The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2010: I want to ask for justice for my mother

When I heard the words "xianggu", Mrs. Lu's face immediately flashed with contempt and disgust: "What? The innocence was ruined by this kind of abuser? How could it be? How could they know that kind of person? Those people are even worse than the firework girls in the Brothel Chu Pavilion!

Mrs. Lu didn't know how to explain to Fang Peiya the meaning of this Xianggu, and her old face was flushed with embarrassment right now.

"This elephant-in-law has been carefully admonished to do those things. How did those two little girls fight them? Who is so cruel and ruined the innocence of the two girls!"

Although they hate Liu Nianrou very much, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, like their mothers, have also learned to hold high and low, but if they say they have done something wrong, they have not done any big wrong things. If you want the innocence of two girls, you might as well kill them!

Mrs. Lu lamented, and Fang Peiya's eyes burned: "These two elephant aunts were specially recruited into the Fang Mansion! They deliberately destroyed their innocence!"

"Who is it? Although these two children say they are as sophisticated and cruel as their mothers, they haven't done anything treacherous and unreasonable!" Mrs. Lu was soft-hearted and naturally regretted the two girls: "In this life, I'm afraid it is. It's ruined!"

Fang Peiya said coldly, dismissively: "The wicked have their own troubles!"

Mrs. Lu: "That's the case, but the girl's family, it's not innocent, it's not right"

Mrs. Lu's tone immediately became sharp, and she said worriedly: "You said that someone deliberately introduced the elephant girl and deliberately destroyed the innocence of the two girls. Then why did you want to enter the Fang Mansion? Are you trying to kill yourself? ? No, no, I can't let you go, I'm not allowed to go!"

Mrs. Lu was very excited, holding Fang Peiya's hand without letting go, her face was frightened, it seemed that as long as she let go, her granddaughter would be different!

Seeing Mrs. Lu being excited and worried, Fang Peiya was a little bit dumbfounded, but more moved.

She had long guessed that if she had told the two sisters Fang Lanxin, then her grandparents would definitely not agree to return to Fang Mansion!

However, if she wants to go back, what her mother lost, even if she doesn't take it back, she will definitely not make those people feel better!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are now framed with no innocence. Although she feels cruel, she also feels nothing!

If they hadn't harmed her mother with Liu Nianrou at the time, Huang Ruye would not have married into the Fang Mansion, and they would not have suffered this way now!

Fang Peiya took the old lady Lu's hand and said with relief: "Grandfather, don't worry, I have my own purpose in entering Fang Mansion. I will definitely not let the culprit harm me!"

"What do you mean? Do you have a plan in your heart?" "Well, I have caught those two people!"

"What? Those two elephant aunts?" Mrs. Lu looked at Fang Peiya in shock, feeling that her granddaughter, who usually looks weak and weak, also has such a courageous time!

"It can't be regarded as my catch. The Fang Mansion had an accident last night. I bought the grandmother of the Fang Mansion. I learned about it last night. Later, I guessed that the two people must still be in the Fang Mansion. So I went to find Sister Wan!"

"Did you find Princess Anping? This time the princess helped you again?" Lao Madam Lu sighed, and when Fang Peiya nodded, Madam Lu lamented in her heart: "We don't know how much we owe the princess. This kindness, I'm afraid it will be unclear in this life!"

"Sister Wan's kindness, I have to repay her as a cow and horse in my life." Fang Peiya smiled and patted Mrs. Lu's hand, her tone changed a little serious: "Grandpa, don't worry, either. I already have those two people in my hands, and now Sister Wan is also interrogating those two people. The black hand behind the scenes will soon be known! However, Sister Wan and I are inseparable for guessing! Don't worry, I I won't let myself be jailed!"

Mrs. Lu had something to say at the moment, so she had to say: "That's OK, since you have made up your mind, then you can do it. As long as you are good and what you do, your grandfather will support you!"

"Thank you, grandfather, my mother was wronged so much in Fang's family. This time, my granddaughter will also get back for my mother! Those who harm my mother and insult my mother, this time, I will Get it back!"

Fang Peiya's voice was a little choked, but with more determination and confidence.

Looking at this grandson's daughter who grew up suddenly in the past six months, Mrs. Lu's thoughts have changed, her daughter is not up to date, anyway, there is also a upright grandson's daughter, she doesn't need to worry!

"Then you go, your mother is here, I will tell her first, and save her to worry about you!" Mrs. Lu touched Fang Peiya's head and said with relief.

Fang Peiya nodded obediently, and a trace of firmness flashed through her black eyes, which made people feel at ease.

After packing up his things, Fang Peiya went back to Fang's Mansion. Huang Ruye only knew Fang Zhengxing was cheeky and went to Lu Mansion when he saw Fang Peiya and took his serious daughter back.

Huang Rushi and Fang Peiya were old acquaintances in the boudoir. Now seeing Fang Peiya's graceful body and beautiful face, the more Huang Ruhe looked at it, the more he hated it!

She used to be a fat man who she didn't look up to. Now this graceful figure and flowery face have already compared Huang Ruyi.

Huang Ru thought of the so many things that had happened to him over the past six months, and he felt that Fang Peiya's face became more abominable!

"Why are you back?" Huang Ru was a little unhappy, staring at the reborn Fang Peiya, his eyes full of hostility!

"Father went to Lufu to pick me up. He said that I was outside for so long and hadn't been home for a long time. Let me stay at home. He will ask a teacher for me and let me learn etiquette!" Fang Peiya decently The ground bowed to Huang Rushi and said concisely. Sure enough, after only saying this, he saw Huang Rushi's face immediately changed.

You know, at that time Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were also asked by Fang Zhengxing to teach etiquette!

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