The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1864: I only believe in one truth

"Gu Hai was drunk and fell into the river and drowned. His mother was at home. She stumbled and smashed a family, hit the threshold and knocked to death! The news just got yesterday! Two people did not die at the same time!"

Both mother and son died at the same time.

Moreover, they are still dead so reasonable.

A drunk drowning and a falling to death accidentally, no matter who it is, either will think that these two people are not careful, or will think it is man-made?

Gu Xiaowan thought of this, looked at Su Mang and then at Ni Bing.

Ni Bing was also looking at her at the moment, with deep meaning in his eyes. Su Mang kept his head down slightly, not knowing what he was thinking!

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Master Ni believes there will be such a coincidence?"

"I don't believe it, so I'm here to ask you!" Su Nibing said: "I heard people say that before the death of the ancient mother, there was a big fight in Qingyuan, but is it true?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "It's true, Gu Hai is gone, she ran up and asked me to return Gu Hai, saying that I had hidden Gu Hai!"

"Has the princess done this?" Ni Bing's voice suddenly became gloomy, like a layer of ice.

Gu Xiaowan sneered, "Why do you want to hide Guhai? Master Ni has a reason?"

"There is a reason." Ni Bingzheng said: "Anping princess took the two orders from Wang's mansion. The white jade cotton is not enough, so I used flying catkins to collect it, or it happened to be discovered by Gu Hai. In order to protect yourself, you kill Gu Hai! The princess thinks this excuse is feasible?"

Gu Gu Xiaowan nodded: "It is indeed a good excuse! What about the death of the ancient mother?"

"The ancient mother found that her son was missing, so she went to Qingyuan to look for you. Because of your poor reputation in the previous days, or, what did Gu Hai say to the ancient mother, let you think that Gu Hai must have told the ancient mother something. , You simply didn’t stop doing it, and you killed the ancient mother, creating the illusion that she accidentally fell and died! The princess thought that killing Gu Hai would be all right, but didn’t know that the flying cotton in the white jade cotton was enough to have a baby You didn’t count his life here, so all the things you did before have been abandoned. The princess thinks I’m right?"

Is it wrong?

The people behind this, in order to send themselves to prison, even calculate when the people around them will die.

The death of Gu Hai, the death of the ancient mother, the death of that little baby, everything is leading her to the bait!

This person, it took such a long time to play such a big game of chess on his own body, he is really vicious! Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Master Ni said so wonderfully. Or, you can think about it from another angle. If I really did these things, I would leave so much Did you ask you to find me specifically? Didn't Mr. Ni think that all the spearheads were directed at me, and that he was deliberately trying to take my charge?"

"Does the princess think that the lower official's inference is incorrect?"

"No, it's correct!" Gu Xiaowan sneered: "The correct one doesn't let anyone refute!"

"Did the princess admit that he was a murderer who made money and killed him?"

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand: "Don't admit it! Lord Ni, I was just a peasant girl before, and I cherish my current identity and feathers the most. I will shoddy for a few thousand taels of silver? How about this white jade cotton even if it is worth a thousand dollars? What if I can’t find it, even if I’ve breached the contract, it’s only a few thousand taels of silver. Master Ni should know that Jinfulou and Fujinlou are both my properties. I don’t say that my annual dividend is hundreds of thousands. Two, there are hundreds of thousands of taels. For the sake of mere tens of thousands of taels, I smashed my own sign, Sir Ni, don’t you think the person behind this looks down on me too much? Gu Xiaowan still thinks that I am really cruel and love Wealth is like fate, so I don’t hesitate to squander my hard-earned identity and status, and die with thousands of taels! This person is really too small for me, Gu Xiaowan!"

When Ni Bing heard this, his serious face suddenly smiled: "Princess Anping, indeed, he ruined his wings for a few thousand taels of silver. It is really not worth it! But now all the evidence is not good for you. How can the subordinates redress for you?"

"You want to help me?" Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes and asked Ni Bing, who she was not familiar with.

Last time about Li Fan, Gu Xiaowan had seen this Ni Bing several times. This man was upright and upright. He was a rare and upright official!

"The next official is not to help you, but to find out what you really want. Now all the signs point to you, but the next official doesn't think so. Maybe, it's too easy to find out a case, sometimes there are a lot of tricks behind it. The death of a baby involves so many families and noble concubines in the palace. Who can tell that all of this was caused by a businessman who coveted thousands of taels of silver? So" Ni Bing paused. Suddenly he folded his hands and said: "I also hope that the princess will stay calm and be able to actively cooperate with the lower officials to find out the truth as soon as possible. Maybe my inference is wrong, maybe it is correct. The lower official has found out the truth, and he will be fair to the deceased! It will definitely not tolerate it!"

After Ni Bing finished speaking, he gave his hand and left: "Su Mang, you stay and ask the princess about some things! Be sure to record it truthfully!"

"Yes, Master Ni!"

After Ni Bing left, Su Mang stood outside the cell, looking at Gu Xiaowan.

Following the usual practice, Su Mang asked Gu Xiaowan some questions, Gu Xiaowan answered, and he also recorded them all.

After that, he got up and said to Gu Xiaowan, "Thank you for your cooperation!"

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand: "No, I hope Master Ni and Master Su will pay me back as soon as possible!"

Su Mang suddenly deceived himself and leaned against the goalpost, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Princess, you will be safe here! Lord Ni believes there are two truths, but his subordinates only believe one. The truth is that you are innocent, Princess!"

Seeing him suddenly lowered her voice, Gu Xiaowan was a little strange, and asked, "You want to help me?"

Many years ago, they met once in Liujia Town. He escorted Miao Er, who was digging stones in Minshan, to come back, cleared her offense and returned her innocence.

Now, he wants to help himself again?

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