The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1773: Vomit her to death

Fang Zhengxing didn't kiss Huang Ruye's red lips, but only kissed the white face. Fang Zhengxing pounced and frowned.

"Master, we haven't drunk Hefu wine yet" Huang Ruyi gently pushed away Fang Zhengxing, and said in an anguish.

Now, what she worries most is that she has forgotten all the flowers in the bridal chamber, the betrothal gifts, and the imperial decree.

As long as tonight has passed safely, let him think that he is still finished, and she can take care of the accounts of the imperial decree of the bride price.

Fang Zhengxing was about to get up to get the wine, Huang Ru thoughtfully held him down: "Master, let me go, you have been busy for a day today!"

Hearing Huang Ruye's thoughtful and graceful words, Fang Zhengxing only felt that his heart was filled with gentleness!

The unhappiness just disappeared immediately, sitting on the bed, squinting at Huang Ruye.

With the beautiful woman in her arms, how can the beauty of the good day be wasted.

After drinking Hefu Wine, Huang Ruye Xu was too strong to drink, and his cheeks slowly turned red. The more Fang Zhengxing looked, the more he felt that the soul in his heart was hooked.

"Lady, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, let's rest early!" Fang Zhengxing put Huang Ruye in his arms, and did not directly kiss Huang Ruye's lips, but buried his head on Huang Ruye's neck. Inside.

Huang Ruye's body trembled a little, and Fang Zhengxing hugged her tightly. He felt her trembling, and was a little surprised in her heart, and then let go.

I’m still a virgin, I must be ashamed and scared in the first night, no way like myself

Thinking this way, Fang Zhengxing ignored Huang Ru's mistake of avoiding his kiss just now.

Jiaojiao virgin, shyness is inevitable!

The bright red candle is still burning, and one or two candle "cracks" are made from time to time. The red palace lanterns and candles in the room illuminate the entire room. Huang gently pushes Fang Zhengxing, a shame belt. Feather: "Master, can you blow the candle?"

Fang Zhengxing used the candlelight, and the cheeks of the person in his arms were already red, like a rose in bud, just waiting for him to pick it up.

"Lady, wait, let's blow it for your husband!" Fang Zhengxing blew out all the candles in the wedding room, except that the first two big red wedding candles outside the room were still burning in the room outside.

After the heavy drapery was put down, the light outside was immediately isolated, leaving the last red candle in the wedding room. Fang Zhengxing held the red candle to the bed and placed the candle by the window.

At this moment, the light gradually dimmed, and only a red candle could be seen clearly.

Huang Ruye lowered his head slightly, extremely shy.

After Fang Zhengxing drank the wine, he felt that Huang Ru was so beautiful and moving. He could not bear it. There was a throbbing under him. Fang Zhengxing threw forward directly and threw the person in his arms onto the bed. The curtain of the bed was lowered to cover the spring in the room.

Dianluan and phoenix are all night long.

The two people in the room were in the bridal chamber and spent a night in the spring light, but in Liu Nianrou's place, they were not so good.

Liu Nianrou learned of the situation in the front yard at this time, and angrily broke off her nails.

"What are you talking about? You said Lu Wenxin was bestowed as a first-class lady? You said that Fang Peiya has become beautiful? How is it possible? Isn't that fat man always fat and ugly? How could it be beautiful all at once? Liu Nianrou widened her eyes and asked Dongxue hysterically.

Dongxue knelt on the ground and kept kowtow: "Auntie, the slave and maid is right, the eldest lady is really beautiful, she is thin and beautiful. The former lady was given the first lady, and it was said by the people in the front yard. , The maidservant did not go, the maidservant did not know!"

When Liu Nianrou heard this, she stepped forward angrily and kicked Dongxue's knee, her painful Dongxue grinning, but she didn't dare to shout a word of pain.

"You useless thing, inaccurate news, what are you telling me for? Are you trying to **** me off?" Liu Nian's chest rose and fell, with a hideous face.

"Auntie, don't be angry, this is a good thing!" Dongxue hurriedly comforted when she saw this.

"Good thing? That **** bitch, I finally drove her out of Fang's mansion, and when I turned my head, she was awarded the position of Madam of the First Grade. You said it was a good thing! You told me, what is this? Good thing!"

"Auntie, I heard that the canonization decree of the new lady and the canonization decree of the former lady are written on the same imperial decree. The former lady has already left, and she can't vomit us anymore, but the new lady is different. If she wants to read the imperial decree, she will definitely be able to see the name of the former lady. She knows all her life that she is no better than the former lady. Can you say that she can not panic?" Dongxue hurriedly explained: "The new lady has no betrothal gift. Can't beat the former lady, can you say she can't vomit to death?"

Liu Nianrou frowned upon hearing Dongxue's words, and then stretched out, and suddenly laughed: "Yes, don't you say it, why didn't I expect it!"

Killing two birds with one stone, today I pierced Huang Ruye into my heart. How could she not realize such a delightful thing!

Lu Wenxin has been kicked out of Fang's mansion. Whether she is good or bad, it won't affect her at all, but Huang is different.

Both are also Mrs. Fang. The young and beautiful Huang Ruyi was given two offenses by the old Zhuhuang Lu Wenxin on the first day of their wedding, and even ate two of them in Mrs. Qian’s hands. Can she not vomit to death? ?

"The slave servants have also heard about it. The guests who came to congratulate each other all talked about the value of the 20 betrothal gifts given by the Huang family. I'm afraid that even the Lu family's ten more than ten years ago can't compare with each other. The Huang family marrying a daughter is not as good as the Lu family marrying a daughter ten years ago!" Seeing Liu Nianrou's expression a little better, Dongxue continued boldly.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, Liu Nianrou's face became more and more attractive.

"Haha" Liu Nianrou slapped her slap and suddenly burst into laughter: "Yes, yes, vomit her to death, vomit her to death!"

Fang Mansion belongs to her, everything in the Fang family will belong to her son in the future!

That Huang Ruye, why does she argue with herself?

She is powerful and powerful, but she has two beautiful adult daughters and a lump of meat in her belly!

Huang Ruye, don’t think that marrying into the Fang’s family is a second-grade imperial fate, and you think that you will be ascended to heaven. In Fang Mansion, you are destined to be like Lu Wenxin. Look at my face!

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