The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1815: Only smell new people laugh

After Tan Yushu said these words in anguish, he laughed to himself. Seeing this, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly said, "Look at what you said, Aqing girl is following you, isn't it just as convenient for you?"

"She didn't come out with me so much, she didn't understand many things, she was not as caring as Ayu came!" Tan Yushu smiled and glanced at A Qing, with a lot of helplessness in her tone!

Gu Xiaowan also laughed, but when she swept her eyes aside, she saw A Qing sitting there on her knees, her back straight, like an arrow to be shot in a hurry.

Zuo sat opposite A Qing, and saw her expression clearly and plainly, seemingly unwilling, seemingly angry.

Gu Xiaowan stopped talking, and said other things: "My Zuo girl has a good relationship with your Ayu Suori. If I am free, I will let Zuo go to your house to visit Ayu girl, look. OK?"

Tan Yushu agreed, and when he left, he took Zuo with him.

Gu Xiaowan picked some things for Zuo to take with him. When he came back, Zuo was full of doubts.

"How's it looking?"

"Girl, this girl Ayu is sick, it doesn't seem like she is sick at all!" Zuo thought about the words, and said.

"Why not?"

"You are right. A normal person would naturally wear clothes and quilts when he was cold. But Ayu was too lethargic. When he was cold, he didn’t even know the quilt, and he was born so heavy overnight. The wind chill, when I passed by, I didn't even see her face, saying that the doctor said, this wind chill will be extraordinary, don't get close until it gets better, Ayu can't get up even lying in bed!" Zuo strangely Asked: "It's just a cold wind, how can I get such a serious illness!"

Gu Xiaowan felt strange at the moment. A maid became ill. After she was not well, the opportunity to serve Tan Yushu close by was basically gone.

"It's the girl named A Qing who is taking care of the Princess Huguo now?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Well, yes, Ayu and this girl Aqing are both the maidservants of Huguo Princess, but this Ayu came earlier and has a good relationship with Huguo Princess, so Huguo Princess When I went out, I brought Ayu, and this girl Aqing stayed at home!"

"But now, Ayu is convalescing at home, is this girl Aqing going out with her?"

"That's right! Now where the Huguo Princess goes, this Ah Qing will follow!" Zuo frowned. The key is that Ah Qing doesn't look as harmless as he looks!

Before thinking about it, she seemed to see Ah Qing secretly listening to the masters, and her heartstrings were tense!

This Ah Qing must beware.

As soon as she thought of this, she heard Gu Xiaowan speak lazily: "Princess Huguo will come here tomorrow, you find an opportunity to secretly give her all about Su Ziyue's visit to the mansion!"

When Zuo heard this, he suddenly raised his head: "Girl, you mean to say"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, this Ah Qing, she always felt weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird.

Today she behaved decently, but listening to her tone and look, she looked like a maidservant should have. Looking at her look, it was like hiding a stomach from Tan Yushu.

Be afraid, this Ah Qing is not a rule, and other thoughts have been born.

"You must have a defensive heart. Yushu is a straightforward character and a simple mind. I am afraid that the people around her will give birth to other thoughts!" Gu Xiaowan sighed.

The Fang Zhengxing at this moment is exactly the spring breeze, the beautiful wife, the family harmony, the harmony of the husband and wife, and the help of the Huang family above the court. It is also the favor of the King of Ming. It can be said that life is complete. .

It's just that it has been almost three months since Huang Ru married and went home, and there was still no movement in his stomach, which made Fang Zhengxing a little anxious.

Seeing Fang Zhengxing returned home, before entering the house, I saw Aunt Liu's maid rushing over to look for him: "Master, it's okay, Auntie has a stomachache."

Fang Zhengxing is anxious to see Huang Ruye, as it is said that there is a newcomer and forget the old, and now it is the time when Huang Ruye is mixing oil with honey, and he will not see it for a while. This heart is itchy, where would he want to see Liu Auntie, seeing this maid's panic look again spoiled his good spirits, and shouted: "What kind of demeanor is in panic, if my stomach hurts, I will find the doctor. I am a court commander, not a doctor!"

After that, regardless of the maid, let alone Aunt Liu, she raised her foot and headed toward Huang Ruye's courtyard.

