The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1782: Yushu is missing

After Zuo came in, he told Gu Xiaowan about Tan Yexing's arrival. Gu Xiaowan put on her clothes and hurried to the front hall.

Fortunately, Gu Fangxi and the others had already gone back to rest. In the front hall, Tan Yexing and Vice-General Chen Meng were sitting there with gloomy faces.

Tan Yushu's maid, Ayu, was there, crying, and her eyes were red.

I saw that General Tan seemed to be getting older overnight, and even his hair was quite white.

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward: "General Tan"

When Tan Yexing saw Gu Xiaowan hurriedly helped her up, without any polite words, he frowned and said straightforwardly: "Princess, the jade book is gone!"

"When did you find it?"

"An hour ago, the kid in Yushu liked to be busy. Last night I told her to get up and burn the first incense to welcome the God of Wealth. I ordered people to get up early and wait for this moment, but when I call her , There is no one in the room!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't ask the others if they were there. Tan Yexing must have turned upside down at home and found no one, so he came here to look for it.

"Then go to the city to find it?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"I have sent someone to find it, but" Tan Yexing squeezed the tip of his nose haggardly, his face haggard.

News came from waves of people, but I didn’t see the jade book. Where can I go for that kid, the first day of the new year!

"After the New Year's Eve dinner, the young lady said that she was tired and wanted to rest. She asked me to go back and rest. I went there. I didn’t know that it was only a few hours’ effort. When I wanted to find someone, they disappeared. Woohoo" Ayu said sadly.

"Did Yushu say where to go before?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"No, Miss, she is happy every day. A few days before the New Year, she often visits the county lord to play with you. It is just these few days that the New Year is coming, and the young lady is staying at home, and the young lady is the same as usual~ Chinese characters, no other difference!" Ayu thought for a while and replied.

Seeing that Ayu couldn’t get any news,

Although Gu Xiaowan was also very worried, she couldn't help but comfort her when she saw the old man's sad and haggard appearance: "General Tan, don't worry first, I know it here, and I will definitely look for it!"

Tan Yexing nodded. Since there is no one on the Anping County Lord's side, he has to find other places.

After Tan Ye walked, Gu Xiaowan's expression became nervous, and Tan Yushu disappeared on the first day of the new year.

She was a girl's house, was she taken away by someone or she left?

"Azuo, you, Ahmad, and Kouhai Koudan all go out to find people! You will find all the places where the princess may go, and a few hours have passed, maybe she has already left the city, Go out of the city and ask!"

Several people took their orders. Gu Xiaowan waited at home anxiously, but after waiting, there was still no news of anyone.

The same goes for the news from the Tan family, no one is seen.

Due to the missing of the princess, Tan Ye Xingjiang blocked the news very deadly, and he did not dare to look for it arbitrarily. He sent some powerful men to search quietly in the capital.

However, one day passed, two days passed, and there was no news not only in the city, but also outside the city.

Everyone has forgotten to search outside the city, but Tan Yushu is like the world has evaporated, no one has seen it.

When Tan Yexing came again, his hair was gray. After a few days of work, he was several years old and his eye sockets were sunken. Obviously, he was worried about not having a good rest.

"I found it in the city, and also outside the city, but there is still no trace of the child!" Tan Yexing clenched his fist with a sad expression on his face.

He now has only one granddaughter left, who is more important than his life!

Not to mention the tears of the old, but an old general who has been on the battlefield for decades, now hides his face and is speechless.

"General Tan, don't worry, you will find it!" Gu Xiaowan didn't know how to comfort her. She herself was anxious and didn't sleep well for two days and nights.

Where did this bear boy go?

At this moment, Gu Xiaoyi's nervous voice came from outside: "Sister, are you there?"

After I entered, I saw Gu Xiaoyi holding something in his hand, a little nervous.

Seeing that she hadn't gone back to sleep, Gu Xiaowan asked caringly, "Why don't you go back to rest?"

"Sister, I heard that General Tan is here, but what happened?" Gu Xiaoyi asked nervously.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and said with a smile: "No, just come to pay a New Year's greetings, and when dawn comes, I will also go to the New Year!"

Gu Xiaoyi is not a child. Who would come to pay a New Year's greetings at night? Besides, I heard that General Tan looked anxious and looked like a New Year's greeting. Even if he really came to visit the New Year, how could there be less Yushu? Too!

Tan Yexing was grateful when Gu Xiaowan said this. It seems that she didn't even tell her sister about Yushu's disappearance.

The few people know, the less talk.

Gu Xiaoyi pleased Tan Yexing a peace and continued: "Sister, before the New Year, Yushu sent someone to give me something and said it was for me to keep it, and then I would give it to you when the time came! I wondered what the timing is. What is she going to do, it's so mysterious, and I didn't dare to move it casually, so I let it go. Seeing that General Tan is here, I guess it's definitely not easy!"

"What? The Yushu asked someone to bring you something?" Gu Xiaowan exclaimed, "What about the thing?"

Tan Yexing also jumped up from her position in surprise, "What did Yushu give you?"

Gu Xiaoyi handed over a brocade box in her hand: "That's it! She even told me not to open it. It made me think that I would give it to you when the time was right. I thought she was tinkering with something fun to surprise you, so I put it too. I didn’t move, but now, how come I feel like something bad is going to happen!"

"It's really not good, Yushu is missing!" Gu Xiaowan took the brocade box over and said in a deep voice.

Gu Xiaoyi on the side heard this and covered his mouth and exclaimed: "What? Yushu is missing?"

Tan Yexing nodded: "I disappeared early on the first day of the Lunar New Year!"

They have been missing for two days and two nights!

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