The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1844: Liu Nianrou grabs the heart

Fang Zhengxing looked at Liu Nianrou, who was crying and sad. He also followed the hard and hurt heart. He strode forward and came to Ruansu, softly comforting: "Rouer"

Liu Nianrou didn't speak, she turned her face sideways, and moved her face closer, not looking at Fang Zhengxing anymore.

The crying became more and more sad.

When Fang Zhengxing saw Liu Nianrou crying, he knew that she was wronged in her heart. He knew that in the past few months, he only cared about the love with Huang Ruye, and how he cared about Liu Nianrou. Now seeing Liu Nianrou's sadness, his heart is getting worse. Guilt.

"Rou'er, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, don't cry, be careful to cry and break your own body!" Fang Zhengxing comforted, patted Liu Nianrou's back carefully with his hands, like It is to coax children.

Liu Nianrou heard it, and she cried more and more sad: "Master will also care about Rou'er's life and death? You have not seen anyone for a few months. Rou'er is afraid and worried, afraid that you will not want Rou'er!"

Liu Nianrou's voice was already charming, but now it has added a three-point temptation. Fang Zhengxing listened to it, but felt that this voice made him soft from head to toe!

He sat on the soft collapse, and then lifted Liu Nianrou from the soft collapse and took it into his arms.

Liu Nianrou was still struggling desperately, but how could she be a weak woman with Fang Zhengxing.

After struggling twice, Fang Zhengxing squeezed her two hands with one hand, while the other hand pinched Liu Nianrou’s chin, looking at the red lips, like poppies, bewitching him. heart of.

Fang Zhengxing didn't even think about it, lowered his head, and directly covered the red lips, only to feel the fragrance of the mouth, a seductive fragrance spread from the tip of the tongue to the lower abdomen, lighting a cluster of flames.

Liu Nianrou struggled twice, wiggling her body, but the more she twisted, it made Fang Zhengxing burst into flames, and the kiss became stronger. She kissed and said, "My Rou'er, let him I love you so much!"

The voice of the person in front of him was blurred, and he was confused and sentimental.

When Liu Nianrou heard this, she didn't move anymore. She wrapped her hands around Fang Zhengxing's neck and proactively kissed her. Hearing Fang Zhengxing's full of **** voice, she opened her eyes and saw the confused person. A smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She has been following Fang Zhengxing for so many years, she naturally knows where on his body is the most sensitive!

Liu Nianrou took the initiative to kiss, and Fang Zhengxing couldn't help it anymore with her proficient kissing skills and the scent from her body, she directly threw Liu Nianrou on the soft collapse.

And in the main room at the moment, Huang Ru is sitting on the armchair with a ruddy face, listening to Song Qin's reply, sneered: "Where did he go?"

"In the case of Madam, the master was going to the study, but he walked halfway, turned back, turned around and went to the courtyard!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Ru sneered, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, I said I was sick, he can't wait, he wants to find the old friend!" "I heard that in the afternoon, there was a small courtyard. There was a lot of noise, and I heard that Aunt Liu smashed everything that could be smashed in the house! It was a big riot!"

"That's just right, the master has also gone to her, and you can just sue the master!" Huang Ru picked up the tea cup in front of him, brushed the tea on it with the lid, and took a sip. Songqin is a little puzzled: "Madam, why are you"

"You want to ask me why I want to push the master away, don't you? You also want to ask why I am not sick and pretend to be sick, right?" Huang Rushi asked.

Song Qin nodded: "The master was originally going to come to the main room. Knowing that Madam, you are ill, you will come here too. The slave and maidservant stopped him, so the master went elsewhere!"

Huang Rushi smiled and said, "Yes, when the master didn't come to me, he thought of going to that woman. What does this mean?"

She sneered twice, and a jealous light flashed from the corner of her eyes: "She is the oldest woman of the master. For her, the master even ignored the lady in front of the main house. This Liu Nianrou has a lot of means!"

Songqin heard the words, raised his head and asked: "Madam, what do you mean?"

"This Liu Nianrou has not only been favored by the master for so many years, but also forced a righteous house to nowhere. Do you think this Liu Nianrou is so harmless? Not to mention, she now has two daughters with the master, I But there is nothing, do you think, such a person, can I still let her stay with the master?"

"Madam, what are you going to do?"

"Kill with a knife!" Huang Ruyi raised his right hand and made a fiercely slashing downward movement. Songqin on the side didn't know: "What does the lady mean?"

"The kid in this stomach, just take advantage of this period of time, you go to the doctor, just take advantage of this period of time to fall this child!"

Huang said, Songqin nodded hurriedly and said yes!

"Then Liu Nianrou has been talking about no bird's nests. The order goes on and sends two boxes of bird's nests to Aunt Liu! Send them now!"

In the small yard, in the main room, a earth-shaking event ended in peace, and quiet voices came from the room.

Liu Nianrou lay on Fang Zhengxing's chest and said aggrieved: "Master, you haven't come for a long time, Rou'er has almost forgotten what it was like!"

Liu Nianrou narrowed her mouth, very aggrieved.

Fang Zhengxing saw her, hugged her tightly, and said with a smile: "Didn't this let you taste it? How is it? How does it taste?"

When Liu Nianrou heard this, her face flushed with shame, and she hurriedly hid in Fang Zhengxing's arms, and said shyly, "Master, you are all an old man, you have no righteousness!"

"Don't you like me the most? How? How?" Fang Zhengxing teased with a smile.

The two were teasing each other, which gave Fang Zhengxing a long-lost feeling and a feeling of comfort.

As the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing.

Huang Ru is the wife of the main house. There are a lot of silly things that cannot be said when the two people are in bed, but it is different in Liu Nianrou. You can say whatever you want, and do whatever you want. People have a sense of satisfaction after release.

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