The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2017: Liu Nianrou was beaten

Huang Ru is blushing, pointing at Liu Nianrou and cursing at the moment: "The master treats you not badly! I have heard before that the master treats you like a madam in the house, what else do you have to know about! Even if I treat me like this, even if I follow along with me, I will be satisfied!"

"Really? You are used to the life of the eldest lady, can you still eat chaffy vegetables?" Liu Nianrou laughed amusedly when she heard this, "Do you think you are Lu Wenxin? If you are not older, , Become an old girl, are you willing to marry the master? I'm afraid it is to marry the master. You have to think about it for a long time! After all, the master can be your father. At my age, you are more than enough to give birth to you!"

Liu Nianrou's sarcasm successfully angered Huang Ruye.

Huang Ruye stood up right now, her angry hands shaking: "Liu Nianrou, I think you are still pregnant, you should leave my yard now!"

Liu Nianrou sneered: "I won't leave, so what? You killed my daughter and robbed me of my seat in the main room. I will ask you the same for today's account!"

"Your daughter has an affair with others, so what does it have to do with me!"

"What did you do yourself, you know in your heart! That housekeeping guard was hired by you. My daughter is such a good girl, she is clean and self-conscious, but the innocence disappeared during this period of time in your hands, not you, yes Who!" Liu Nianrou yelled.

Right now, some people pricked their ears to listen, and everyone was shocked.

You know, this matter, Fang Zhengxing ordered no one to mention a word!

"Pop!" Huang Ruyi shot the Huanghualimu case table right now: "My master and I have been concealing this matter, how did you know it!"

The slave lady outside, after hearing this, you look at me, I look at you, feelings are true!

Liu Nianrou hasn't realized the problem here: "How did I know? You also asked how I knew! You bitch, if you didn't kill my daughter, what are you afraid of? You bitch, Bitch, you return my daughter's innocence"

Liu Nianrou held her waist with her hands, listened to her pregnant belly, and stood motionless. She didn't want to go forward to tear her yellow face, she really didn't dare!

There are children in her belly, and she is alone here, and there is no reliable person around her. If something goes wrong, it will be called every day and the ground is not working!

Liu Nianrou stood there cursing, Huang Ru didn't say a word, her face pale.

"Enough!" Suddenly, a majestic and familiar voice suddenly came, interrupting Liu Nianrou's curse.

Liu Nianrou finally heard the familiar voice, and immediately changed her face. Chu Chu looked pitifully in Fang Zhengxing's direction: "Master, you have to be the master of the slave family, and your daughter should be the master!"

Liu Nianrou would never have thought that Fang Zhengxing was glaring at herself at this moment, and immediately raised her hand, and a slap fell off.

"Slap" A loud slap suddenly sounded in the room, the slap was very hard, loud, and powerful, and immediately slammed Liu Nianrou away from her body.

There was a table and chair beside her, her body was cumbersome, and she rushed forward, just touching the corner of the table. The sharp corner of the table caught her belly, and immediately, a sharp pain came.

Liu Nianrou only felt like something was gushing out under her body. She did not dare to move, lying half on the ground, and stretched out her hand in the direction of Fang Zhengxing: "Master, call the doctor, my stomach hurts, my stomach hurts!"

Fang Zhengxing knew how hard he had used the slap just now. Seeing Liu Nianrou's face turned pale, he was still a little flustered, and shouted, "Hurry up and call the doctor!"

As soon as this voice fell, I heard a voice like a yellow eagle coming out of the valley: "Father, I have invited the doctor over!"

Liu Nianrou looked up and saw a beautiful and slender woman walking in. She was dressed in lake-blue clothes, like a fairy wandering under the blue sky and blue sky, with a decent smile on her mouth. Can't forget vaguely.

"Fang Peiya?" Liu Nianrou didn't dare to recognize it, but this was definitely not Lan Xin and Zhu Yun. Then "You are Peiya? How could you become like this?"

"Why? Aunt Liu doesn't like seeing me like this?" Fang Peiya smiled, but said little: "Aunt Liu has a stomachache now, so let's let the doctor treat you in good health!"

The doctor hurriedly stepped forward, bowed his waist and lowered his head, and went to see Liu Nianrou. After taking the pulse for a while, he saw the doctor shook his head: "If you use too much force, the child may not be able to keep it!"

Liu Nianrou was shocked and shouted: "How is it possible? I'm not bleeding"

As soon as the voice fell, it felt like the tip of the nose smelled something. After that, the trouser legs were soaked, and the underneath of the body was like running water. The red blood was mixed with other water stains and kept pouring out. It was already in a while. Wet a large area: "How is it possible?"

"It's better to call Wen Po." The doctor handed his hands over: "I tried too hard, and the amniotic fluid broke. I'm afraid the child is suffocated!"

"It's not impossible!" Aunt Liu had given birth to two children anyway, and when she saw the blood under her, she went crazy immediately: "Impossible, impossible, my son, my son"

Fang Peiya was not looking at Liu Nianrou, but looked towards Fang Zhengxing and Huang Ruye. Huang Ruye was nestled in Fang Zhengxing’s arms at this moment, with a look of horror, no one knew, her flowery face, right now. With a smug light, it seems to have been expected.

Fang Peiya had already come, she knew when Fang Zhengxing came!

What Huang Ru said at the beginning was very different from what he said later.

Only Liu Nianrou, who was furious, didn't hear the clue.

That was Huang Ru deliberately agitating Liu Nianrou, deliberately telling Fang Zhengxing!

Liu Nianrou knew all the old Di'er of Fang Zhengxing, but Huang Rushi worshipped him with full heart and eyes, two women, one young and beautiful, the other old and yellow, Fang Zhengxing's pole, and the dignity of a man, to whom the balance is biased, When Huang Ru was pushing Liu Nianrou, the winner had already been decided!

Liu Nianrou was in the game, and Huang Ru said in a few words, Liu Nianrou's future was determined.

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