The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1837: Gu Fangxi went crazy

"Really?" Gu Xiaowan saw that the old mother was starting to become anxious, and smiled more and more happily: "I have never heard of any honest person, who lingers in the gambling shop every day, and I have never seen any honest person. If you don’t do things, you have to go to the gambling shop on the grounds that your mother is seriously ill and need to be taken care of. I have never seen an honest person who took Gaoyue's money and still scolded the shopkeeper at home and Lao Ziniang was so bad. So bad!"

Gu Xiaowan’s voice became more gloomy as he reached the back, and in the end, it was extremely cold and cold: "Old mother, if your son goes home, please tell him, I am a small temple, and I can’t keep such a talented person. People, ask him to find another job!"

Speaking of this time, no one understands, where this Gu Hai is missing, maybe it is hiding in which casino to gamble!

Gu Xiaowan just asked a few questions. Once asked and answered, the ancient mother couldn’t take it anymore and stopped crying. Her face was pale, she looked at Gu Xiaowan’s cold voice, like a fluttering cloud. I hit my body every word, it hurts!

"You are talking nonsense, my son, I am, my son is not going to do things with you! Just your reputation, it will be sooner or later to take over the moon pavilion!" The ancient mother was furious and didn't know what to say, she could only curse. Yes, slobbering at Gu Xiaowan.

Zuo, Kou Hai, and Jiang Bu were all standing in front of the ancient mother, how could that ancient mother get close.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the ancient mother coldly, her eyes as cold as ice scum.

Last time I saw her, it was during the Chinese New Year. They visited and expressed their condolences. This old mother was so kind and talked about Lanyue Pavilion like a flower. It took so long, and Lanyue Pavilion was just because She didn't want to explain and was a little involved. This ancient mother was so bold as to provoke herself!

It's just a flat-headed people, she even dared to be so unreasonable, because this ancient mother has no brain and fearlessness, or there is an expert behind her, deliberately embarrassing herself!

The old mother couldn't touch Gu Xiaowan, so she couldn't do this tearing thing. Otherwise, she would have rushed forward and tearing Gu Xiaowan away. Best, just scratch her face.

Seeing that she could not go forward, she simply sat on the ground and sneered: "Oh my god, I am so fate, my son is gone, if you have to say that he gambled, it must be you. Kill my son, and you will pay back my son's life! Oh, my god, open your eyes, I am a flat-headed common man, but this is Anping Princess! My son, where are you!"

Kou Hai couldn't see it, so he hurriedly went forward to pull her. It's okay to pull this. When the ancient mother saw Kou Hai, she rolled under his feet and shouted hysterically: "Kill, kill, oops, oops"

Kou Hai didn't touch her at all, but the ancient mother lay on the ground, clutching her chest and yelling: "It hurts, it hurts! Ouch, it's killing, it's killing!"

In full view, this ancient mother

Touched porcelain!

The ancient mother was splashing and rolling on the ground, and if she couldn't see it, she whispered, and no one dared to say it on the bright side.

This ancient mother is not afraid of death or offending Anping Princess, they are terrible!

Therefore, there are many people watching and no one speaks a word. Seeing that no one was speaking for her, the ancient mother wailed loudly and rolled around on the ground.

In this way, what can Zuo and Kou Hai do? If they step forward, I am afraid that this person is like a dog skin plaster, sticking to the body, and they can't take it off!

Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Ning'an both heard the sound and walked out from inside, and frowned when they saw the scene outside.

He asked softly what had happened. After learning about it, Gu Ningan's face changed drastically, staring at the ancient mother on the ground desperately, wishing to put her to death Ling Chi!

The good sister in his mind, how could these people be slandered!

When he just wanted to speak, there was a stern roar from inside: "You are a thousand knives, my old lady asked you to slander my Xiaowan, my old lady asked you to splash around at my door"

After hearing the voice, everyone turned their heads, and they saw Gu Fangxi rushing out from inside with a grim look, holding a stick with a thick arm in his hand, raising it above his head, and running towards the door fiercely, looking like he wanted Looking for the ancient mother desperately.

Gu Fangxi yelled as he ran, "You dead old lady, our Xiaowan treats you so well. I'll give you money and things. I have raised two white-eyed wolves! My old lady asked you to slander my Xiaowan, and my Xiaowan is clear and clean. , What kind of **** you are talking about, I let you talk nonsense, I let you spray manure in your mouth!"

The ancient mother was lying on the ground and screaming. Hearing the long list of vicious words, she hurriedly lifted her body to look. She saw a woman with a vicious face holding a thick-armed club and rushing towards her, her red eyes seemed to be Fire-breathing, this

This is killing people!

Wherever the ancient mother dared not to run, she got up from the ground with a bone, and jumped down the steps like crazy, jumping and shouting: "Kill, kill!"

Such a swift and violent movement, it looks like it's injured!

This ancient mother just pretended it!

Everyone came to understand, pointing to the old mother's embarrassed look of rattling her head, and laughed.

The ancient mother saw Gu Fangxi chasing after her desperately, while the people Gu Xiaowan clasped her arms around her chest and watched the show for a while, jumping angrily, but helpless.

If she runs slowly, this crazy woman's stick will fall firmly on her body!

Gu Fangxi chased and cursed at the back: "You damned woman, give you good food and drink to serve you, you still come and beat me, my family Xiaowan doesn't care, you just treat her as a bully? She has a good heart. I have a bad heart, and annoyed my old lady, who tore your stinky mouth to tears!"

The ancient mother ran in front and howled as she ran. Gu Fangxi chased after him. He always fell about half a step away. The stick in his hand also slapped it intentionally or unintentionally. The ancient mother ran away in fear and rushed out of the crowd. He staggered and ran away, crying as he ran, "Help, help!"

With such an embarrassed appearance, everyone laughed. Gu Fang was happy to see the ancient mother running away, stopped, hands on hips, and yelled: "You shrew, if you dare to come again, my old lady will tear your mouth!"

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