The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1994: Tryst for two

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun stood there, squeezing no one to move forward, as if there was something on their minds!

"Sister, I still have something to do. I will leave with my sister. My sister will go back first and rest well." Fang Zhuyun has always been quicker than his brain. Seeing Fang Lan stayed silent, she said hurriedly.

When Fang Lan saw this, he was afraid that he would have invited Shi Lang, so he cheered up and said, "Oh, I remember it too. I also want to go to the lake to pick two lotus flowers and put them in a vase. Don't go back to the yard, your face is not good, you are done with things, go back and rest earlier!"

Fang Zhuyun didn't doubt that he had him: "Well, sister, the same goes for you! I just went to the garden to swing for a while, so I'm going back!"

Both of them have this habit on weekdays, and neither of them cares about it. So farewell at the three-way intersection, one to the left and one to the right.

Seeing that the two had separated, Huang Ruye quickly went back and reported Huang Ruye.

Song Qin made everyone go down, and Huang Ru was full of triumphant expressions: "I didn't expect the two of them to have such a good ability, so that this lady in the boudoir would be hooked all at once!"

"Madam, these two young ladies have never been in contact with other men since they were young. Except for the master, they have never been in contact with other men! You said, these two days have had such close contact with men. The skin-to-skin is a heroic rescue Beauty, can this heart not be moved? For fear, I am afraid, these two people are happy in their hearts, and without reservation, our plan does not need to wait too long, and it will be done immediately!" Song Qin pinched Huang Ruye’s leg and laughed Said.

Huang Ru was extremely satisfied, and felt very comfortable: "I want to fight with me, it’s too tender! You make people stare at me, and when the two people succeed, I will report quickly so that the master can see. Two young ladies who have lost their reputation, how can they enter the palace!"

"Don't say it's entering the palace, I'm afraid I won't be able to marry in this lifetime!" Song Qin laughed mockingly.

Huang Ru was very proud: "Didn't Fang Zhengxing expect the two concubines to become concubines in the palace? I let him never think about it for the rest of his life! I can't get them, and they can't even think of it! Haha"

Huang Ruyi let out a grinning laugh, Songqin was not surprised, he kept his head in his hand and laughed along with him.

"After it's done, you don't need to keep those two people, so that there will be more nights and dreams!" Huang Rushi said after smiling, Songqin nodded: "The slave and maid will save it, and it will be arranged properly! Madam, don't worry!"

Magpie saw her in a daze. She wanted to take her back to the yard. Where did she know that, Fang Lanxin said she was going to Shanghai, and told her not to follow her. Magpie had decided to see that she had made up her mind. In the mansion, there was no worry, no doubt, just let her go back early, and watched the lady go to the lake!

When he arrived at the lake, Fang Lan was looking forward to it. After waiting for a long time, no one came. She couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, thinking that Shi Lang would not come, but think about how he promised him yesterday, why would he not come!

Waiting a little anxiously, thinking that the rockery that was standing yesterday could still sit and rest, Fang Lanxin went to the rockery with money.

After resting for a while, Fang Lanxin was a little worried, afraid that Shi Lang hadn't seen him here, so he stood up again, planning to go out and wait for him! Xu was a little anxious while waiting. He exerted too much effort. The river was slippery and his feet slipped. Fang Lan's heart was frightened, with a scream of "Ah". Those who are conditioned have to help the rockery on the side.

But I was a little far away from the rockery, and I couldn't hold it with my hand. My center of gravity was already unstable. Under the disturbance, I completely lost my balance. If I slipped, I was about to fall.

Fang Lan lost her expression, completely panicked.

The head here is full of hard boulders, if it is smashed down, it is still light!

She regrets it a bit, she knew she shouldn't have waited for Shi Lang here!

Regret, Fang Lan closed his eyes helplessly, dying of fear!

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed into the rockery and grabbed Fang Lanxin and moved forward. Perhaps the ground was too slippery. The person slipped accidentally. The two of them slid forward. Go to the rockery!

Fang Lanxin's smashed head's **** pain did not happen, and she couldn't help being a little surprised. She hurriedly opened her eyes and saw that her familiar eyebrows were looking at her worriedly.

It was Shi Lang, and Shi Lang saved her life again!

Before the two of them slid backwards, Shi Lang hugged Fang Lanxin and slammed into the rockery. Perhaps afraid that Fang Lan's heart knocked against the rockery, Shi Lang held Fang Lanxin tightly in his arms. One hand was holding the back of Fang Lanxin's head, and the two pressed against each other tightly, just like this, they ran into the rockery.

Although Fang Lanxin's head hit the rockery, Shi Lang's generous palm blocked it, and it didn't hurt much.

What really frightened her was the warm breath, which was blown on her face, nose and lips near Chi Chi, making her confused and infatuated.

She widened her eyes blankly, and saw that Shi Lang's nose was already close to her own. The two postures were too ambiguous. Fang Lan was excited and nervous, and her face flushed involuntarily!

"Does it hurt?" Shi Lang was not much better than her, looking at the charming lotus-like woman in her arms, her voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes were filled with boundless distress and pity: "Sorry, if it wasn't me, I am late. You won’t almost fall, sorry, sorry"

Shi Lang kept saying sorry and sorry. When speaking, the warm breath blew on Fang Lanxin’s face. The good smell in his mouth was not as elegant as a woman, and it added a bit of manliness. It's so hot that people can imagine!

Fang Lanxin's heart had long been in a mess. She was scared just now, and now she was nervous again, and her legs had already lost strength. If Shi Lang hadn't held her against the rockery, she would have been like a pool of mud.

"No, it's okay" Fang Lanxin finally spit out these words, her voice trembling.

Breath is like an orchid, and the face is like a hibiscus flower, that soft body like a lotus stalk, it seems that it can be folded in half with a slight fold!

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