddy face and sharp voice, what do you think? It doesn't seem like someone who is seriously ill.

Zuo saw this and asked doubtfully: "Girl, didn't the ancient housekeeper say that his mother was seriously ill in bed? Looks like the ancient mother looks like someone who is seriously ill!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, Gu Hai must have been hiding something from them, so let's see what Gu Mother would say.

The ancient mother led Ahmad into the house with a wrinkled face, and the people also rushed in to see. The ancient mother didn't stop him, letting those people in at once.

After listening to Ahmad's self-introduction, he handed the condolences and a red seal to the ancient mother.

When the people around saw it, they all took a breath: "Wow, there are so many things, more than what my son brought me during the New Year!"

"Bah." When the old mother heard everyone complimenting herself, the wrinkles on her face became deeper: "Don't look at it, but the shopkeeper of Lanyue Pavilion is replaced by your son. Is your son the shopkeeper?"

As soon as the crowd laughed, someone poked the speaker in the backbone: "Don't talk about being the treasurer, her son hasn't even been half of the manager. How can you beat Gu Hai, who is the moon. The butler of the pavilion, where is Lanyue pavilion, there are thousands of dolls, and we can’t make that much money in our entire life! Gu Hai is a steward in that place, and someone leaks a little bit from his fingers, even better than you There are so many sons!"

"Yeah, you didn't see how good Gu Hai is now. He eats spicy food every day. Now he is the richest man on this street!"

The old mother seemed to enjoy the compliments of the neighbors around her, she couldn't stop her with a thick smile on her face!

Seeing that there are so many people, Ahmad naturally wanted to ask, and asked casually, "Why, isn't the ancient housekeeper here today?"

Before the ancient mother spoke, someone shouted: "I am now the housekeeper of Lanyue Pavilion. How can I still eat at home during these rest days? Someone had invited him out for a drink!"

Everyone nodded and said: "Yeah, yeah, I also saw a tall horse coming to pick him up in the morning, and I don't know which rich and noble family is coming to see the ancient evil!"

When the ancient mother heard this, she felt bad, and looked at Ah Mo with some caution. Seeing that there was always a flattering smile on his face, she didn't pay attention to it, and explained to Ah Mo. : "I used to have a good companion who played with Gu Hai, but now he is still thinking about his old love, so he went out to have a drink with Gu Hai. If you find him, I will go find him now!"

When Ahmad saw this, he waved his hand and said, "Old mother, no, no, no, I'm here to visit you on behalf of my shopkeeper. It doesn't matter if he is not there! I have brought my things now, so I'll leave. , You are busy!"

The ancient mother pretended to stay a few times, but saw Ahmad insisting on leaving, but didn't stop him, letting Ahmad go.

Ahmad walked far, and he could still hear the voice of the ancient family from behind him.

"The ancient family is amazing this time. Don't you know that the pillar of the tall horse cart that came this morning is still inlaid with gold! The tent is still embroidered with gold silk!"

"My dear, so extravagant, who owns it!"

"Where did I know, but Gu Hai was lucky this time. I heard that buying puppets in Lanyue Pavilion is not enough to have money, but to have a door! I heard that the treasurer never cares. It's a matter of fact, Gu Hai is in charge of everything in Lunar Pavilion. Whoever wants to buy a doll will get it first, I heard."

The man looked around and saw that the neighbors around him were all around Gu’s family complimenting Gu’s mother. He hurriedly lowered his voice and said, “I’ve heard someone say that anyone who buys a doll must first give Gu Hai a benefit. Who pays more? , Who will give the baby first!"

"Really?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"It is true. I have a cousin's girl who is a maid of a big family. She followed the lady to buy dolls and saw it with her own eyes! How can it be false! I heard that this rule is already an unwritten rule in Beijing. !"

The man said swearingly. After the two had finished speaking, they saw that the people from the ancient mother's family came out one after another. They stopped the topic busy, always thinking that no one knew, but where did they know that Ahmad’s hearing was so good, Even if they were a few meters away, their words still fell into Ahmad's ears.

Ahmad turned his head, and saw that the two people stopped talking when they saw people coming around. They went to a crowded place, and they kept saying compliments in their mouths, just like what they said to defame Gu Hai. The general.

Ahmad turned his head and left the alley quietly, and walked all the way to the carriage hidden in the corner: "Girl, I'm back!"

Gu Xiaowan gave a hum, saying nothing, "Go!"

Kou Hai gently shook off his whip, and the carriage left in response, and soon disappeared into the alley.

Along the way, Ahmad wanted to say something, but there was no sound inside, so he had no choice but to remain silent, but the frown deepened.

Kou Hai saw something wrong with Ahmad. He turned his head to look at him, and saw that his face was dark, thinking about it, just now at the ancient house, the news he got should not be very good!

Kou Hai drove the carriage straight back to Qingyuan. Ahmad wanted to report to Gu Xiaowan what he had just heard, but the girl looked tired. She wanted to be tired after going out, so she didn’t have a good time to say anything. In the yard, he told Zuo what he had heard.

Zuo looked up at him and said suddenly; "No wonder!"

"No wonder what?" Ahmad asked back with some doubts.

"Today, at Jiang Buhan's house, I accompanied him to the kitchen to pour water. He once asked me a question!" Zuo frowned. At that time, she only thought it was Jiang Bu who was still asking her for advice. It was only now that I realized what happened to Yuege. It turned out that Jiang was implying that he had already had a problem with Gu Hai.

"What did he ask you?"

"He asked me if the doll of Lanyue Pavilion should be ordered first and served first!" Zuo frowned and said, "At that time, I replied to him. It is natural to do business with integrity, and whoever receives it first. You have to give your money to someone first. That's a promise of honesty!"

"What did he tell you later?" Ahmad continued to ask.

Zuo shook his head: "He didn't say anything, and then I came out with tea, and he didn't ask me anything afterwards!"

"It seems that this Jiang should have discovered something!" Ahmad concluded: "Otherwise, I won't say such a thing!

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