The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1767: All come to take orders

She waited year after year, until she was nineteen years old, and hadn't waited for her concubine's ambition, no one in this capital would laugh at her for being an old girl!

Men of the right age have already been married, and a good candidate has already married a wife and had children a few years ago. She is the only woman who is solitary. She can even choose to be beautiful and can only wait for the proposal to come.

Finally, Fang Zhengxing came to propose, she saw that 100 people who came to propose did not agree.

An old man like this could be her father, how could she have liked it!


The words of her father and mother made her understand that this was the best destination she could choose.

In addition to other things, Huang Ru had to agree to propose marriage.

Fortunately, Fang Zhengxing is still a caring person, and the person who proposed the marriage took the 88 to offer the bride price. Most of the things in it were priceless, which made her feel a little less dissatisfied.

Fang Zhengxing still values ​​himself!

Of course, she is also confident that she will control Fang Zhengxing in her palms. She has beauty, knowledge, identity, status, and mind. She will not believe it. She will not be able to control a huge Fang family.

However, on the first day of coming, such a festive day, his ex-wife came to disarm him.

The eighty-eight betrothal gift turned into thirty. I am afraid that from now on, she will once again become the laughing stock of the people in Beijing!

Huang frowned as he tore the mattress under him, frowning, and the red rouge on his face couldn't resist the gloomy black air emanating from his face.

"It's unreasonable, so soon I prepared an eighty-eight bewry gift. It turned out to be me. If you marry me, you will return the wedding gift to someone else!" Huang Ruye roared.

"Madam, don’t worry. I am afraid that the master does not know about the dowry. According to the master’s love for you, this family is yours. Do you still care about the dowry? The key is that the emperor today will issue a decree and canonize you. For the second-class madam, this is the most important thing!" Song Qin hurriedly comforted, seeing Huang Ru crazy.

"How can you calm me down? The eighty-eight betrothal gift was taken away and the fifty beneficiaries were taken away. In other words, he only spent 30 to bend the betrothal gift to marry me. He also said that he was interested. Damn me! Lie to me to marry him!" How could Huang Ru feel at ease, and threw the big red joy to the ground, shouting hysterically.

Song Qin was afraid that Huang Ruye’s voice would be too loud to be heard by others, so he hurriedly said softly, "Miss, don’t think about it, don’t worry, be careful not to get angry. You should not think about yourself. "

Song Qin looked down at Huang Ruye's abdomen, and said worriedly: "Miss, I heard that there is a very powerful aunt in this mansion, and even the lady in front was chased away by her. This matter, maybe It's the ghost of her! If you enter the door and you are against the master because of this incident, you may fall into her trap!"

There are many families in Huang’s family, and there are many rooms for concubines and concubines. The concubines, concubines and concubines are even more numerous, a group of groups, all looking forward to watching Madam Huang step down. They are vying to go up, but for so many years, Madam Huang still sits firmly Madam, because she has the means.

Huang Ruyi and Songqin have seen how many concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine concubine by her side.

Is Huang Ru a fool, and Songqin is not a fool.

Today's matter, I am afraid that it is inseparable from the aunt who was so spoiled and drove away the lady in the house.

Huang Ruyi is quite capable. He was just dizzy just now. After listening to Songqin's words, he immediately calmed down and stopped making trouble. He grasped the most information he should have now: "Is there anyone in the palace? ?"

The wedding is almost over, why hasn't anyone in the palace yet?

As soon as Songqin wanted to speak, he heard an anxious voice from outside: "Madam, madam, the master wants you to go to the front yard, there is someone in the palace!"

Songqin said excitedly: "Miss, the imperial decree is here!"

Huang Ruye's face was also happy, and he didn't care about learning that he had no face just now, and said excitedly: "Quickly, help me sort it out, let's go quickly!"

In the Qing Dynasty, the hierarchy was very strict.

The third-rank, second-rank, and first-rank ladies were all announced by the imperial decree of the imperial palace. In the entire capital, there were several second-rank officials, but there were only one or two second-rank ladies. At that time, Lu Wenxin was a dozen. Mrs. Fang, who was 20 years old, was not canonized after Fang Zhengxing became a second-ranking member.

And she, as soon as she married in, was canonized as the second-rate madam, and she immediately compared Lu Wenxin to the dust.

What about Fang Zhengxing’s age? He is a second-tier member. From now on, he will be the second-tier imperial wife. There are a few people in this capital who have such honors. They only need to worship those few people in the palace. Now, outside the palace, there is no Madam Yipin, she is still the best among women.

Huang Ruye's heart relaxed instantly, with a smile on his face, and under the guidance of his servant, he quickly reached the front yard.

As soon as I arrived in the front yard, I saw all the people in the front yard kneeling in front of a few people, and I saw that the leader was the celebrity in front of the emperor-Father Qi!

She had tried every means to enter the palace, naturally, father-in-law Qi had already known it!

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