The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1775: Fuck me

"Uncle, if the emperor and empress dowager bully me, can Brother Ziwen stand up for me?" Gu Xiaowan looked forward to the proud Gu Chuanlu.

When Gu Chuanlu heard this, his face suddenly turned pale: "This Xiaowan, this emperor, queen mother, they"

how is this possible?

Gu Chuanlu faltered and couldn't say anything, the vows just now seemed like a bubble immediately, and it burst with one rub.

Gu Xiaowan was too lazy to mediate with them. Just as she was about to speak, she heard an excited voice from behind: "Master, Ziwen, my son, you are here."

Immediately afterwards, there is another

"Father, brother, you are finally here"

Gu Xinbeat and Sun's mother and daughter probably also got the news, and at this moment they also walked out of Qingyuan.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiaowan seemed to understand something.

It seems that Gu Xintao and Sun's family gave Gu Chuanlu the address of Qingyuan, and as soon as they arrived in the capital, they came here to defect.

Looking at the boxes of things that the coachman had brought down from the carriage, Gu Xiaowan's face was all green.

"Uncle, Auntie, who of you will tell me clearly what's going on?" Gu Xiaowan said coldly, "Auntie, has your house been found? Are you moving over?"

Is this one or two Dangqing Garden a free inn?

Wave after wave came, and even the belongings were brought. Seeing this posture, I wanted to help Qingyuan!

Move over?

Where to move?

This is moving in!

The Sun smiled whisperingly: "Xiaowan, let's go in and talk, it's not good for people from outside to see it!" After speaking, he pulled Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen into Qingyuan.

The coachman also followed in with a box.

Gu Xiaowan sneered and winked, Kou Hai and Ahmad blocked the gate directly.

Sun and others were stopped, their faces were unusually ugly.

Kou Hai and Ahmad were still holding sharp swords in their hands, standing fiercely at the door, in that way, the frightened Sun's hands trembled.

Even the tongue is not so neat: "Xiao Xiaowan, your uncle and brother came back, and they are tired along the way, let them rest and talk!"

I'm afraid this rest will become rest for a lifetime!

If Gu Xiaowan hadn't forgotten, the house in the old house of the Gu family was also occupied by the Dafang family.

Do they feel that if they live in, they will become them one day?

Dove occupy the magpie's nest, Gu's Dafang is still very slippery!

Gu Xiaowan sneered and didn't pay attention to Sun's pleading: "Mother, when I took you in, you patted your chest and promised me that you would move out when the uncle and cousin came to the capital. Did I remember correctly?"

The Sun family was blocked by Gu Xiaowan for a while, and his face flushed red: "Xiaowan, your uncle and brother have come to the capital all the way back. They have just arrived, and they have not even washed their faces. You are watching us. For the sake of the family, let your uncle and brother rest for two days!"

Gu Xintao also looked distressed: "Yes, Xiaowan, we are all a family, you wouldn't be so cruel!"


If Gu Xiaowan remembers correctly, she almost caused her to be accused of killing Miao'er, who seized her field, stole Ning'an's test papers and let Ning'an fall off the list, but these people claimed to be a family. Thing!

Is this what the family should do?

Gu Chuanlu also said at this moment, with embarrassment on her face: "Xiao Wan, we were wrong before, and we did something sorry for you. I hope you, the adults will not remember the villain! The past events are over!"

Gu Xiaowan snorted and laughed with a cold voice: "Uncle, I'm not an adult, I'm just a little girl. However, the uncle and the aunt's family care about me so much, how can I take care of the uncle and the auntie?"

After hearing this, Gu Chuanlu and Sun looked at each other and smiled, seeing joy in each other's eyes.

Just a few words coaxed Gu Xiaowan.

However, immediately afterwards, Gu Xiaowan said a word, making their faces dark!

"A Zuo, Kou Dan, go to the yard and pack all the luggage of the aunt and cousin, and send them out!" Gu Xiaowan said loudly, and then looked at the darkened faces of Gu Xintao's family and said with a smile: "Look at me, yes. Hello, all the luggage has been packed for you!"

Gu Xintao roared: "Gu Xiaowan, why are you so cruel! Your clear garden is so big, we only need a small garden, what's wrong?"

