The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1808: Good day is coming

Shu Min's cold words were still in his ears. When Gu Xintao left, she only felt that she was floating.

Tripped Gu Xiaowan, she has everything she wants in money, power, fame, and status!

Have everything!

If in the past, she wanted to take Gu Xiaowan and couldn't help it, this time she was like a divine help!

The princess Mingdu wanted her to die. With such a good help, she tripped Gu Xiaowan, wouldn't it be easy?

Seeing the appearance of Gu Xintao leaving beautifully, Shu Min finally relieved the anger that had been vomiting in her heart all these days!

She lay back on the soft couch, Caiyue on the side saw it, and hurriedly went forward to squeeze her leg, and said as she squeezed, "Princess, this Gu Xintao was quite capable! She caught Gu Xiaowan's weakness in a sudden! "

Shu Min snorted: "I knew that Gu Xiaowan had such a handle, I should have taken it out long ago!"

Who will keep it? Keep it so that Ziyue's brother will love that shameless woman!

"Princess, this is all right, Gu Xiaowan's reputation is stinking, and no one in this capital dare to propose a marriage!" Caiyue said flatly.

The princess hates that woman the most. As long as the woman's reputation is bad, the princess is happy, and the group of them will be very nervous.

Shu Min snorted: "It's just a peasant girl, a pheasant. I really thought that she would become a phoenix with feathers in it. No, one day, her hair will still be plucked out! "

Shu Min's smile was very cold, and even Caiyue, who was on the side, was a little frightened when he saw it.

It doesn't matter who is going to propose marriage at all, Shu Min thought angrily, even the men in Beijing are going to propose marriage, as long as Ziyue's brother doesn't go, it doesn't matter to her.

However, Su Ziyue's refusal to mention it doesn't mean he doesn't want to.

As long as Su Ziyue knows that Gu Xiaowan is a flirty person who always abandons,

Brother Zi Yue won't have any good impressions of her!

Thinking like this, Shu Min became more and more happy, and said, "Go and invite Miss Su to come to the house to enjoy the flowers tomorrow!"

Caiyue smiled and answered and she went down immediately. No matter what the master wants to deal with the woman, she only knows that the master is happy, and she is also happy.

Sitting in the carriage, Gu Xintao returned to where she lived excitedly.

The little maid Xingchun on the side saw it and hurriedly helped her out of the carriage.

This Xingchun is a maid that Gu Xintao went to buy after she arrived at Gu's house. She is now a native of the capital, and she comes in and out. How can she do without a maid by her side!

Xingchun helped Gu Xintao into Gu's house, and saw that his parents and brother were discussing something. Seeing Gu Xintao coming, they stood up from their positions and walked out to meet her.

"Xintao is back? But from the princess's side?" Gu Chuanlu stroked his beard, flattering.

Gu Ziwen on the side hurriedly led Gu Xintao into the main hall, and asked caringly: "Will you be tired after this trip?"

Sun clan looked at this beautiful daughter with joy, and felt proud!

Since her daughter was appreciated by the county lord of Mingdu, the head of the house finally put some thoughts on Xintao, and no longer only cares about Ziwen.

Although the Sun family loves Gu Ziwen the most, after all, this is her lifeblood, but Gu Xintao is different now. If Xintao gets better, the whole Gu family will also be well.

Maybe it will be faster and better than what Ziwen brings.

Sure enough, I saw Gu Xintao sitting directly above him. After Gu Chuanlu sat down, no one dared to say a word about Gu Xintao's practice.

Gu Ziwen stood aside and looked at Gu Xintao flatly, the same goes for the Sun family, with a proud face.

After Gu Xintao took a sip of tea, Shi Shiran put it down, only to see that she had picturesque brows and a delicate face. She had a dignified manner when sitting down, and she was even more elegant when drinking tea.

It has only been half a year since I came to the capital. If you don’t know the details of your daughter, who is born in a big family!

Gu Chuanlu sighed secretly when he looked at his daughter's dignified and generous appearance.

This is how long he has been with the princess, and he has such a demeanor. If it takes longer, when Ziwen is admitted to Juren, if he has a place to stand in the capital, then they will take care of the family’s big house and they will definitely come in the capital. The better!

Thinking of this, Gu Chuanlu opened his mouth: "Heart peach, the princess is looking for you this time, what's the matter?"

Gu Xintao smiled and said, "Father, great joy!"

A look of joy and pride.

"Where does the joy come from?" When the Gu family heard this, they immediately rejoiced and hurriedly asked.

"The princess talked about my elder brother here today!" Gu Xintao gently wiped her mouth with her veil, and Gu Pan glanced at Gu Ziwen, and said.

"Is the princess talking about me?" Gu Ziwen's eyes widened when he heard it. His index finger couldn't believe that he was pointing at him, and his face was incredulous: "How can the princess say me?"

"Why can't I talk about you?" Gu Xintao smiled triumphantly, crossed her hands, her back became more straight, and she became more proud.

"The princess asked about you and said when will you release the list?" Gu Xintao paused deliberately, and saw Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen look anxious: "Xintao, don't sell it, hurry up, the princess said What is your brother doing?"

"Yeah, my dear sister, what did the princess do when I mentioned the things I put on the list?" Gu Ziwen looked at Gu Xintao with a look of excitement and joy.

Now, Gu Chuanlu, Sun's and Gu Ziwen are all standing, surrounded by Gu Xintao, who is sitting awkwardly, in a humble manner, as if looking at their parents.

"She said that the princess said that if you put on the list next month, she will recommend you to Xiao Shizi, recommending you to take the road to officialdom!" Seeing their anxious appearance, Gu Xintao felt very proud. Said slowly.

As she said, she picked up the tea cup on the seed, picked up the lid of the cup, blew it gently, and drank the tea slowly.

That dignified and generous appearance is like a daughter from a rich family.

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