The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1802: Chaos and abandon

If the master's appearance is long and ugly, how many people in front of him look like?

Isn't that terrible?

Gu Xiaowan did not speak, and they were even more difficult to speak.

Anyway, no matter how ugly, it is the master!

Our girl likes it!

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, she wondered if she wanted to go back.

After a round of thought, I already had other ideas.

At this time, she was upset that the iceman came to propose marriage. If this time things can make these people disappear, it would be a good way.

Therefore, Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and didn't let the people around him speak, so she listened quietly to the words of Gu Xintao and others on the opposite side.

As for those Gu Xintao, seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, they strengthened this idea in their hearts.

Sure enough, he is a person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. Once he has his identity and status, the former humiliated man will look down upon him.

"Don't tell me, he and my sister have already booked a marriage!" Gu Xintao said unbearably: "As early as in Liujiazhen, my sister and that brother Qin had a happy relationship, and they had already decided a marriage. Up!"

"What? Have you booked a kiss?" Fang Zhuyun shouted again: "Since you have booked a kiss, why not tell us!"

"You are stupid, tell you what to do. Anyway, this marriage is just a cutscene and no marriage. If she repents, she can still marry a good family in the capital!" Liu Siyi said bitterly, full of pride.

Gu Xiaowan Gu Xiaowan, don't you look down on me? Are you not in the limelight now?

Isn’t it because Gu’s family has a girl?

Haha, from now on, let you see, will you still have a hundred families?

You ungrateful, eager to change, dislike the poor, love the rich, unchaste and unclean woman, see, who else will ask you to be a wife!

Gu Xiaoyi listened to Gu Xintao turning right and wrong there, the roots of her angry teeth were sour, and her small hands were tightly clenched into fists.

Doesn't she know what Brother Qin looks like?

Back then, I didn’t know who it was, but for the sake of Big Brother Qin, I wanted to get Big Brother Qin away!

Such a woman, inverted black and white, is now even splashing dirty water on her sister.

If my sister really got the title of being too poor, loving the rich, unchastity, this

How would people in Beijing think of her!

"Sister, I want to tear her mouth apart! See if she is still talking nonsense!" After Gu Xiaoyi finished speaking, she rolled her sleeves and moved forward. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly held her, looked at her flushed face with a small white face, shook her head and smiled.

Seeing her sister's faint appearance, Gu Xiaoyi angrily wanted to tear off Gu Xintao's rotten mouth, but now that her sister wouldn't let herself move, she had to stand there peacefully, even if her mouth was sour. , Also listen to my sister.

The elder sister didn't let herself refute, that naturally had her intentions.

As a result, one by one, Tongling's eyes widened and stared at Gu Xintao's people fiercely, but none of them refuted it, which made the proud Gu Xintao stunned.

Is it

Qin Yizhi was driven away by Gu Xiaowan?

Gu Xintao thought a thousand times, thinking of the handsome figure that kept her dreaming, why she had the heart to drive away.

Such a handsome person, even if he can't stay together, put him by his side, and comfort his heart, it is extremely good!

Gu Xintao had such a plan in her heart, and when she raised her head to look at Gu Xiaowan, a grim and cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It's better to drive away, then she will find it! If Gu Xiaowan was ruined, it was a revenge for Brother Qin!

Therefore, regardless of the loud discussions between the Fang family sisters and Liu Siyi, they met twice from time to time, which is considered to have confirmed Gu Xiaowan's reputation.

After these people disappeared, the guests at Fujinlou seemed to have discovered a fact in amazement.

It turned out that the Anping princess promised others, and the promised servants were still the servants of the family, and the servants were still beggars picked up.

Xu saw that the slave could do things and make money. When Gu Xiaowan was still a peasant girl, she had an affectionate relationship with the slave. She had a life-long relationship, and then she had a relationship. However, after Gu Xiaowan became the lord of Anping County, The servant never showed up again. I heard that she was knocked out by the Anping princess, so the marriage contract between the two was cancelled.

When I heard that the servant leader was also very ugly, and had no money, no power, no power, no wonder the Anping princess would revoke the marriage contract between the two.

It seems that everyone will make such a choice. Everyone looks forward. However, there always seems to be something about women who are out of this stall.

As a result, Gu Xiaowan's front foot has just left the door of Fujinlou, and her back foot has a reputation for being profligate, secretly determined to be unchastity and unclean, disliked for the poor, loves the rich, and always abandoned. Went everywhere.

Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage, and as soon as Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaoyi got in, they shouted: "Sister, why don't you let Wei Wei tear her mouth, one mouth is so messy everywhere!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Let her go!"

"But, sister, this is very bad for your reputation! Maybe what Gu Xintao said will spread throughout the capital!" Tan Yushu said anxiously when he saw that Gu Xiaowan didn't care at all.

"What are you afraid of!" Gu Xiaowan smiled: "I'm so worried that I can't stop those ice men! It just so happens that Gu Xintao gave me an excuse! I'm not worried anymore!"

Zuo's pouring hand shook: "Girl, in order to reject those ice men, you don't even lose your reputation?"

"That's not the case, besides, what the world says about me, what do I care about!" Gu Xiaowan gently picked up the tea cup in front of her and said lightly.

A Zuo was dumbfounded when he heard it!

Such good news must be reported to the master.

In order to block the iceman, the girl even didn't even want her reputation. Those people also said that the girl always abandoned her and abandoned the master. She didn't know how the master would become angry when she knew about this!

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