The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1754: Miss and see

Fang Zhengxing was just a small editor back then. He had no rights, no money, no backing, but he kept running. He got the fourth grade, Mr. Lu, who was a young lady, had blue eyes, and he wanted to get married.

Relying on the money and power of the Lu family, for so many years, Fang Zhengxing has made a steady progress. He has taken the position of a second-grade official and has the money and power.

Now, the lady in front is in very bad health, and she has violated the first rule of the Seven Rules. She has no concubines. After the resignation, Fang Zhengxing suddenly married the concubines of the Huang family!

You know, the eldest daughter of the Huang family, but she is an unparalleled and talented woman who is proficient in poetry and song!

Without the help of the Lu family, he actually got the help of the Huang family, and Fang Zhengxing was really lucky!

King Ming’s family came to congratulate himself. This is really from Fang Zhengxing. You know, King Ming rarely attends such a banquet!

Some officials who came to Daoxi seem to be able to foresee the future career of Master Fang. With the help of the Huang family and the support of the King Ming, the position of Prime Minister Left and Prime Minister Right

You know, the future wife of Fang Zhengxing, the emperor has already decreed that the rank of second-ranking has been granted before he passed the door!

I heard that King Ming also contributed a lot to this second-ranking position!

The emperor and the celebrities in front of the Ming king, plus the power of Shang Zhengxing now, more and more people came to him to compliment.

Fang Zhengxing was overjoyed today, and everyone was refreshed during the happy event. He smiled and exchanged greetings with everyone again. Only then did he go out to the gate to pick up the bride, and the auspicious hour was about to arrive!

Everyone watched Fang Zhengxing leave with envy. Hey, the things that men want most, Fang Zhengxing has all taken up.

Get promoted, get rich, die wife!

The Madam Fang in front is not dead, but I heard that she is almost dead, and time is running out!

Su Pei'an and Su Ziyue also came forward, and went to greet King Ming and Xiao Shizi: "Xiaguan Su Peian has seen King Ming, Xiao Shizi, and Princess Mingdu!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Princess Mingdu stopped immediately after turning around to go to the female guest seat.

Looking back, it turned out to be Su Ziyue, with a happy expression on his face, even ignoring that it was a male guest seat, so he hurried forward and shouted affectionately: "Brother Ziyue"

Just now she came in with her father, and kept looking for Su Ziyue's figure, but after looking for it for a while, she could see the figure of familiar people wherever they were going.

This time it was all right, Su Ziyue appeared in front of her, Shu Min smiled softly, stepped forward and reached out to pull Su Ziyue's sleeves, Su Ziyue stepped back calmly, Shu Min's hand suddenly froze in midair.

Seeing this, Su Peian cursed inwardly, but he was helpless.

Shu Min's face instantly froze, she glanced at Su Ziyue sadly, her face a little aggrieved.

"Sister, aren't you going to the female guest seat? Or let Young Master Su take you there!" When Shu Lin saw her sister's initiative, Su Ziyue was another elm bump, and wanted to create opportunities for her sister.

There is a female guest seat, where a foreigner can pass, Shu Lin just said casually, unexpectedly Su Ziyue accepted it right now: "Princess, Ziyue will send you over!"

That kind of enthusiasm, where there is the alienation just now, the trace of grievance on Shu Min’s face disappeared immediately, and he glanced at Shu Lin with joy, and after seeing a trace of surprise flashed on Shu Lin’s face, he was immediately proud Nodding to Shu Min.

After Su Ziyue got up, she really took Shu Min to the female guest seat.

Shu Min deliberately walked side by side with Su Ziyue, the excitement in her heart was self-evident, and she smiled sweetly along the way.

Su Ziyue’s estrangement just now, she thought she was Su Ziyue’s shyness and embarrassment. After all, there are people coming and going, and she has never worried about other people’s eyes, but brother Ziyue is different.

Thinking of this, Shu Min became more excited, and her body got closer to Su Ziyue.

Between men and women, they are so close to each other. On the male guest side, everyone has heard of the mind of the Mingdu Princess, and it is no surprise.

Su Pei'an also squeezed a sweat for Su Ziyue's heart. Seeing that he had become resuscitated this time, he also felt relieved.

The princess of Mingdu has his own heart, and he doesn't know whether it is Zi Yue's catastrophe or luck, or whether it is Su Family's sadness or joy.

Su Ziyue and Shu Min went to the women's seat, handsome men and beautiful women, how many people are envied!

When Shu Min appeared at the entrance of the female guest seat, Su Qianyue, Fang Lanxin, and Fang Zhuyun were all waiting at the door. Seeing people, he immediately shouted excitedly for peace: "Princess Mingdu, please!"

Fang Zhengxing's big wedding, the three princesses all came, and the Ming Wang family also came, the Fang family's future is unlimited!

Everyone came forward to greet you, and Shu Min stood beside Su Ziyue, happy.

"Brother, why are you here? Did you send the princess over here?" Su Qianyue immediately teased her when she saw her elder brother, staring between the two of them, and I knew that she was so determined.

Sure enough, when she heard these words, the smile on Shu Min's face became more and more serious, her cheeks were red, and she was shy. She glared at Su Qianyue in an anguish, and then turned her head shyly to look at Su Ziyue. What he said, however, he found that his gaze did not stay on his body at all.

His eyes wandered around, as if he was looking for something, and that touch of anxiety was a gaffe Shu Min had never seen before.

She had never seen such an expression on Su Ziyue's face.

After a while, I saw that the touch of anxiety on Su Ziyue's face disappeared. Instead, there was joy and excitement, even with a touch of joy and shyness.

The expression on his face became soft, where there was still that alienation and indifference, the gentle expression seemed to drip water.

He was holding one hand behind him, and the other hand was squeezed into a fist-like shape, and his body was stretched straight, like an arrow from the string.

It's just like

Every time I saw him, I felt exactly the same joy and excitement in my heart, as well as the eagerness when I wanted to fly to him in the blink of an eye!

Urgently miss and urgently want to see you!

Shu Min's face sank, her breath suffocated, and she followed his gaze, what she saw made her almost crazy!

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