The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1743: Lucrative dowry

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but feel a little upset, knowing that she shouldn't have taken this order for triple the price.

However, seeing Gu Xiaoyi also look annoyed, Gu Xiaowan felt sad, so she didn't care, "Xiao Yi, don't be sad, this is not your business, because my sister did not ask for your opinion in advance, so she did the next thing. With such a decision, why don't you make all the other parts of the doll first? I'm looking for someone to ask if there are any other places with white cotton wool!"

That's the only thing that happened now.

Can the two dolls promised to others on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month be smoothly given to others without selling white jade cotton?

Gu Xiaowan suddenly lost his heart, but people couldn't wait to die. After learning that Lincheng was where white jade cotton was grown, Gu Xiaowan immediately let Kou Hai rush to Lincheng.

Gu Xiaoyi finished all the processes of the puppet and waited for the white jade cotton to come to the end.

This year, it seems less and less worrying.

On the other side, the Fang Mansion was decorated with lights and red ribbons. It was so lively. The betrothal gifts that were carried one after another were prepared. There were a total of eighty-eight carry, all tied with red silk, and placed in Fang Mansion. Inside the courtyard.

Fang Zhengxing looked at the gift list, and then at the lottery gifts that filled the courtyard of the Fang Mansion, not to mention more happy.

It seems that after a few days, Huang Ruye walked in the door wearing a phoenix crown and a hail, and he could give birth to a son in a blink of an eye.

Fang Zhengxing was extremely excited in his heart, and the bride price was just looking at the flowers from the front, and he didn't seem to pay much attention to it. Seeing that there were some things he wanted on the bride price list, he simply returned the bride price list. Said Liu Nianrou: "rouer, you do something, I don't worry!"

Liu Nianrou took the offer list, neatly put it back in her cuffs, glanced at Fang Zhengxing in an agitated look, and said with a smile: "Master, there are so many people here? Why are you not righteous yet? Don't be afraid of the big guy's jokes! "

"What's the joke? It's the old couple's wife! Rou'er, don't worry, even if your wife enters the door and you treat me wholeheartedly, I definitely won't let you suffer!"

Fang Zhengxing looked at Liu Nianrou and said lovingly.

In his heart, it is now the spring breeze that is proud and impatient.

He took away a Lu Wenxin who he didn't love at all, and married a young and beautiful Miss Huang, with a sensible Aunt Liu by his side. These days, Fang Zhengxing wants to be more beautiful!

Fang Zhengxing said beautifully, Liu Nianrou nodded shyly, and the affection in her eyes was even greater, but she lightly leaned on Fang Zhengxing’s shoulder, and waited until her eyes were cast on the red-colored betrothal gifts in the courtyard, neatly. When the entire courtyard was filled, the gentle light in Liu Nianrou's eyes disappeared instantly, and a touch of sarcasm hung at the corner of her mouth, with a penetrating coldness. Huang Ruyes, don’t you want to enter Fang’s house with a graceful betrothal gift?

Then I will give you a big gift to let you marry into Fang's family with the whole city's attention and glory.

Because it was about to get married, the Fang family hurriedly prepared eighty-eight betrothal gifts, and immediately sent it to the Huang family, just waiting for the wedding a year ago.

When he arrived at Huang's house, the servants sang the offer list, and Huang Ru nodded in satisfaction when he heard so many rare and exotic treasures behind the curtain.

In just a few days, Fang Zhengxing has collected so many treasures. It seems that the Fang family's wealth is at least very substantial.

Huang mother followed Huang Ruye inside, and naturally she heard the chanting outside without falling to the ground. She satisfactorily took Huang Ruye's hand and said, "If yes, listen, so many babies, Fang Zheng is walking in such a short time. Eighty-eight betrothal gifts have been prepared for you during the time. They are also some rare antiques, gold and jade objects, which are invaluable! It can be seen that this Founder is OK, and I am very satisfied with you! You will not suffer a loss if you marry. !"

The mother on the side also said, "Yeah, yeah, the eighty-eighth pays the bride price, but I heard someone say that when the bride price walked around, many people in the capital came to watch the fun! So much! The bride price, unless the emperor and noble family, no one will come up with so much bride price! Miss, you are blessed!"

The mother Huang who said the words of the mother nodded with satisfaction: "If so, even though Mr. Fang is a little older, but now his official position is the same as your father, and he is appreciated by the Holy Spirit. From now on, his future is immeasurable. , You are now the second-ranked imperial wife, if you go one step further, you will be the first-rank. Apart from the princess and the nobles in the palace, you are the most noble in Beijing!"

Huang mother kept saying, Huang Ru was blushing and shy, and a small face as big as a slap was about to fall to her chest: "Mother, I know!"

Seeing that Huang Ruye no longer objected to Huang Ruye, she felt relieved. She patted Huang Ruye's hand and said softly: "Master Fang is your best home now. Yes, you just put it aside! People, always look forward! You know?"

When she finished singing and reciting the offer list, Huang Mu asked someone to copy one copy to Huang Ruye, and she wanted to use the other copy to add her dowry.

Huang Yuxiang, the second half-mother of Huang Ru, is also sitting inside, listening to the gift list chanted outside.

The more I listened, the jealousy in this heart grew stronger, and the fingertips inside the sleeves were almost pinched into the flesh.

Huang Yuxiang was born by the first aunt in the mansion. She is sixteen this year. A girl of this age should be married, but now she is also in her boudoir.

It is because Huang Ruye, the eldest sister, has not yet been married. Although Huang Yuxiang has found a good family, the two families have not yet exchanged Geng Tie, that is to say, the two families have not yet realized the marriage.

Huang Yuxiang is anxious!

She is a concubine, and she is very satisfied with her own marriage, but because Huang Ru does not marry, she stands in front of her and prevents her from marrying, and the husband is not young anymore. If this is dragged on, Huang Yuxiang is really worried. The man's house changed his mind directly.

After all, Geng Tie didn't change it!

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