The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1780: There is someone in front

The three of them watched their ears, noses and noses, and none of them spoke first.

Huang Ruyi became more and more suffocated and even talked to Song Qin about cooking bird's nest.

"This bird's nest is a bit rotten. I told the kitchen to say that the bird's nest doesn't need to be stewed so rotten. Also, I don't like the longan here. I will start putting red dates tomorrow."

Songqin responded one by one, and told the maid beside him: "Haosheng will pass the words of his wife to the kitchen, so that the kitchen will take care of it!"

The maid responded in a hurry, for fear that she would slow down and delay the madam's affairs. After listening to the words, she spread her legs and ran to the kitchen. She was so violent that she hadn't seen it in the Fang Mansion for a long time.

After all, the behavior of the subordinate is related to the status of the master. The more diligent the subordinate, the more favored the master. On the contrary, it is the same!

When did Fang Lanxin have seen people from Fang Mansion treat his wife so diligently? At the very least, the former Mrs. Fang, even if she broke her throat, no one would pay attention to her.

Because, in Fang's family, the person in charge, except Fang Zhengxing, is aunt Liu.

Fang Lanxin didn't think much, just thinking, the newly arrived lady is big, she is also a famous daughter, the second-ranked wife, and father asked the imperial decree to marry in, naturally she is a high-powered woman, and she has taken care of everything .

The subordinates in this mansion are all human beings. Whoever is popular, who is not popular, anyone with a discerning eye will not understand.

Huang Ru felt that the bird's nest was not good, and after taking a few sips, he put it aside, and carefully wiped his mouth with a piece of white Jinpa, with red plums tied to it, like blood red.

Huang Ru looked at the two people in the hall, but they were silent and couldn't help but sneer. These two people really regarded themselves as the previous Huang Ruye.

Huang Ruyi twisted his wrist and said with a bitter face: "After sitting for a while, I feel sore all over, Song Qin, help me back to the room! I feel sore all over and feel weak, but feel a little tired. Lan Xin, Zhu Yun , If you have nothing to do, just go back! Don’t wait on you."

When Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun heard this, they looked up at Huang Ruye suddenly, and saw Huang Ruye’s loving look, as if they had become their elders.

Yeah, she is now an elder and their mother, then they

From now on, I will come to Huang Ru to show respect.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun had never met Lu Wenxin in this way. They were a little dazed and didn't react. Songqin said, "Two young ladies, please go back. My wife is tired and tired. Let's go! "

Fang Lanxin hadn't spoken yet, and Fang Zhuyun bit her lip and dared not look at Huang Ruye.

Seeing that they were still not speaking, Huang Ruye couldn't help snorting coldly, and then returned to the back hall with Songqin's support.

From beginning to end, neither of them spoke, let alone the life-saving thing just now.

Huang Ru left the main hall and stepped down with a shaggy face.

"This Liu Nianrou, so brave enough to let these two people come to explore the bottom of this lady!" Huang Ru said harshly.

When Song Qin heard this, he said hurriedly, "Madam, you mean that these two young ladies were sent by Liu Nianrou?"

"Humph." Huang Ru snorted coldly: "She was rushed back by the master. She still has a face, but she wants to get news from me. Not only does she call her two daughters to come. Liu Nianrou, through yesterday’s party Lan Xin and Fang Zhuyun said a few words to defend me in the front yard, and they concluded that I would meet them, and the two sisters, Fang Lanxin, also assured that if they didn’t say anything, I would definitely not ask, except for polite words, what I don't even say it. But the look in my eyes, I'm afraid it is what I am wearing today, what I ate, what I said, the two eyes can be scanned clearly!"

"Really presumptuous, this Liu Nianrou is too hateful!" Song Qin cursed.

Huang Ruyi didn't get angry and laughed instead: "Hate it? I don't think it. I still can't tell who did the thing yesterday. I know this thing today!"

"Madam, is that her?"

"She asked these two people to come today, I am afraid that they are also here to spy on whether I suspected her! After all, these two sisters helped me out yesterday!" Huang Ruyi sneered.

She has been in intrigue since she was a child. She has been hooking for more than ten years, fighting for more than ten years. This Liu Nianrou bullied herself as a little girl, and thought she was ignorant and didn't understand everything!

"Then madam, what should we do next?" Songqin frowned and said, "At the wedding yesterday, the woman made the madam so wronged, how does the madam plan to deal with this person!"

"Disposal? I didn't intend to dispose of her for this matter!" Huang Ru sneered, lying on the soft collapse, and said: "Don't forget, there is a master in front of this lady!"

"Master? Will the master handle this matter?" Songqin was a little confused.

After all, this Aunt Liu has been with the master for so many years, and she has given birth to two daughters, both of whom are first-class and good-looking. I also heard that the former Madam Fang couldn't even match a finger of Aunt Liu. It was clear that Aunt Liu had a lot of weight in Fang Zhengxing's heart.

For a person with such a heavy weight, does the master take her to have an operation?

"At the wedding ceremony yesterday, the thing that Fang Peiya did, although it was said that I fell my face, but Fang Zhengxing's face was cleaner than the one I fell. He prepared the bride price, so why do you want to It should be him, not me, who is looking for Liu Nianrou to settle the account!" Huang Ruyi didn't worry at all, and explained: "Besides, I am a newly married wife who kills so early in the morning. It is always bad! "

Yesterday, after exhausting all night, Huang Ru was really a little sleepy. She collapsed, closed her eyes, and muttered in a daze, "I want to give this Aunt Liu a big gift, and let her wait. !"

"Big gift? What kind of gift?" Song Qin wanted to continue to ask, but seeing that Huang Ruye's eyelids were closed and her sleep was sweet, Song Qin did not continue to ask.

Stepping forward, he carefully covered Huang Ru's bedding, and then sat aside, holding the needle and thread and carefully started the needlework.

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