The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2008: She is my Fang's daughter

It turned out that there was an Aunt Liu who caused the young lady to suffer a lot, and now there is another Huang Ruye, not to mention that Huang Ruye has been heard in the boudoir before that Huang Ru is a very scheming reputation, and now it happens overnight. The matter of two concubines being deprived of their honour, it is still unclear whether this matter was caused by Huang Ru.

Huang Ru is like an explosive buried in the ground, it may explode at any time!

If the young lady goes back, I am afraid it will be too bad, it is hard to say whether she can get into the palace draft! If something like the two concubine girls also happened, it might as well die!

Xiaoyue thought very seriously, thinking in her heart, if the master must ask the young lady to go back, then she must persuade the young lady not to go, and to escape! She followed Fang Peiya step by step, very worried.

Fang Peiya didn't know that the little girl behind her would think so much. She held her head high, her brows were dazzling, her face was fat, her nose was tall, and her goose-yellow dress was lined with red lips and white teeth.

When Fang Zhengxing saw Fang Peiya's glamorous and noble appearance, he was a little surprised, and even Fang Peiya didn't even yell his father and forgot to blame.

Fang Peiya didn't ignore the surprise in Fang Zhengxing's eyes. She pretended not to know, passed Fang Zhengxing, and walked up.

"Grandfather!" Fang Peiya shouted to her grandfather, and then she stood next to Mrs. Lu, and Fang Zhengxing sat in her right hand position, watching this daughter who had been disgusted since childhood. Yuli, because she is a prostitute, her temperament is even more lofty.

Wonderful, wonderful!

After Fang Zhengxing became excited, he started to feel a little unhappy!

Seeing that Fang Peiya was so respectful to Mrs. Lu, but when she saw herself, she just nodded and didn't even yell at her father, which made her a little angry.

However, this time I have come to beg Mrs. Lu to let Peiya go back with him. If it happens at this moment, Mrs. Lu, who is afraid of making him unhappy, suppresses the unhappiness in his heart and just says: "Mother-in-law"

When Mrs. Lu heard this, she hummed hurriedly: "Your mother-in-law is a second-grade Mrs. Huang, and her old body is just a woman of a small official. You shouldn't be the mother-in-law of Fang Fang!"

Fang Zhengxing sighed: "Mother-in-law, this sentence of yours is just right! If it weren't for your support along the way, our Fang would not have the same situation now!"

"Master Fang, you are a second-ranking member. The old man in my family is just a fourth-ranking official. You must not laugh at me if you say that we are leading you. If you say this, I don’t know how many people say me. The Lu Mansion was shameless, and he insisted on robbing Master Fang to work hard and overcome all obstacles, from a little nameless editor all the way to the credit of the second-tier court official! My Lu Mansion really does not have this ability! "The old lady Lu had something to say, and Fang Zhengxing's face was a little blue.

The meaning of the words of Mrs. Lu, Fang Zhengxing understood thoroughly!

He is very ugly on face, but he can't attack him. He has been in officialdom for so many years. He has already learned to talk to people and talk nonsense to people: "Since Mrs. Lu refuses like this, then the officer will not detour. Up!"

The tone changed, and he seemed to have become the official voice of the imperial court, a serious second-grade official: "This official came today to bring Peiya back to the Fang Mansion!"

"What?" As soon as Mrs. Lu heard this, she started talking. She just wanted to grab the white, but Fang Peiya was busy and gently pressed her hand.

Fang Peiya looked at Mrs. Lu and motioned to her not to speak.

Mrs. Lu did not expect that Fang Zhengxing came here for this purpose. Just now, she was nervous and angry and annoyed, and she immediately said it. Now she sees Peyana's calm appearance, although she is a little curious, she also relaxes and waits. Fang Zhengxing spoke.

"Pei Ya is the daughter of Fang Mansion, so naturally she wants to live in Fang Mansion!" Fang Zhengxing didn't pause, and continued: "Pei Ya has been harassing the old lady too much in Lu Mansion. I am grateful, so I want to bring it today. Bring Peiya back to Fang's mansion! Please let the old lady go!"

Mrs. Lu's angry hands clenched together: "If I don't let it go!"

"Peiya is the daughter of the official, surnamed Fang, not Lu. Since ancient times, he has not taken her daughter with him since ancient times. The official is kind-hearted, thinking about their mother and daughter's deep affection, so she also allows her to write Xin took Peiya and left. Now that more than half a year has passed, Wen Xin has also settled down, and her anger is smooth. The official has not seen her daughter for a long time, and misses her daughter in his heart. This time she will take Peiya to leave! "

"Impossible!" Seeing Fang Zhengxing's high-sounding words, Mrs. Lu said nothing, but nothing could be believed.

Saying that I missed their mother and daughter, and let Wenxin take Peiya to leave. It was because Peiya was a fat girl that everyone hated at the time, and it didn’t do him any good for Fang Zhengxing. He said that he missed his daughter. If I missed my daughter for half a year, it would come early!

If you don’t come early or late, there must be some hidden secret!

Mrs. Lu was very angry, but Fang Zhengxing smiled faintly, and her voice was rather cold: "Lao Mrs. Lu, you said it is impossible. Where do you start? Peiya is my daughter of Fang Zhengxing and the blood of our Fang Mansion. , There is no reason for letting the bones and blood be raised by outsiders. If you insist on holding on to Peya, then don’t blame me to sue the imperial court, and the emperor will judge and judge. What is the truth of my daughter!"

"Pull and pull? What do you mean?" When Mrs. Lu heard this word, her face was pale with anger: "Master Fang, do you say I force and pull?"

Fang Zhengxing saw Mrs. Lu’s changed face and sneered: “Is it right? Peiya’s surname is Fang, of course, my Fang family’s daughter, who always stays in your Lu Mansion for what? By the way, this is the decent daughter of our Fang Mansion, so she naturally wants to go back to Fang Mansion, and she will be above her!"

Seeing Fang Zhengxing's ambition to win, Mrs. Lu immediately understood. It turned out that Fang Zhengxing was going to send Ya'er to the palace for the draft, so this was the reason to grab Ya'er!

When Ya'er was fat, I didn't see him come, but now that Ya'er has become beautiful, even with this thought, Mrs. Lu's fingertips are a little trembling!

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