The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1912: I want to be a capitalist

Raising such a handsome man in captivity by her side, and when she gets married, he will take him there. While enjoying the luxurious life, she also enjoys the love Qin Yizhi brings to her. Her life is complete. ?

Gu Xintao thought this way, and even more so who was going to ask Qin Yizhi!

Now that Princess Mingdu has been fined for three months in confinement, she can't get out during this period, but she can come and find the Princess!

Gu Xintao thought that Princess Mingdu had been fined and confined. This is a good time to show her loyalty!

Shu Min was copying the scriptures in the study. The emperor fined her salary and confinement. After hearing about it, the empress mother punished her for copying the scriptures a hundred times. Now she is told by Shu Lin, she must complete it by herself. Sit at home and copy the scriptures honestly!

Hearing that Gu Xintao was here, Shu Min passed it on.

Gu Xintao walked inside the Ming Palace, looking at the white jade stone under his feet, and the delicate lotus carvings inside. On the way, it really was a lotus growing step by step. She couldn't help but secretly sigh with the luxury of the Ming Palace. Such a stone, I am afraid it will be. It was enough for poor people to eat for a year, but now they walk on the ground, it is simply too luxurious!

Gu Xintao was envious in her heart, when she could live in such a luxurious and magnificent house.

The next person led Gu Xintao to Shu Min's study, and saw that Shu Min was practicing calligraphy, Gu Xintao hurriedly went up to see him.

When Shu Min saw someone coming, he put down the pen, and a maid waiting for the pen and ink hurriedly came forward to take it, and placed it gently on the pen mountain.

There was also a maid standing aside with the clear water she was handling, Shu Min cleaned her hands, and a maid handing over a clean towel.

Then, another maid handed it over with a cup of tea, Shu Min took it, took two sips, and those people stepped back in turn!

Looking at the words written by Princess Mingdu, there are five or six maids around him, and Gu Xintao looked at it, and then looked at the maid Xingchun who hadn't grown up beside him, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Not to mention that she has five or six maids by just writing a word, and if she can have three maids to wait on her daily, she will be content.

After Shu Min took her seat, she naturally saw the surprise and envy in Gu Xintao's eyes.

She disdains dealing with such a lowly person, but this person is a relative of Gu Xiaowan, and she can have a way to deal with Gu Xiaowan, although she doesn't like it, she must deal with it properly and let her continue to work for herself!

"What are you doing?" Shu Min asked lightly after taking her seat.

Gu Xintao recovered from the surprise and said hurriedly: "I heard that the princess was in the mansion, and I felt uneasy, so I came here to see it!"

Gu Xintao's face was full of sincerity. If Shu Min didn't know that she had a plan in her heart, otherwise, the appearance of Gu Xintao really made people feel that this person was looking at him sincerely.

"Oh? Really?" Shu Min lowered her head to drink tea. She didn't need to go out today, and she didn't have heavy make-up. The brows and eyebrows on her thin face seemed to have disappeared from the surprises of the past. Zhang Weishi's face is not as comfortable as Gu Xiaowan's beautiful face!

"What's the matter with you? What are you staring at this princess?" Shu Min felt Gu Xintao's gaze and said displeasedly.

Only then did Gu Xintao realize that she was fascinated by seeing the princess just now!

She seemed to have discovered some amazing secret, and a trace of jealousy flashed in her heart!

Gu Xiaowan is more beautiful than Shu Min!

She did not dare to say, but she had to admit it in her heart!

Gu Xiaowan always has a plain face, or the appearance of thin powder, and Shu Min's heavy makeup looks like Gu Xiaowan is a little loser, but what if they both apply thin powder or heavy makeup?

Gu Xintao believed that Gu Xiaowan would definitely not lose to Shu Min.

Gu Xintao felt angry and happy at the thought of Gu Xiaowan's such a method.

Shu Min loves her face very much, if she sees Gu Xiaowan's face that is even more gorgeous than her, she doesn't know what she will be like!

Gu Xintao thought this way, but she hurriedly got up and said, "Xintao just looked at the princess's Tianzi, and she felt amazing in her heart!"

After staying with Shu Min for so long, she has long since disappeared. Gu Xintao boasts that she is also a smart person, and she has been soaking in these famous girls for so long. She prides herself that she has not learned the methods. less.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xintao answered her own tricky words generously. Shu Min looked at Gu Xintao a few more times, and said without a smile: "Your mouth is getting more powerful! It made me look at it!"

Gu Xintao also laughed: "The princess laughed, and Xintao is a knife in the hands of the princess! Whoever the princess makes the peach move, the peach will move whoever the princess makes!"

Shu Min nodded, the displeasure on her face disappeared a little.

"You did a good job last time. This princess hasn't rewarded you well yet. Tell me, what do you want?" Shu Min put down the tea cup in his hand, leaned on the soft pillow, and asked lazily. .

Gu Xintao hurriedly got up and said, "Doing things for the princess is a blessing for Xintao!"

Shu Min waved his hand to Caiyue who was on the side, and the maids who were waiting in the room all stepped back. In a blink of an eye, only Shu Min, Caiyue and Gu Xintao were left.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xintao was overjoyed, the princess had to do something on her own again!

Sure enough, I heard Shu Min say: "You don't have to be humble. The rumor about Gu Xiaowan you spread last time, you did a very good job! This princess is a person who distinguishes rewards and punishments. If you do well, this princess naturally There are many rewards! Can you think about what you want? What the princess can do will satisfy you!"

Gu Xintao already had a good idea in her heart, she just wanted to be a native of Beijing!

It's just that she doesn't have a house, and there is no way to settle in the capital. The house they live in is only rented to them by the princess. It is not an issue in the long run!

Gu Xintao knew that she had useful value for Shu Min, so she knelt down immediately: "Xintao thank you princess Xintao, she only has one idea, that is, she wants to be a citizen of Beijing! No need to go back to that poor country!"

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