The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1951: High school champion

He only wants his sister and family to be well. He can use his wings to protect the people he wants to protect. He doesn't need a sister or a woman to show up everywhere and run around for their affairs, and he doesn't need so much. Everyone stared at her sister like wolves, trying to pull her sister down from above!

He only thought about so much. In the past ten years, he had only one thought in his mind, to study hard and become an official in the future. After becoming an official, he can protect his sister!

The idea in his heart has an obsession that is difficult to contend with. He has always thought that this is the right one, but when he heard Gu Xiaowan’s faint inquiries, he was a little nervous for the first time. Could it be that my sister thought his idea was wrong ?

"Your idea is right. If a person cannot protect the people closest to him, how can he protect the people of the world!" Gu Xiaowan saw the exploration in his eyes and said quietly, "Everything in this world is like this. If If you can’t even have enough food and clothing for yourself, how can you save others? How can you not eat for others? If you can’t even protect the people around you, how can you talk about protecting the world? I can’t meet all the conditions, how can I persuade myself to fulfill that huge wish?"

When Gu Ningan saw her sister saying that she didn't have any ideas, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, sister!"

"Ning'an, if the emperor is willing to let you into an official position, he will definitely not only hope that you have such a little bit of big ambitions. All the people in this world belong to the emperor. He wants the officials around him, just like him, with the people in his heart. With the world in mind, this is the official he wants!" Gu Xiaowan continued to persuade him, "You have a good idea, and my sister believes in you, but if you want to have a bigger goal, you must also pretend to be the world." , Drinking the common people!"

A good man has the world in mind, so why stick to short-term relationships!

Gu Xiaowan's words touched Gu Ning'an a bit. He did think so too. Sometimes he was very confused. If he became an official, how old would he have to be an official to protect his sister's safety?

Becoming a seventh-rank, wanting a fifth-rank, becoming a fifth-rank, wanting a second-rank, first-rank, people's greed will expand indefinitely, and he can't keep himself from staying in the officialdom!

He will definitely desire the greatest power in the future!

"It's not terrible to have an idea. The key is to be afraid of going astray, to be kind in your heart, to be honest, honest, and fair. This is the emperor and the people of the world, and of course, including your sister, younger brother, and younger sister need a good official! If there are so many officials in this world, naturally no one will bully us, right?"

Gu Ning'an was stunned when she heard it. What my sister meant was that I hope he will be a good official who is upright and honest, loves the people like a son, and is just and unfair!

He had never thought that his sister, a woman in a boudoir, would have so many insights about the ambitions he should have in his heart, and he even sighed.

After reading books for so many years, he has never figured out things that he didn't want to understand, and now he is inspired by his sister's words.

Stick to his heart, be kind, honest, and fair in his heart. If there is a good official in this world, there will be fewer innocent victims. And the idea of ​​protecting his sister and family in his heart supports him. For many years of continuous advancement, there is nothing wrong with him. With the people in his heart, he is the greatest protection for his sister!

He immediately stood up and knelt down, "Sister, Ning An knows!"

After speaking, he solemnly knocked three heads to Gu Xiaowan, and Gu Xiaowan didn't stop him, so he finished kneeling before going forward to help him up.

I don’t know when Gu Ning’an’s head has been much taller. She used to hold his hand. Now, he has really grown up. His thin but powerful shoulders can also shelter her from wind and rain. Up!

Gu Xiaowan patted Gu Ning'an on the shoulder: "Worry and worry before the world, and happy afterwards, have the world in mind, and be virtuous. This is the way to be an official!"

Early the next morning, Gu Ningan got up and went to the palace.

After they entered the palace, they had to take the exam again for the top ten, and take the top six to enter the palace exam, so he will go to the palace earlier today.

Before he left, he wanted to see his sister, and was afraid that her sister would worry about him, so he knelt for three bows in the direction of Gu Xiaowan's courtyard, and then went to the palace.

He hurriedly left Qingyuan, that thin figure walked away firmly, step by step, calm and powerful.

Gu Xiaowan didn’t sleep well last night. She was half-dreaming and half-awake, and then she dreamed that Gu Ning’an hadn’t entered the palace exam, and was brushed off during the palace exam. Anyway, she hardly had a good dream overnight, so it was just one night. None of them fell asleep.

She wanted to see Gu Ning'an, and wanted to send him off, but she was afraid that he saw that she was worried about herself, so she had to stay in her yard and didn't dare to move!

Later, after Gu Ning'an left, Ahmad came to report that it was Gu Ning'an who had prayed to his yard three times, and Gu Xiaowan's heart was raised leisurely.

Today, Gu Ning'an wants to spend a day in the palace, and he is not allowed to bring anyone by his side. Naturally, he will not know what Gu Ning'an is doing in the capital.

She was worried and nervous. On this day, she didn’t eat well, and she didn’t sleep well. Gu Xiaowan didn’t even bother to practice. She walked around in the room. Gu Fangxi saw Gu Xiaowan so nervous. , My heart is even more distressed.

While worrying about Gu Ningan, while worrying about Gu Xiaowanfang, the corners of her anxious mouth were about to bubble.

Until Shenshi, there was a sudden shout of Ahmad outside: "Girl, girl, son is hit, hit."

Kou Hai followed Gu Ning'an to the palace today, but he could only wait outside. After the palace test was over, the Annunciation officials came out of the palace in piles and went everywhere.

Kou Hai didn't see Gu Ning'an, but he found Gu Ning'an's name on the top of the red list. It was the first wave of Annunciation. At the top of the red list, the number one champion Gu Ning'an was written in big characters, which was very conspicuous.

Champion, champion

Gu Ning'an passed the entrance examination and won the top spot in the Golden Luang Temple!

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