The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1969: When she is a family

On her side, Fang Zhengxing couldn't reach out. After all, she was the prostitute of the Fang family, and she wanted to run for the election. As long as she was not married, she couldn't get around!

But Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are different. They are the two daughters he has loved since childhood. They have always had high hopes. Now that he had the opportunity to be selected as concubines in the palace, how could Fang Zhengxing miss these two? A good opportunity to curry favor with the royal family!

"Go and talk to Mother Wan, let her inadvertently disclose the matter of the draft, let Huang Ru know!" Fang Peiya said in a cold voice.

Xiaoyue did not understand: "Miss, why tell her that she knows that the Fang family has this opportunity to favor the emperor, and she will definitely teach them more carefully! Why let them enter the palace? I don't know how many people will be persecuted! "

After all, no matter who Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun enter the palace, it is a huge good thing for the other's family!

Fang Peiya laughed after hearing Xiaoyue's words: "Don't worry, if Huang Ru knows, neither of them has a chance to enter the palace!"

"Why? Why is the young lady so determined, that Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun have both followed Liu Nianrou, beautiful and beautiful, why can't they enter the palace?"

"If Huang Ru knows the rules of drafting women this time, she is afraid that she will go crazy!" Fang Peiya smiled: "She has waited for so many years, and just after making up her mind to marry, the palace will start drafting women again. It’s just half a year of work before and after. You said, for so many years, she’s been waiting for it, and she didn’t wait for half a year. You said she would go crazy! She couldn’t enter the palace, so why? Watching the people around you enter the palace? I'm afraid I don't know how to ruin the chance of these two people entering the palace!"

Xiaoyue suddenly realized: "The servant girl knows, the servant girl will do it!"

Seeing Xiaoyue leave quickly, Fang Peiya suddenly became nervous again, only to feel that her heart throbbed quickly, as if she was about to jump out of her chest.

In her mind, a clear figure immediately emerged.

That picturesque look, gentle temperament, brilliant knowledge, such a man, a leader among the people, I don’t know what his mind is!

Fang Peiya didn't want to wait any longer, and immediately went to Qingyuan.

Gu Xiaowan saw that it was sunset and Fang Peiya was still here, she was a little strange, but she didn't ask much.

"You happen to be here, and Yushu happens to be there. You plan to have dinner before leaving. Let's eat together!" Gu Xiaowan was practicing calligraphy, entertained Fang Peiya, and said with a smile.

Fang Peiya looked around, but she didn’t see Tan Yushu. As long as she saw Gu Xiaowan, she could see Tan Yushu a few steps away. It’s strange today. She is here but not by Gu Xiaowan’s side. Where can she go? Up!

Seeing Fang Peiya looking around and knowing what she was thinking, she raised her hand and pointed to the direction of the kitchen and said, "Yu Shu is in the kitchen! She has been learning how to cook with her aunt these days. You will have a good taste in the evening. !"

When Fang Peiya heard this, she felt like she was facing a big enemy: "Sister, don't praise Yushu. The dishes she cooks are so horrible that she doesn't dare to take a second look at all, so how dare you say anything!"

This refers to the old Tan Yushu. Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "You go and see now, her cooking has made great progress! You will be impressed!"

Fang Peiya put down the tea, eager to try: "Sister, I also went to the kitchen to have a look!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't raise her head: "Go, if you want to learn, also come and learn!"

With Gu Xiaowan’s appearance, Fang Peiya didn't feel left out at all. On the contrary, she was a little excited and happy: "Okay!"

After staying with Gu Xiaowan for a long time these days, she also found out who Gu Xiaowan was close to in her heart, her temper became more casual, and she was just like her own relatives when she talked and did things. There are not so many rules.

If it is for ordinary people, her attitude and temperament have changed abruptly. She pays great attention to the rules. Between a smile and a gesture, her temper is extremely calm, making people unable to pick out half of the mistakes. , But it also makes people feel very alienated!

On the contrary, this casual person who doesn't even raise his head is to treat the closest person around him!

At that time, when she first got acquainted with Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan treated Tan Yushu like this, very casual, but on the contrary treated her politely, saying everything and doing everything is extremely polite!

She felt weird at the time. She felt that this Anping princess was like this. Later, she discovered that this person treated all the relatives around him the same way. The closer he was, the more casual he was, and the more distant, the more polite.

Now seeing Gu Xiaowan treat herself so casually, Fang Peiya knew in her heart that it was Gu Xiaowan who treated herself as a family!

Her steps are a little brisk, and the more she thinks about it, the happier she is, and she keeps hoping that if she really becomes a family, then it would be great!

The kitchen was soon in front of him, and Fang Peiya's expression was also rejoiced by the laughter from inside.

Suddenly, there was a calm, gentle and familiar voice in it, and Fang Peiya's face suddenly blushed!

He is in it too!

She originally planned to wait for him to come back, but she didn't expect him to come back so early today, at this moment, he was still in the kitchen.

Fang Peiya's footsteps paused, a little hopeful, but also a little scared, I don't know what his mind is!

After looking forward and backward, after thinking about it, Fang Peiya gritted her teeth secretly and gave it up!

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Gu Ning'an sitting at the table blindfolded. The table was full of dishes. Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaoyi were surrounded by them, hoping to wait for Gu Ning'an to express their opinions.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Gu Ning's slender hands holding chopsticks, and the falling afterglow was spilled on him through the edge of the window, as if he was plated with a layer of golden brilliance. Admire!

"This dish has a little more salt! This dish has been cooked for too long, and it is a bit rotten. Logically speaking, this dish should be crisp and refreshing to taste!" Although Gu Ning'an was blindfolded, Two dishes were placed in front of them. Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaoyi seemed to be holding Gu Ning'an to test dishes, and kept putting things into his dishes.

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