The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1828: A Qing informer

The woman was a little anxious and cursed displeasedly: "Say quickly if you have any words. The master is still waiting for your reply! If you have delayed the master, you can bear it!"

Seeing that the woman was angry, Ah Qing said hurriedly: "It is said that Grandpa Su family went to Qingyuan to propose a kiss in person!"

Finally finished speaking in one breath, the woman did not speak, and the air between the two people condensed. The woman couldn't believe it, looked at Ah Qing in a daze and asked: "You say it again, you Say what?"

"Madam, the slave and maid heard the man’s two maids personally, and the maid asked them, what kind of taboo the man had. They said no. Later, they said secretly that they shouldn’t mention Master Su in front of the man and said yes. Young Master Su came to propose a kiss in person, which was very troublesome for that person!" A Qing told the woman what he had heard.

I saw the woman's face turned pale: "Are you sure you are listening to this?"

"It's true. Although their voices are small, I can hear them clearly! They probably didn't pay attention to what they said when they saw that I didn't listen. All the slaves and maids heard clearly! There must be nothing wrong! "

"Okay, let's do it! I know this, and I will report it to the master when I go back! This news of you is very valuable, promise, to you, this is the master's reward for you!" I saw the woman never mention it. He took out an ingot of white silver from his basket and handed it to Ah Qing.

Seeing Ah Qing's face changed immediately, he ecstatically took over the money, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you master, thank you master!"

After the two parted ways, the woman went on another road, and Ah Qing went to the general mansion secretly.

There was no one at the back door. Qing entered the mansion, closed the courtyard door, and then went to his room.

She walked all the way, but in the end she didn't go back to her room, but went to Ayu's room.

Pushing open the door, I saw a strong smell of medicine permeating the room, which made people feel nauseous.

A Qing hurriedly covered her nose and mouth, and walked inside!

The doctor said that if Ayu wants to rest, he must not be ventilated!

Don't open the door of this house!

A Qing closed the door and walked inside.

It was a little dark in the room, and the house was very small, so it was right next to the bed.

I saw a sound coming from the bed, the sound was a bit rush, some choked, as if breathing was not smooth.

A Qing did not speak, standing five or six steps away, staring coldly.

Xu Ye heard the movement outside, and a weak voice came from inside the curtain: "Who is it?"

The voice was hoarse and weak, like a kid crawling out of hell, only the last breath was left. A Qing looked at the curtains in a daze, was startled by the hoarse voice, shivered involuntarily, and took a step back unconsciously.

When I found out that there was only a dying person, I relaxed and replied, "It's me!"

"A Qing?" Hearing the voice of an outsider, Ayu had a thin hand like a firewood stick. There was no meat on it, and only bones seemed to be left on the thin one: "Are you here?"

I saw the person who protruded from the curtain, where she looked like Ayu with a ruddy face and a radiant spirit in the past. At this moment, she was dead, as if she was dying of illness.

"Well, I'll see you!" A Qing did not move, still standing five or six steps away, just looking at Ayu directly.

Ayu's hand lifted the curtain a little bit, moved her body a little, put her head under the curtain, and looked up at the person outside, trying to hold up a smile: "Are you okay?" "

She said this as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Seeing Ayu's skinny, skeleton-like appearance, Ah Qing felt a little scared in his heart. What was going on with her, and why did she come here so easily!

"I'm fine," A Qingyan replied concisely. She lowered her head and didn't look at Ayu again. Suddenly, she thought of something and said: "The princess is also very good. I am very happy every day!"

"That's good!" Ayu coughed a few times. At first it was a low cough. However, the sound of "song" in his throat, like the sound of a broken gong, couldn't catch it in one breath, and he coughed more and more. incredible!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, coughing!

Seeing that she was coughing so badly, Ah Qing frowned and looked disgusted. She was afraid that this person's illness would pass on her body. He turned around and walked outside. As soon as she raised her foot, she heard the spread. There was a voice: "Princess, Sister Ayu is sick, you still don't go in, you can go in when Sister Ayu is well!"

Then I heard Tan Yushu cursing: "Get out of here. I want to see someone, but you can't allow it?"

Then there was the voice of the maids kowtow.

A Qing's footsteps suddenly stopped. She hurriedly turned her head and saw Ayu who was coughing on the edge of the bed, who was about to pass her breath. She hurriedly came to the table, poured a glass of water, and hurried to the bedside, slapping her back Back.

When I first sat down, the door of the room was pushed open, and I saw Tan Yushu walking in with enthusiasm, followed by A Qingrang's maid waiting on the side.

When Tan Yushu walked in, he heard a voice from inside: "Come on, take a drink, and moisten your throat without coughing!"

She didn't expect Ah Qing to be here. The eyebrows that had been tightened just now became looser: "Why are you here?"

"The princess, how did you come in?" Aqing saw this, and hurriedly put Ayu down, came over to greet him, and then angrily scolded the maid behind him: "What's the matter with you, didn't you let you serve the princess? How can I let the princess Come here? Princess Jin Zhi Yuye, what should I do if I'm sick? Can you bear it?"

The maid behind him threw a fright and knelt down again.

Tan Yu's writing color became much softer: "Don't blame them, I want to come by myself!"

After speaking, when I came to the bed, I saw Ayu's tired face, and Tan Yushu's eyes immediately turned red: "Ayu, how are you? Is it better?"

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