A pair of you have so much, why don't you give me a little peace of mind.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "This is the garden I rented. Why do I let you live in the yard I spent money to live in? You mother and daughter said that there is no place to stay and I want me to take you in. It’s not convenient to be outside, and I’ve been taking in you for a long time with the utmost benevolence. Now your father and brother are here, and it’s time for your travel promises. Why, I feel that Qingyuan is a good place to live, and I plan to rely on it? Or are you planning to stay down and have another dove to occupy the magpie's nest? After all, this is your family's specialty!"

Gu Xiaowan's face has always been calm, and there is still a faint smile on her face when she speaks.

However, the smile on his face was cold like ice, not to mention the black eyes, which was more like a piece of black jade without temperature, exuding a shocking cold light.

"You Gu Xiaowan, don't think that you will be arrogant when you become a princess. Tell you that you are a lowly peasant girl in your bones. You will be a peasant girl all your life, and you can't change it!" Gu Xintao saw that Gu Xiaowan said to them like this. He also said unceremoniously, with a hideous face as if he wanted to take Gu Xiaowan alive.

Gu Chuanlu's face was also green, looking at Gu Xiaowan sullenly.

Gu Xiaowan didn't take Gu Xintao's words to heart at all. At this moment, Kou Dan and Zuo walked out with Gu Xintao and Sun's luggage, and said on the spot: "Girl, their luggage is here, but inside the house I want a white jade Buddha and an inkstone!"

When Gu Xintao heard it, she cursed, "What do you mean? You mean we got the book?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "We didn't say that, but things were not seen during the time you lived. What do you think should be done?"

Sun explained hurriedly: "Xiao Wan, we really didn't take that thing, we didn't take it! We didn't take anything!"

"You said you didn't take it, maybe it was broken by you!" Kou Dan said without curiosity: "The white jade Buddha and the inkstone are both invaluable things. They are missing. Could it be that there is not even a statement. ?"

"Gu Xiaowan, what do you mean? Two maids would dare to talk to me like this? No big or small, no respect or humble, this is the maid you trained? I don't understand any rules!" Gu Xintao shouted hysterically.

Looking at Gu Xiaowan with blood-red eyes, her two maidservants are so courageous that they dare to say that to themselves!

"This is my maidservant, knowing that I don't know the ceremony is the final word, cousin, what identity are you, dare to yell at my maidservant?" Gu Xiaowan didn't give Gu Xintao any face, sure enough, Gu Xintao's face He was so angry that he didn't say a word.

She didn't know what to say, Gu Xiaowan today seemed to have made up her mind to sweep them out.

Sun is still persuading, with a pitiful and pathetic expression on his face: "Xiao Wan, we are in this capital, and we are not familiar with our lives. Your uncle and your cousin have just come here again and don’t understand anything. Where do you want us to go? You have a bodhisattva heart, and take us in for a few more days! Can't it? When your uncle finds a place to live, we will leave right away, right away!"

Sun said in vain, begging to persuade Gu Xiaowan to change her mind.

If Gu Xiaowan was really the original owner who had a trace of affection with them, he might be pleaded for two or three times by the Dafang family and agreed.

But now she only occupies the body of the original owner, and her soul and mind are all modern Gu Xiaowan.

For the Dafang family, if they don't do anything wicked and smoke, Gu Xiaowan would only treat them as ordinary strangers.

But when they were powerless, they challenged her endurance and bottom line time and time again. This time they were cheeky and asked them to forgive them and let them stay.

Do they really think that they are the Virgin, is it easy to handle?

Not to mention the current Anping princess, it was Gu Xiaowan who had just crossed over. Faced with such a group of disgusting relatives who can eat people without spitting out bones, she could drive them out without hesitation.

"Mother, you have this free time, so hurry up and find a good place to live before sunset." After Gu Xiaowan sneered, she ignored the verbal abuse behind her and walked towards Qingyuan step by step.

"Xiaowan, you can't be so cruel." Sun said something else, and Gu Chuanlu on the side yanked her hard.

Being dragged vigorously, Sun's words immediately stalked in his throat. Looking at Gu Chuanlu, he saw that his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he roared: "What else to say, people say that. What are you asking her to do?"

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