Dongxue was scolded by Fang Zhengxing and was a little puzzled, but when she saw him raising her foot, she went to the wife's yard and suddenly understood. Since ancient times, newcomers have laughed at old people, Aunt Liu, now she is also old.

The master left, Dongxue didn't get the job done, and she felt a little nervous. During this period, her aunt seemed to have changed herself, and her ugly temper was a little scary.

However, it is no wonder that the temper of a person with a body will change.

She cowered into the yard, and saw Aunt Liu lying on the soft couch to rest, with a thin blanket covering her abdomen, the slightly raised abdomen, at this moment, you can see!

Dongxue quietly walked over, Liu Nianrou heard the sound and sat up, with a smile on her face, but when she saw Dongxue alone, Liu Nianrou's face changed abruptly and she shouted coldly, "Where is the master? ?"

Dongxue knelt down with a "plop": "Auntie, he didn't come, Lord!"

"Not here?" Liu Nianrou's eyes were fierce, her hands as white as green onions firmly grasped the blanket, and there were veins on Yu's hands: "Why didn't he come? Did you say that my stomach hurts?"

"The slave and maid said it was just" Dongxue hurriedly knocked her head, and said as she knocked her head: "The master said that he is the court order officer, not the doctor who said that if the auntie has a stomachache, she should consult the doctor!"

"Bang" Liu Nianrou slapped a soft armrest with her hand, her face pale in anger: "Let me go to the doctor? Okay, okay, now I see the newcomer laughing, not the old crying! Since Huang Ruyi got married, the master has stayed in her main courtyard day and night, my small courtyard, when did the master come here!"

Liu Nianrou's face was livid, she stood up from the soft couch, her abdomen was completely covered by her large clothes, and Liu Nianrou was originally a weak Liu Fufeng. After putting on her generous clothes, her lower abdomen was completely invisible. Anything strange!

Seeing Liu Nian walking around softly, Dongxue got up to help her for fear that she would fall, and said, "Auntie, be careful, and be careful not to get angry!"

Liu Nian was dying softly, but after listening to Dongxue's words, he sat on the soft couch obediently, holding his abdomen with both hands, the annoyance swept away just now, his face full of triumph.

The corner of his eyes swept across everything in the yard, and his heart was very proud.

Huang Ruyes, Huang Ruyes, what if you are pampered? No matter how much you dote on, you will never have a son and a half daughter!

Thinking of this, Liu Nianrou became more and more proud, even if Fang Zheng couldn't come to her, she wasn't so angry.

If Fang Zhengxing comes, she still has to find an excuse to have a different room. This is the best way. She can raise her baby in this small yard with peace of mind, and when the child gets older, she will be able to come up with this assassin.

The most urgent task now is to raise the fetus, raise oneself, and raise the child well!

"Go, let me cook a piece of bird's nest!" Liu Nianrou didn't get angry anymore, she lay back on the soft couch and said softly.

Dongxue did not move, frowning and said: "Auntie, the bird's nest is finished!"

"It's finished?" Liu Nianrou didn't open her eyes, and said, "Didn't you ask you to go to the warehouse to help?"

Dongxue cowered and opened her mouth: "The warehouse said the bird's nest is gone!"

"Will you not buy it if it's not enough?" Liu Nianrou opened her eyes when she heard this, and said angrily: "Go and talk to the housekeeper, just say that I have no bird's nest here, let him buy it quickly!"

Dongxue stood still, and Liu Nianrou was anxious: "What's the matter? Xia Yu is not here, can't you even handle this matter?"

"Auntie, I told the butler, and the butler said," Dongxue hesitated.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Nianrou shouted.

"The housekeeper said that the lady is in poor health. Today, the bird's nest is raised. There are so many bird's nests every month, and the lady alone is not enough to eat! So, so"

"So, these servants deducted my bird's nest to please my wife, right?" Liu Nianrou roared.

Dongxue kowtows her head in a hurry: "Auntie, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

"Don't be angry? Don't you let me be angry? She married in gracefully, and everyone in the house pleased her, and I had to bear it. Now, it is totally unreasonable to take my part to please her! "Liu Nian softly jumped up from the soft couch, jumped three feet high, cursing in his mouth, and his face was green.

Dongxue watched from the sidelines, and her throat was scared.

My aunt is pregnant now, and she is still so angry, if this is an accident

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